Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

Illegal immigration is the single biggest issue we face right now. Forget the woke stuff, forget abortion, forget 2A. If we don't get this under control the Dem's will "demographic" the GOP in Texas eventually and turn TX purple. Once that happens, then they will slowly win on all the other issues because they will eventually have both houses the POTUS and then be able to slowly install Liberal judges again.

Hispanics aren't a monolith, and some will vote their values but at the end of the day, they are still more likely to be democrats. The illegal-immigrant induced purple-ing isn't happening as fast as the Dem's hoped, but it is still happening.

If you ask me, the introduction of universal E-Verify should be the litmus test for a GOP these days.

I agree with this, but the influx of liberal white people from other states might be the more immediate threat. They're voting for schmucks like Beto right now. It'll be years before most illegal immigrants or their kids vote.
Illegal immigration is the single biggest issue we face right now. Forget the woke stuff, forget abortion, forget 2A. If we don't get this under control the Dem's will "demographic" the GOP in Texas eventually and turn TX purple. Once that happens, then they will slowly win on all the other issues because they will eventually have both houses the POTUS and then be able to slowly install Liberal judges again.

Hispanics aren't a monolith, and some will vote their values but at the end of the day, they are still more likely to be democrats. The illegal-immigrant induced purple-ing isn't happening as fast as the Dem's hoped, but it is still happening.

If you ask me, the introduction of universal E-Verify should be the litmus test for a GOP these days.
The GOP freakout that hispanics are going to swing things left. That has not turned out to be accurate. Turns out voters don't vote based solely on skin color. Who knew?

The issue is that the country is at one place while the SCOTUS is part of the 35% fringe.
You don't think the abortion issue should be decided at state level?
I've not peeled this onion a lot. I think access to things like Plan B, easily accessible birth control, and sex education should be universal. Moreover, I think assuring that access to health care is universal is important. However, abortion after a certain window with no social (rape/incest) or medical issues is not health care and that could be a state's rights issue that I could get on board with. I think I'm pretty moderate here and I think a majority of Americans agree with me. I agree with ii's that being super pro-choice is not a great look in most demographics. Being squishy about it sunk Terry McCauliffe. Youngkin was pretty reasonable on the issue.
I've not peeled this onion a lot. I think access to things like Plan B, easily accessible birth control, and sex education should be universal. Moreover, I think assuring that access to health care is universal is important. However, abortion after a certain window with no social (rape/incest) or medical issues is not health care and that could be a state's rights issue that I could get on board with. I think I'm pretty moderate here and I think a majority of Americans agree with me. I agree with ii's that being super pro-choice is not a great look in most demographics. Being squishy about it sunk Terry McCauliffe. Youngkin was pretty reasonable on the issue.
I would clarify one thing. While I do think universal coverage is a good thing that was not the reference above. I just meant you should have access (not payment) to the same health care services in New England that you can access in the SEC.
Here is the thing. Birth Control IS easily accessible and often free. Sex ed is taught in every school AND repeated to anyone unwed who has a baby at our expense.
Why do not individuals use it?

For sure you can't think all the Hollywood "stars" and media taking heads who brag about having abortions, some multiple, don't know about or can't afford BC.

How many women and men just don't use Birth Control knowing if they get "caught" they can get an abortion?

I agree with you on Plan B.
The GOP freakout that hispanics are going to swing things left. That has not turned out to be accurate. Turns out voters don't vote based solely on skin color. Who knew?

The issue is that the country is at one place while the SCOTUS is part of the 35% fringe.
you do know that during the "blue wave" election of 2020 that every MSM was touting the "demographics" that were changing Texas, right? The Texas oriented shows like "Inside Texas Politics" and the "Texas Tribune" were routinely building up the rhetoric around "changing demographics" and what it meant for the blue wave.

And there is ample evidence that some demographics do vote based primarily on their skin color. Dem's have long been able to convince black voters that the GOP was racist and as a result, they vote 98% dem. It is slower than advertised but given the volume of illegal immigrants this admin is attracting, even a 70/30 split will dramatically change outcomes in 20 years.
Here is the thing. Birth Control IS easily accessible and often free. Sex ed is taught in every school AND repeated to anyone unwed who has a baby at our expense.
Why do not individuals use it?

For sure you can't think all the Hollywood "stars" and media taking heads who brag about having abortions, some multiple, don't know about or can't afford BC.

How many women and men just don't use Birth Control knowing if they get "caught" they can get an abortion?

I agree with you on Plan B.

Texas got a sex ed update, but students and educators say there's still a lot missing
...despite the state's high teen birth rate, a recent policy change by Texas leaders made sex education opt-in, rather than opt-out, which means some kids might not get any instruction in schools at all.

We agree more than you know.... :)
Let's ALL pretend anyone older than 10 doesn't know where babies come from and how they are conceived.
That way we can blame it on the Gov't.
Because of course their mothers have no responsibility to explain it.
and this is why illegal immigration is the largest issue we face. When a foreign official thinks there is still enough Mexican patriotism amongst American voters to sway a Texas election, we have a problem. He probably doesn't have enough RIGHT NOW, but give it 10 more years of this volume of immigration and they very likely will.

Mexican President Directs His 'Countrymen' to Vote Against Texas' Abbott Over Border Policies (
And the double whammy is that once we hit that tipping point, the immigration friendly will vote for even lower immigration barriers, which will in turn lead to further erosion in immigration enforcement and will eventually be an open border policy and diasporas of foreigners essentially controlling US immigration policy.
I hope that the number of voting eligible Hispanics sees and understands what borders and sovereignty means .
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Keep sending them. First DC and now NYC have noticed.

When the NE liberals could pretend things weren't as bad as those yokels out west were claiming, they could effectively ignore the border.

Keep sending them until every limousine liberal in the NE corridor is up to their eyeballs in refugees. Then let's see if they don't start to cooperate on the border issue a little bit.
I need to call the governors office. They should be shipped to DC not NYC although that's a great second location. I feel like Cali has their own open border problem to deal with.
They are asked if they want to stay in Texas or go elsewhere. Many choose NYC.
I'm glad we have a bus system from the southern border to NYC! Hope we can expand it to Boston, DC, Chicago, and Hartford in phases 2 and 3.
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Mayor Adams: Influx of Illegal Aliens a ‘Real Burden’ on New Yorkers

Guess he didn't run this by AOC before he made his comments.

Once again, the truth that is self-evident is ignored by Liberal elites because they are addicted to virtue signaling and want the votes.
Seems Adams ALSO missed those flights to NY that the *checks notes* federal government has been providing for more than a year...there was footage of the middle-of-the-night landings at remote airfields and where airport staff were trying to prevent the filming. Flights had originated in South Texas...
Seems Adams ALSO missed those flights to NY that the *checks notes* federal government has been providing for more than a year...there was footage of the middle-of-the-night landings at remote airfields and where airport staff were trying to prevent the filming. Flights had originated in South Texas...

Maybe just AOC returning after attempting to get arrested at the border protesting immigration laws?

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