Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

Right now, e-verify is only required for employers that fall into the government contractors bucket.

Now, handyman and landscapers that work for cash will always be the hardest to control. Make 11 million workers fight for those jobs and you'll find their aren't enough of those jobs.

Incidentally, I have a Mexican landscaper in my employ for the last 8 years. He appears legal as he goes back and forth to Mexico often as he's building a "resort" villa there. When he's gone he always had another Mexican crew do our yard that barely spoke English. I'd lay heavy money they were illegal. In the last 2 months, he now has a Caucasian man working for him. This is the first time in 8 years he hasn't had other Mexicans working for him. Maybe he's protecting himself from the risk of finding/keeping illegal immigrant workers?

And in hiring those individuals to do your work, you ARE part of the problem. You have not taken steps to verify your primary is 'legal' and you are all but positive that his sub-crew IS illegal. That means that YOU are not only part of the problem but ALSO at risk of prosecution...
And in hiring those individuals to do your work, you ARE part of the problem. You have not taken steps to verify your primary is 'legal' and you are all but positive that his sub-crew IS illegal. That means that YOU are not only part of the problem but ALSO at risk of prosecution...

I am. As a homeowner, what tools are available to me to verify immigration status? They supply a service thus are not an employee of mine, unlike a nanny relationship. They are licensed and bonded thus it is their risk, not mine.
I am. As a homeowner, what tools are available to me to verify immigration status? They supply a service thus are not an employee of mine, unlike a nanny relationship. They are licensed and bonded thus it is their risk, not mine.
Where it is a 'handyman' being hired through a business, you can take steps to DEMAND that they make a showing of employees being legal. And, TBH, very few people hiring such companies have ever actually asked to see the proof of being 'licensed and bonded.'

Where it is a lawn crew, most of those are set up where you are dealing WITH the owner, precisely because HE or SHE is the one that actually mows the yard. As such, you are hiring them directly.

And since I doubt you have rogue crews of undocumented Canadians doing yard work, it is NOT a difficult task to make an educated guess of legal abilities to work in the United States. Further, there IS an argument that could be advanced that payments in excess of $600 through the year trigger 1099 reporting requirements, so it is NOT beyond the realm of reason to tell your yard guy that you need a Social Security Number from them.
We have over 11M relief workers ready to help right now

That should be our pitch to Mexico. We've fed and trained your citizens for the last 40 years. They are stronger and smarter than when they left. They are ready to return home and build your factories, houses and civil society. They know all about organizing protests. They'll get you on the path to true democracy and capitalism in no time. Hire these folks!!
Where it is a 'handyman' being hired through a business, you can take steps to DEMAND that they make a showing of employees being legal. And, TBH, very few people hiring such companies have ever actually asked to see the proof of being 'licensed and bonded.'

Where it is a lawn crew, most of those are set up where you are dealing WITH the owner, precisely because HE or SHE is the one that actually mows the yard. As such, you are hiring them directly.

And since I doubt you have rogue crews of undocumented Canadians doing yard work, it is NOT a difficult task to make an educated guess of legal abilities to work in the United States. Further, there IS an argument that could be advanced that payments in excess of $600 through the year trigger 1099 reporting requirements, so it is NOT beyond the realm of reason to tell your yard guy that you need a Social Security Number from them.
I would add that we don't need an absolute perfect system. Will there be some illegal immigrants that manage to evade the system by working under the table, absolutely.

BUT solving the problem with a 95% effective rate will make the DHS/ICE job so much easier. Right now it is like trying to swat flies at an outdoor picnic. With E Verify, it would be like eating dinner indoors. One or two flies may get in but then they are easy to see and easy to deal with. Focusing your DHS/ICE on the few employers that refuse to play by the rules is much easier when 95% of the others have persuaded by the threat of fines and penalties.
1 in 6 children in Los Angeles in 2012 were anchor babies
And ~ 4.5M total in the US for that year
You cant allow birthright citizenship and be serious about being a country at the same time

The polling firm IPSOS has completed a global poll on peoples' views towards immigration. The managing director of the polling company, Bobby Duffy, concluded the following, “People are twice as likely to think that immigration is bad for their country than think it is good.

Indeed, 39% of respondents in the 25 countries polled wanted their borders closed to ALL refugees entirely.

