Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

Three Chinese nationals were apprehended trying to cross our Southern border illegally. Each had flu-like symptoms. Border patrol quickly quarantined them and assessed any threat of Coronavirus

It is at least somewhat interesting that two of Trump's policies aimed primarily at the US economy are the same two policies that could do the most to protect us from the coronavirus?


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What is wrong with these people?

"The Illinois Sheriffs' Association said Tuesday that some violent felons who had faced deportation are instead being released into local communities."

And this is where they go full crackpot. If you don't want to turn illegal aliens caught with an upside down license plate over to ICE, I get that. However, if you are resisting turning over people who have committed serious offenses (and if you're in the slammer, it's probably a serious offense) just to spite immigration enforcement, that is insane.
Too bad for him he is in Texas. I do not think we have any judges who will slip him out the back.
The f'er should get the death penalty only instead of letting him slip off we should revive him as many times as he killed and start all over again.
Maybe string it out for several days
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This is horrendous
Made even more so that we were allowing a 20 yr old illegal to attend high school .
Sooner or later common sense guidelines must come into play.
We do NOT owe illegal aliens a taxpayer education
This is horrendous
Made even more so that we were allowing a 20 yr old illegal to attend high school .
Sooner or later common sense guidelines must come into play.
We do NOT owe illegal aliens a taxpayer education

Not gonna happen unless Plyler v. Doe gets overturned.
At least according to ICE, he's a permanent resident. Link.

Sneaky dude got married

In 2004, he married in Denton County. The couple divorced in Dallas County in 2006.

Chemirmir has been arrested twice on charges of driving while intoxicated: in 2010 in Addison and in 2011 in Dallas.

He was arrested on a family violence charge in 2012 and sentenced to 70 days in the Dallas County Jail.

In June 2016, Chemirmir was arrested on a criminal trespass charge after showing up at Edgemere, a high-end senior living complex in Dallas where authorities now believe he killed two women the month before. He was sentenced to 70 days in the Dallas County Jail but was released on good behavior after 12 days.

Michelle Saenz-Rodriguez, a Dallas immigration attorney, said those previous charges wouldn’t be enough to deport Chemirmir. In 2004, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that DWI convictions aren’t enough to deport someone. Assault, too, is not a deportable offense, although domestic violence is, Saenz-Rodriguez said.

Not a very good look for Dallas County
Mr D
That is about ilegal children. is a 20 yo still legally a child?

That's a good question, and it's hard to say. The language in the opinion refers to "school-age children," but those were the people at issue in that case. Would the fact that we're dealing with adult students change the game? It might. I could see Roberts and maybe even Breyer drawing the line with actual children who don't have the ability to leave their parents. That was a big factor in the original case. We were talking about actual children who were basically innocent. They were in the country through no fault of their own and couldn't be expected to leave their parents to return home. That's not true of 20 year olds.
Thanks. That made sense. I wish this could be reviewed by the Supremes.
How could that happen?

Some state or local government would have to pass a law that discriminated on the basis of immigration status in the area of providing social services. Somebody would have to sue.
Good point Horns6721, but if you deport them, my fear is they will be back in the US very soon.

Maybe if they were deported to China or Iraq, I would agree.
That wall LH was so proud to show maybe being breached is not a new wall
and notice he did not show whether anyone made it over
OR if they did if were they apprehended just as they made it over?
That's a good question, and it's hard to say. The language in the opinion refers to "school-age children," but those were the people at issue in that case. Would the fact that we're dealing with adult students change the game? It might. I could see Roberts and maybe even Breyer drawing the line with actual children who don't have the ability to leave their parents. That was a big factor in the original case. We were talking about actual children who were basically innocent. They were in the country through no fault of their own and couldn't be expected to leave their parents to return home. That's not true of 20 year olds.

I recall reading about this issue many years ago with a scenario wherein illegal immigrants enter the US and the mother is pregnant. I seem to recall if she gave birth inside the US the parents could not be deported since the child was born in the US and thus considered a (de facto) US citizen. This result seemed to reward the parents' malfeasance (illegally entering the country) merely due to the act of the child's birth occurring within the borders of the US. What I do not know, under the preceding set of facts, is the family kept in a detention camp, or are they provided benefits as if they are US citizens. How about a pregnant woman, her husband 3-4 kids under the age of 12 and she gives birth in the US? Does everyone stay? Seems like, I also recall, if they were sent back, Mexico would not accept them since they had no proof they were Mexican citizens. Anyone have any insight on this? These are issues and reasons why I had no desire to study or practice Immigration Law.

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