The substantial portion of student loan debt is federal debt. A substantial chunk of it is not being repaid. so when students take out loans they can't pay, the taxpayer gets hosed. And when the number of students pursuing college goes up (ie, illegals added to the pool) then the cost go up as well (supply/demand).Just do you know that this girl wasn't taking out loans or applied and received scholarships/fellowships? Why is the assumption that the taxpayer is footing her college? I'm just asking because it's a common trope on the alt-right boards that my own son's college (I started paying $27k/yr this month) is expensive because of illegal immigrants. I've yet to find any evidence of this.
When states like Texas decide to treat illegals as not only citizens, but Texans and offer them in-state tuition that money has to come from somewhere.
And while I can't furnish evidence of this, I'm of the opinion that most of these scholarships being received by DACA/Illegal immigrants are being granted on "need" and the ones that are "merit" based are actually just awarded on the fact that the student "overcame so many obstacles to get here." Ie, they came from an impoverished home and still managed to get A's. And while the A's are commendable, I believe what put them over the top for the scholarship was their "against the odds" story and not their actual academic record.
While these scholarships aren't typically taxpayer funded, they still rob the children of actual citizens of this funding.
While you did zero in on the college portion and all I have are anecdotes on that part, there is no denying the primary school portion which is about 5 times bigger anyway.
At the end of the day, the pocket of money they draw from is not the most important aspect of this conversation. It's the one pocket that it doesn't come from....THEIR OWN...that is most upsetting to me.