Perhaps more importantly for the purposes of this thread, the view of Americans on this topic was generally no different than the views everyone else around the world --

“Americans’ views on immigration and refugees mirror global unease. Both in the U.S. and worldwide, nearly half say there are too many immigrants in their country and four in 10 support closing borders to refugees entirely,” reports a massive Ipsos poll of 18,000 citizens in 25 nations who generally agree that global immigration is increasing, with “negative consequences.”

Among the findings: 75 percent of the respondents say “the amount of migrants” in their country has increased; 44 percent agree that “immigration is causing my country to change in ways I don’t like.” A quarter disagreed. Almost half — 48 percent — said there were “too many new arrivals” in their nation; 21 percent disagreed.

The poll also found that 42 percent said the impact of immigration in their homeland has been negative, while 21 percent said the effect had been positive. Another 49 percent said immigration placed “too much pressure on public services”; 19 percent disagreed.

IpsosPollNationsEndImmigration.jpg - US Deck FINAL.pdf
Why do Dems really oppose Trump on immigration reform?
Pretty simple really

One question for you...
How is a nation state (US) asking illegal immigrants to go back to a country where they have family and roots more harsh than a mother and father bringing their children with them to a foreign country where....
1. they don't speak the language
2. They don't have rights/privileges
3. They don't have economic security or certainty
4. They have to hide from authorities

So somehow in your eyes a mom and dad that chose to subject their children to all of the perils that are entailed in crossing the border (sexual predation, hunger, thirst, heat, etc) and bring them into a system that they aren't welcome, aren't citizens, and have a very uncertain future are somehow heroes, but a nation state that says take yourselves back to where you came from, back where you have roots, back where you have family and utilize the skills and knowledge you've gained here to do good there, is somehow lacking in empathy and less moral.

Seems to me that we should be calling out the moms and dads that subjected their families to this.
....How is a nation state (US) asking illegal immigrants to go back to a country where they have family and roots more harsh than a mother and father bringing their children with them to a foreign country where.........

Even worse, Obama convinced them to send their children here without them. With no adults whatsoever. This is what DACA was, effectively.
One question for you...
How is a nation state (US) asking illegal immigrants to go back to a country where they have family and roots more harsh than a mother and father bringing their children with them to a foreign country where....
1. they don't speak the language
2. They don't have rights/privileges
3. They don't have economic security or certainty
4. They have to hide from authorities

So somehow in your eyes a mom and dad that chose to subject their children to all of the perils that are entailed in crossing the border (sexual predation, hunger, thirst, heat, etc) and bring them into a system that they aren't welcome, aren't citizens, and have a very uncertain future are somehow heroes, but a nation state that says take yourselves back to where you came from, back where you have roots, back where you have family and utilize the skills and knowledge you've gained here to do good there, is somehow lacking in empathy and less moral.

Seems to me that we should be calling out the moms and dads that subjected their families to this.

That fact that they'd endure all those things yet still have a desire to come here tells you more than you need to know about the situation they are leaving.

My comment to JoeFan was his inference that "democrats only care about more votes" which I countered with the word "empathy". Most "feelers" empathize with the plight of those individuals to get a better life for them and their family. Heck, that's part of the American dream isn't it?

The New Colossus added to the Statue of Liberty in 1903:
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
MOTHEROF EXILES. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
That fact that they'd endure all those things yet still have a desire to come here tells you more than you need to know about the situation they are leaving.

My comment to JoeFan was his inference that "democrats only care about more votes" which I countered with the word "empathy". Most "feelers" empathize with the plight of those individuals to get a better life for them and their family. Heck, that's part of the American dream isn't it?

The New Colossus added to the Statue of Liberty in 1903:
If you stake out a position that suggests that the only moral thing is to let them in because they are trying to better their lives, then you have to apply that philosophy to any and all who wish to come here. So is it your position that we should not have a border, that we should allow any and all immigrants to come to this country and become citizens? If so, where does it end? Is there a number that is too much, too fast? If so, what is that number? If not, then why have a border at all?

