Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

It makes sense to complete portions that were unfinished. I wonder if we can get those funds that Bannon raised to build the wall?
""There will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration, No. 1," he told NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro during an interview with journalists from the National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists.
"I'm going to make sure that we have border protection, but it's going to be based on making sure that we use high-tech capacity to deal with it. And at the ports of entry — that's where all the bad stuff is happening," the former vice president said during the virtual interview on Tuesday.
Biden Would End Border Wall Construction, But Wouldn't Tear Down Trump's Additions
Oh yea?
"Yuma, where four wide gaps make it among the busiest corridors for illegal crossings."

And this
"More than a $100 million worth of taxpayer-paid border wall materials have been discarded and are going to waste in Texas after President Biden ended construction of the barrier when he entered the White House in January and canceled contracts for its construction, according to a report.

A Fox News drone captured footage of around 10,000 steel panels — enough to build 100 miles of wall — rusting in the sun in Pharr, Texas, since January.
More than a $100 million worth of taxpayer-paid border wall materials have been discarded and are going to waste in Texas after President Biden ended construction of the barrier when he entered the White House in January and canceled contracts for its construction, according to a report. "

Demz are such complete bitter idiots. The ONLY reason they stopped the wall was because Trump started it.

to me, this is all about negative photo ops. these gaps in the wall act like funnels and it becomes obvious and undeniable when there are routinely pictures of masses of people pouring through. This has little to do with 'wall building' and much more to do with limiting negative photo ops.
It makes sense to complete portions that were unfinished.
Hahaha, nice capitulation Bubba. I’m not going to go back and search but I am certain I remember you saying the wall was essentially worthless. The funneling aspect, that is moving the channeling the flow is exactly what proponents of the wall have espoused over and over. It won’t stop illegals but it would sure make for less opportunities.
Hahaha, nice capitulation Bubba. I’m not going to go back and search but I am certain I remember you saying the wall was essentially worthless. The funneling aspect, that is moving the channeling the flow is exactly what proponents of the wall have espoused over and over. It won’t stop illegals but it would sure make for less opportunities.
I'm not for the wall. I'm ok with a wall as part of our southern border in certain spaces. I think it's fine in places. A contiguous wall from the Gulf to the Pacific is laughable. I want real resources put into punishing hiring illegals. Turn off the spicket and they'll go back home.
Hahaha, nice capitulation Bubba. I’m not going to go back and search but I am certain I remember you saying the wall was essentially worthless. The funneling aspect, that is moving the channeling the flow is exactly what proponents of the wall have espoused over and over. It won’t stop illegals but it would sure make for less opportunities.
I did the research for you. I deleted out the non-wall related comments and a few snarky comments non wall related.
I don't have a problem with using logic and reason to secure our borders. A wall is not logical.

If we penalize the people paying undocumented workers the demand for their services will go away and they will go home and will only increase the net migration. We don't want to do that. I'm unclear as to why. Hell, consider it a multi faceted problem and that one of the avenues of addressing it.
I believe a wall is necessary in many places. Mostly populated ones. San Diego, El Paso, etc. would be anarchy without a wall. We may well need some more walls. However, a wall is not necessary in many places and money/time would be better spent on any number of things including technology to apply at points of entry and more funding for dealing with people over staying their visas.

When I'm not a subject matter expert I defer to those who I think are. Will Hurd has spent years in the CIA and as a GOP congressman. 820 miles of the border, roughly 40%, is in his district. He doesn't support "the wall".

Is this an unreasonable position
I think some wall is necessary. Maybe some more wall is necessary. I can defer to experts. To think there is a need for a full border wall is simplistic. I agree with Deez on this issue.
I'm for more border security and more resources. I could even see that we may need some more walls than we currently have. I've always said that. I just thought we could spend $5B in a smarter way...and that a contiguous 2,500 mile wall is stupid.

From that link it appears that border crossings haven't risen to the level that they were under W. So, where's the emergency?
Facts: Trump's Border Wall: Where Does It Stand? -

"According to a CBP status report, the U.S. has constructed 438 miles of “border wall system” under Trump, as of Dec. 18. Most of that, 365 miles of it, as we said, is replacement for primary or secondary fencing that was dilapidated or of outdated design. In addition, 40 miles of new primary wall and 33 miles of secondary wall have been built in locations where there were no barriers before.

So the footprint of the wall is 40 miles longer than it was before Trump took office."

Apparently, their is a need of 1,000 miles of real new wall. At 10 miles per year he needs to be president for almost another century to complete this project.
The right doesn't want that. Then the cheap labor goes away. I'm a Democrat. I'm not pro illegal immigration. I just think that you can attack the supply and the demand at the same time. Make severe CIVIL ($) penalties for hiring illegals and make repeat offenses CRIMINAL and you'll remove their ability to work and they'll go back.
The wall is insufficient for all administrations. E-Verify: Yes. Abortion law applied to immigration: Hell yes! That would make an impact. Cut out the supply and the workers will go back.
E-verify was supposed to cut off the spigot so what happened? Businesses are already tax collectors for the government so now they have to handle illegal immigration for the feds too?
I'm not for the wall. I'm ok with a wall as part of our southern border in certain spaces. I think it's fine in places. A contiguous wall from the Gulf to the Pacific is laughable. I want real resources put into punishing hiring illegals. Turn off the spicket and they'll go back home.

1- you're encouraging entrapment. How thoughtful

2- I'm sure you meant to type "spigot". Don't let NPR see what you typed . You'll be unfairly stereotyped like the rest of us...
No they won't your people will just prop them up with free healthcare and monthly funding. That's part of the reason they come here in the first place, not necessarily jobs.

