Cedric Benson Arrested

I was given and passed an FST out on 183 one time. I was designated driver but had had maybe 3 keg cups of beer. We were on way to Taco Cabana out there in this guy's jacked up car that had bent tie rods so I wasn't tracking the curve well.

Travis County Sherrif let me go. Despite the fact that there was a handle bottle of rum rolling around on the back seat of the car. Noone was actually drinking it, but still . . .

since73 is jealous of everything UT. He can't help it, especially being a soone. Better city, better state, better academics, better sports programs,etc. And apparently we're more hospitable to opposing fans who like to talk crap.
Okay. I hate to give this away. You put the tip of your tongue over the blow hole. Then you blow like hell, red face , all of that. None of your breath enters the blow hole.

You hand it to the nice officer and they ask you to blow again, only HARDER. Repeat step one.

They call a senior officer for backup. Repeat step one. Senior officer says "I think he's had one beer." You thank them and drive home.
austin, lol. Why wouldn't you want to share this.

I'm going to have to call BS on this. Maybe it worked back in the day, but not now.