And here's the million dollar question.... When we make these 11 million illegals our new citizens, and these 11 million then clamor and protest to bring their sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers here by virtue of family extension and then those aunts and uncles then want to bring their children and their siblings and then those siblings want to bring their aunts and uncles, and so forth... and then we end up with wave after wave of illegal immigrants that have some tenuous but documentable relationship to an existing citizen and an immigration policy that allows it based on some imagined responsibility to the world and some misguided empathy that "feels" it is our responsibility to take care of every person in the world that has it tougher than us (hint: that's most of them BTW) and this results in 30 million, or 40 or 50 million uneducated, Spanish speaking, laborer level new citizens that are making $8/hr and living off the govt and we are paying to educate their kids and we're trying to squeeze them into limited schools and limited hospitals....when is enough?

Because if you are going to make this decision based on economic empathy, ie feeling sad because they don't have as much as us, then you are saying about 6 billion people "deserve" to come here. And if your decision point is "they are trying to make a better life," then where do we draw the line? ...because that is what ALL of them are trying to do.
If you stake out a position that suggests that the only moral thing is to let them in because they are trying to better their lives, then you have to apply that philosophy to any and all who wish to come here. So is it your position that we should not have a border, that we should allow any and all immigrants to come to this country and become citizens? If so, where does it end? Is there a number that is too much, too fast? If so, what is that number? If not, then why have a border at all?

I've never said they should all get in but rather was countering your point that a father/mother was being a bad parent by bringing a "dreamer" decades ago. Please don't build a strawman off that argument to think I'm in favor of "open borders" which virtually nobody is in favor of.

And here's the million dollar question.... When we make these 11 million illegals our new citizens, and these 11 million then clamor and protest to bring their sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers here by virtue of family extension and then those aunts and uncles then want to bring their children and their siblings and then those siblings want to bring their aunts and uncles, and so forth... and then we end up with wave after wave of illegal immigrants that have some tenuous but documentable relationship to an existing citizen and an immigration policy that allows it based on some imagined responsibility to the world and some misguided empathy that "feels" it is our responsibility to take care of every person in the world that has it tougher than us (hint: that's most of them BTW) and this results in 30 million, or 40 or 50 million uneducated, Spanish speaking, laborer level new citizens that are making $8/hr and living off the govt and we are paying to educate their kids and we're trying to squeeze them into limited schools and limited hospitals....when is enough?

Please stop with the strawman. I've repeatedly agreed with you an e-verify as a means to stop the primary incentive for illegal immigration, a better living situation via a job.

The empathy picture was a direct response to JoeFan's absurd claim that the only possible reason liberals or Democrats supported immigration was for votes. Keep in mind...I'm not just talking about illegal immigration but legal immigration too. In fact, I'm a proponent of legal immigration whether it be for refugees from some country we've screwed up (or translators that have helped our military) and bringing in the worlds most educated to drive our economy.

Because if you are going to make this decision based on economic empathy, ie feeling sad because they don't have as much as us, then you are saying about 6 billion people "deserve" to come here. And if your decision point is "they are trying to make a better life," then where do we draw the line? ...because that is what ALL of them are trying to do.

Nah, I can empathize for their plight while also wanting to remove their incentive to be here. For the Dreamers specifically, it seems that educating these individuals for 15years then casting them out isn't the wisest of investments.
And this points out the ignorance of the liberal. Your empathy for the plight of an illegal alien is worthy of praise. Such actions also make you feel good because you mistakenly only consider one side of the transaction. Your willingness to ignore the laws of our country is worthy of scorn and criticism.

The illegal has come to America to escape a poor social situation for which he or she had no control. When they arrive in the U.S.A., the social injustice is transferred from the illegal to current and future Americans who are forced to pay the freight for the illegals and their offspring in the form of transfer payments, free medical, and a multitude of other services. Where is the empathy for the United States' citizens that are forced to accept the cost of that transfer of social injustice?
If you stake out a position that suggests that the only moral thing is to let them in because they are trying to better their lives, then you have to apply that philosophy to any and all who wish to come here. .....

The problem for politicians is that protecting and/or fixing the rest of the world is not the job. They have enough of a job already, and each one of them swore an oath to that end when they took the office.
I've never said they should all get in but rather was countering your point that a father/mother was being a bad parent by bringing a "dreamer" decades ago. Please don't build a strawman off that argument to think I'm in favor of "open borders" which virtually nobody is in favor of.

