Cedric Benson Arrested

Since73, I see you have the last word on both of the Ceddy threads, and we can't have that. So...................................

First read of that article. Should have posted sooner. If he refused the breathalyzer then that's about as good as admitting guilt on the BWI. Also the first I've seen that says he was "behind the wheel". Still don't like the pepper spray and normally that can be avoided with a little patience. As stated a lot of us just don't trust cops because we have been burned. It has nothing to do with Benson.
Any DWI attorney will tell you not to take the breathalyzer period end of story.

Check it out - I would not take it if I had not been drinking - I would go for the bloodtest instead
Gary Trichter says never blow without an attorney present.

You can appeal the license suspension within 15 days, and during that appeal, your license cannot be suspended.

Ced's attorney should be consulting with Gary Trichter AND preparing a harassment case against LCRA.
Gary Trichter gives good, free advice on his radio commercials on Houston sports talk radio. .08 BAC is absolute ******** brought on by the nazis at MADD. Do you know that for every DWI arrest NOT CONVICTION ******* MADD gets $50. Absolute racket those ************* are operating.
Never, ever blow. Any lawyer will tell you that. I've had a cop tell me that (off the record) of course. Even if he blew a .02, they could say "well obviously he had alcohol in his system."

Never blow, even after 1 beer. Don't do it.

I'm really amazed Switzer's boys never got into trouble. I guess most were paid well enough to behave.
And plus, different people's body chemistry effects the test. And imo, .08 isn't that drunk.

I think blowing anything above a .01 is giving the cops and the courts ammo against you. I haven't heard one lawyer say "oh, you should've blown."
So, instead of proving how much your BAC is (especially if you haven't had any or much) you throw yourself on the mercy of the court to believe your story that you really were not that drunk & the cop had a misunderstanding of you intoxicated level?
Congrats, you just lost your license for 6 months & got hammered w/ whatever charge the cop arrested you for in the 1st place.
What's your defense? Huh-uh?
What's the cop's defense? That's where a good lawyer comes in.

hey, it's just advice. Google the topic if you want. You're taking this really personally, which is weird, because there's nothing ou about this topic.
Since73 - are you a trial lawyer, a cop or a judge?

Or are you just living in fantasy land making this crap up as you go along? What experience do you have that makes you qualified to tell people what a judge will think or what a cop will say in a DWI trial?
73 I like you and have talked to you on here several times but I think the lawyers know the law better than you. You don't blow because whether you have had any thing to drink or not some things will register on their.
Again, I'm sure there are a few lawyers on this board, please chime in. I'm going to assume 73 ain't a lawyer, just a guess.

I've heard there are certain lawyers in Houston and Austin, that, if you didn't blow, they're basically going to get you off. They know how to discredit the officer. And you know what, sometimes, the guy going to jail isn't drunk.

If you're pulled over and the cop wants to take you to jail, you're screwed. My lawyer told me "just shut up, say no to the field sobriety test, and never blow."

BTW, did you know you can refuse the field sobriety? They don't tell you that and you'll be taken to jail, but that's more evidence they can't work with.
I am a transactional attorney; however, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that you should NEVER blow or do field sobriety and this is the opinion of people who practice in this area exclusively.

Don't give the pigs any evidence that they can work against you. You will be in a world of **** but at least the $10K you will end up spending will result in a dismissal.

Sorry, but I will not "give you a F'ing break". Until you have been encountered with the problem, you just won't understand. I have seen it up close and personal on people that were probably guilty and people that were totally innocent. I would probably have replied to my post the same way you did about 3 years ago, but in the past 3 years my views have changed significantly.

And Since73, You are terribly mistaken. There isn't 1 lawyer that will tell you to blow. Even if you have had ZERO to drink. You should never blow.

For sooners though, it's mandatory that you suck