Illegal immigration is the single biggest issue we face right now. Forget the woke stuff, forget abortion, forget 2A. If we don't get this under control the Dem's will "demographic" the GOP in Texas eventually and turn TX purple. Once that happens, then they will slowly win on all the other issues because they will eventually have both houses the POTUS and then be able to slowly install Liberal judges again.
Hispanics aren't a monolith, and some will vote their values but at the end of the day, they are still more likely to be democrats. The illegal-immigrant induced purple-ing isn't happening as fast as the Dem's hoped, but it is still happening.
If you ask me, the introduction of universal E-Verify should be the litmus test for a GOP these days.
I agree with this, but the influx of liberal white people from other states might be the more immediate threat. They're voting for schmucks like Beto right now. It'll be years before most illegal immigrants or their kids vote.