Please stop with the strawman. I've repeatedly agreed with you an e-verify as a means to stop the primary incentive for illegal immigration, a better living situation via a job.

The empathy picture was a direct response to JoeFan's absurd claim that the only possible reason liberals or Democrats supported immigration was for votes. Keep in mind...I'm not just talking about illegal immigration but legal immigration too. In fact, I'm a proponent of legal immigration whether it be for refugees from some country we've screwed up (or translators that have helped our military) and bringing in the worlds most educated to drive our economy.

Nah, I can empathize for their plight while also wanting to remove their incentive to be here. For the Dreamers specifically, it seems that educating these individuals for 15years then casting them out isn't the wisest of investments.
Understood. didn't mean to put words in your mouth.
Does this give finality to the original thread question?
Links are embedded

The swelling population of illegal immigrants and their kids is costing American taxpayers $135 billion a year, the highest ever, driven by free medical care, education and a huge law enforcement bill, according to the the most authoritative report on the issue yet.

And despite claims from pro-illegal immigration advocates that the aliens pay significant off-setting taxes back to federal, state and local treasuries, the Federation for American Immigration Reform report tallied just $19 billion, making the final hit to taxpayers about $116 billion.

State and local governments are getting ravaged by the costs, at over $88 billion. The federal government, by comparison, is getting off easy at $45 billion in costs for illegals.

The report, titled "The Fiscal Burden Of Illegal Immigration on U.S. Taxpayers," is the most comprehensive cost tally from FAIR. It said that the costs have jumped about $3 billion in four years and will continue to surge unless illegal immigration is stopped. It was provided in advance exclusively to Secrets.


I don't think parents trying to help their kids by moving to the US makes them bad parents but I don't think the US wanting illegal non-citizens to go back to where they came from makes us a bad country lacking empathy either, and that's the point I'm trying to make. The US is not a big meanie just because we want to control our borders, it's not a big meanie because we want uninvited, illegal immigrants to go home.

SH, If I pack up my family and drive on up to Seattle and show up, pry open a window and plant my fat butt on your couch tomorrow, is it your fault that you don't have room/food/hot water for me and my family...OR, is it my fault because I spent the time and money and risked the hazards of the open road to get someplace that I wasn't invited? Should the world regard you as lacking empathy because you justifiably tell me to get the heck out?

Whether you regard the parents as "bad" or not, there is no denying that they are the ones that initiated their own saga. They are the ones that knowingly took on the predicament that they now find their family in.
Out of 33 million immigrants admitted to the United States from 1981 through 2016 - roughly 20 million (61%) were due to chain migration

See stats above for voting tendencies
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The State of Texas has won round two at the 5th Circuit in its attempt to punish sanctuary cities. The lower court had enjoined Texas from implementing the second and third provisions below. But the 5th Circuit stayed of that portion of the injunction.
  1. Notifying federal immigration officials that an illegal alien has been arrested.
  2. Cooperating with immigration authorities (including honoring detainer warrants on illegal aliens issued by federal authorities).
  3. Allowing federal immigration officers to enter local jails to conduct investigations of criminal illegal aliens.
The Travis County Sheriff's office confirmed it would now comply with all detainers, a stark change from its previous policy.
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The DPS says illegal aliens were involved in thousands of crimes in Texas alone, including nearly 3,000 homicides from 2008 to 2014.

The DPS report is actually on human smuggling but also shows the numbers of crimes committed by aliens in Texas -- foreign aliens committed 611,234 unique crimes in Texas between 2008-14, including thousands of homicides and sexual assaults.

The DPS says well over 100,000 individual criminal aliens have been booked into Texas jails. From October 2008 to April 2014, the state identified a total 177,588 unique criminal alien defendants booked into Texas county jails. However, there are almost certainly more criminal aliens who haven't been identified as aliens. The 177,588 criminal aliens identified can only tag criminal aliens who had already been fingerprinted. Arrests of illegal aliens not previously fingerprinted were not included.

Ted Cruz was just grilling the Customs Enforcement Director about why they release so many many of these folks back onto Texas streets. For example, ICE released 104,000 criminals in 2013. And ICE refused to deport another 68,000 criminals. The ICE Director actually said it was "good news" that only 30,558 criminal aliens were released 2014.


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