The welfare benefits illegal immigrations are eligible for wouldn't be enough on their own to attract them to the US. (Keep in mind that Mexico almost has universal healthcare coverage. Unless they become Medicaid eligible, the American system is likely less favorable to them than what they're coming from.) The big upside for them is employment. A low-skilled worker in the US can make a good 7 - 10 times as much money as a similar person makes in Mexico. It's not a lot for the US, but if you cram 4 or 5 Mexican dudes into a 2-bedroom ******** on Rundberg or East Riverside (where they'll decorate their walls with the Virgin Mary and a cross next to centerfolds of naked chicks - I've seen this many times), not only can they survive, they can make enough to support their families in Mexico.
It's not required in the states with really large illegal immigrant populations, and enforcement is a bit of a joke.

The reason why is that it's a logistics nightmare to enforce every business to do it and to keep the database up to date. It sounds good in theory but doesn't work in reality.
The reason why is that it's a logistics nightmare to enforce every business to do it and to keep the database up to date. It sounds good in theory but doesn't work in reality.

This is why (1) it should be federal. The infrastructure for enforcing the tax code is already in place. (2) it should be enforceable by private action.
This is why (1) it should be federal. The infrastructure for enforcing the tax code is already in place. (2) it should be enforceable by private action.

Yeah, start getting people who are citizens be labeled illegals and watch the lawsuits mount. That's what we'll see.
Yeah, start getting people who are citizens be labeled illegals and watch the lawsuits mount. That's what we'll see.

Obviously as part of any federal law, there'd have to be some legal protections for businesses following the law in good faith. For example, if a business uses e-verify and it doesn't confirm the applicant to be legal to hire, that business should be immune from any kind of discrimination lawsuit.
You have to offer employment and get the I9 filled out BEFORE you get E verify.
When it comes back Tentative Non confirmation the next steps can be tricky. The person has to be given the chance to prove legality.
. You get the person to sign the TNC and you have to notify the Gov't the person is contesting the TNC. Extra work burdensome to many employers.
While this is going on the person is considered an employee which halts the hiring process. Once employed it is a long process to legally get rid of them even when illegal.
Now that Biden is giving SSNs to illegals as they break in the quagmire just got deeper and wider

In most small businesses it is not reasonable or possible to do all of that to hire a laborer.
People talk about the big Home Builders as being the people hiring all the illegals.
But reality is the Home Builders sub contracts nearly everything
And the Subs are typically small small biz with no one to handle all the paperwork.

And you wonder why people don't use E verify
There should be a way to verify BEFORE you offer employment
Obviously as part of any federal law, there'd have to be some legal protections for businesses following the law in good faith. For example, if a business uses e-verify and it doesn't confirm the applicant to be legal to hire, that business should be immune from any kind of discrimination lawsuit.

Should the government be sued for their mistakes then because there will be plenty. If you think the feds can run this database accurately then you haven't been paying attention to the government over the last few decades.
The reason why is that it's a logistics nightmare to enforce every business to do it and to keep the database up to date. It sounds good in theory but doesn't work in reality.
I dispute that. E-verify is not a nightmare. That is outdated perception of the process. Like most programs (gov't & civ) the early days had errors and hiccups and naysayers have been using that as justification for the last decade.

"E-Verify provides an easy electronic submission process. Also, it is one of the highest-rated government programs in terms of user satisfaction."

"The whole onboarding process only takes minutes. New employees complete everything on their phone & managers use their dashboard to finish up."

"TEXAS--Enrolled MOUs: 71,918. ---Additional Statistics; Hiring Sites: 222,564; FY2021 Cases: 930,265; Usage past 365 days: 18,252; FY2021 Cases: 930,265"
(E-Verify Usage Statistics)
That is AFTER you have offered the person the job. And believe me then it is a timely nightmare if you get back a TNC.
For companies with HR depts the extra work is manageable but for many of the smaller companies and sub contractors who do everything themselves including much of the actual work it is a burden.
Plus you now have an employee for as long as it takes to do the vetting process. Do you think many of these people know what to do?
There should be a way to find out BEFORE you hire someone. You can NOT ask someone to prove they are legal to work here until you offer them employment. INSANE
You have to offer employment and get the I9 filled out BEFORE you get E verify.
When it comes back Tentative Non confirmation the next steps can be tricky. The person has to be given the chance to prove legality.
. You get the person to sign the TNC and you have to notify the Gov't the person is contesting the TNC. Extra work burdensome to many employers.
While this is going on the person is considered an employee which halts the hiring process. Once employed it is a long process to legally get rid of them even when illegal.
Now that Biden is giving SSNs to illegals as they break in the quagmire just got deeper and wider

Right. All that ******** should go. Whether the employer checks E-verify before or after offering employment should be no consequence, because it doesn't change anything. If the applicant isn't legal under E-verify, he can't be hired - period.

In most small businesses it is not reasonable or possible to do all of that to hire a laborer.
People talk about the big Home Builders as being the people hiring all the illegals.
But reality is the Home Builders sub contracts nearly everything
And the Subs are typically small small biz with no one to handle all the paperwork.

This is part of the homebuilders racket. It's how they effectively make hospitals and the taxpayer pay for their workers compensation scheme and cheat on income taxes and FICA. It shouldn't be tolerated on illegal immigration. If they hire subs and don't make an effort to ensure that the subs hire legal workers, they should be fined. If they want an indemnification from their subs, that's fine, but the fine should be paid.

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