Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

Hungary's southern border fence
Seems to be working

The DPS says illegal aliens were involved in thousands of crimes in Texas alone, including nearly 3,000 homicides from 2008 to 2014.

In this so called "Sanctuary City" nonsense ... the Travis County Sheriff wailed on about losing "intel" from the "undocumented person" community on crimes.

Seems that if losing that intel posed a significant "encumbrance" to the SO's doing its job ... perhaps that validates this stat and POSSIBLY should be considered validation for the claim that illegal immigration is increasing criminal activity in ALL of our counties/State(s) and therefore we should have laws prohibiting this activity ...

oh wait!
"TORONTO – U.S. officials say a Somali man accused of attacking a Canadian policeman with a car and knife entered the United States from Mexico on foot in 2011 before a judge ordered his deportation.

Customs and Border Protection spokeswoman Jackie Wasiluk said Wednesday that Hasan Sharif Abdulahi arrived at a port of entry near San Diego on July 12, 2011, with no documents and no legal status to enter.

Sharif was taken into custody and ordered deported to Somalia. But he was released two months later and then failed to report for removal. He entered Canada legally in 2012 and obtained refugee status.

Sharif is accused of ramming a car into the Alberta policeman, stabbing him and then leading officers on a high-speed chase in which four bystanders were hurt."
"TORONTO – U.S. officials say a Somali man accused of attacking a Canadian policeman with a car and knife entered the United States from Mexico on foot in 2011 before a judge ordered his deportation.

Customs and Border Protection spokeswoman Jackie Wasiluk said Wednesday that Hasan Sharif Abdulahi arrived at a port of entry near San Diego on July 12, 2011, with no documents and no legal status to enter.

Sharif was taken into custody and ordered deported to Somalia. But he was released two months later and then failed to report for removal. He entered Canada legally in 2012 and obtained refugee status.

Sharif is accused of ramming a car into the Alberta policeman, stabbing him and then leading officers on a high-speed chase in which four bystanders were hurt."
Another fine product of the California catch and release program...
I'm no fan of protecting the business community if they violate our immigration/labor laws. Nail 'em. No problem here.
I don't think the employers are violating immigration laws. That would be the illegal immigrants. What doesn't make sense is the government providing services (medical, unemployment benefits, constitutional protections, etc.) to those that have violated our laws in order to make it here.
I don't think the employers are violating immigration laws. That would be the illegal immigrants. What doesn't make sense is the government providing services (medical, unemployment benefits, constitutional protections, etc.) to those that have violated our laws in order to make it here.

You don't think a business that knowingly hires an illegal alien is not violating the law? That's what I was referring to...
That is different than violating immigration laws.
If ANY of the verification requirements exist and are codified in laws dealing with illegal aliens, then yes, they WOULD indeed be violating 'immigration laws.' If they accept falsified paperwork that is then used to satisfy certain reporting requirements, then, yes, they WOULD indeed be complicit in the violation of 'immigration laws.'
I think we have a disagreement over employment practices vs. immigration laws, but no disagreement that both areas are regulated by laws that should be followed.
There was a protest vote, last Nov


I do know that nationally syndicated writer Ruben Navarrette ripped Obama for his election year executive orders. He accused him of pandering and not really caring.

"He is a master of convincing everyone — law-and-order conservatives, Latinos who want more immigration, working-class whites who want less, etc. — that he's on their side. We've never had a president who was this good at cynically manipulating the immigration issue to pretend to be something he's not."

"Obama should be remembered as the president who first wooed over skeptical Latino voters in 2008 with promises that he would make immigration reform a top priority — only to bury it at the bottom of his agenda for four years.

He's the president who criticized his predecessor for raids in which "nursing mothers are torn from their babies" but then went on to separate record numbers of families through deportation and detain women and children from Central America indefinitely.

He's the president who spent three years arguing with supporters that he didn't have the executive power to stop deportations only to reverse course in election years and miraculously find the power he said he didn't have.

He's the president whose executive actions to limit deportations were so badly crafted and so likely to be struck down by the courts that we have to wonder whether that was the idea all along.

He's the president who ramped up the deportation apparatus and gave Immigration and Customs Enforcement so much power that future presidents will find it difficult to rein in the agency. Record numbers of deportations could well become the new normal.

Finally, Obama is the president who shamelessly never missed an opportunity to use immigration to achieve his own political goals. He now leaves office with the appearance that he tried to find a solution — when the hard truth is he was a big part of the problem. As legacies go, that's a terrible one."
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The lack of protests were likely driven by the fact that DHS didn't publicize it. At least, Obama didn't tweet about it. Had either of those happened you most assuredly would have seen protests.

But Ruben Navarrette knew about it and he didn't need tweets to be tipped off. You would have thought the community would have risen up ORGANICALLY (true grass-roots) and not POLITICALLY (organized) but it didn't happen. I know some DACA impacted people here in Austin (I frequent a couple of restaurants multiple times a week and know everyone that works there) and they weren't worked up under Obama. Then suddenly they were.
Nice...I do know that nationally syndicated writer Ruben Navarrette ripped Obama for his election year executive orders. He accused him of pandering and not really caring.

I thought it was interesting he could get through that piece without mentioning how Obama encouraged every parent between Brownsville and Bogota to send their children alone and without adult supervision on the perilous journey to criminally enter the US
One question for you...
How is a nation state (US) asking illegal immigrants to go back to a country where they have family and roots more harsh than a mother and father bringing their children with them to a foreign country where....
1. they don't speak the language
2. They don't have rights/privileges
3. They don't have economic security or certainty
4. They have to hide from authorities

So somehow in your eyes a mom and dad that chose to subject their children to all of the perils that are entailed in crossing the border (sexual predation, hunger, thirst, heat, etc) and bring them into a system that they aren't welcome, aren't citizens, and have a very uncertain future are somehow heroes, but a nation state that says take yourselves back to where you came from, back where you have roots, back where you have family and utilize the skills and knowledge you've gained here to do good there, is somehow lacking in empathy and less moral.

Seems to me that we should be calling out the moms and dads that subjected their families to this.
Not to mention, I never hear the left or anyone else calling out the country in question. Why the hell are we the bad guys? What has Mexico done to make itself a desirable place for its own citizens?

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