Brad Austin
2,500+ Posts
Not to mention, I never hear the left or anyone else calling out the country in question. Why the hell are we the bad guys? What has Mexico done to make itself a desirable place for its own citizens?
Or better yet, the Left fails to mention there is zero reciprocity from these countries? Mexico b*tches about us not allowing their citizens to stay but would never allow a reversal of roles.
Feel free to illegally cross the border into Mexico and demand protected residency and government handouts. Commit a crime against a citizen on top of it and see how demands for sanctuary go.
Both the Left and Mexico are full of sh*t when making emotional pleas to protect 'innocent' illegals. Neither cares about the individuals in question. One wants more votes and the other wants remittances. And they're more than willing to achieve it through harming American citizens and our economy.