Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

While there are many different ways to look at these machines, in this context, they are a powerful argument against having an open Southern border for unskilled labor. What are 'migratory farm workers' going to do once robots take their jobs? Does they all simply "go on welfare?" Are you going to "teach them to code?" And how many anchor babies will be born just while you are contemplating these questions?

My solution, as posted years ago, is to sell them temporary passes, sort of like biometric Disney passes (photo, fingerprint, DNA), that are valid for a certain period of time -- 3 months, 6 months, 12 months. But they must return at the end of the period. As long as they observe the rules, they may return (just like Disneyland). But if they dont, they cant come back. This would raise a lot of money for the Treasury.

Do you have a better idea?

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My solution, as posted years ago, is to sell them temporary passes, sort of like biometric Disney passes (photo, fingerprint, DNA), that are valid for a certain period of time -- 3 months, 6 months, 12 months. But they must return at the end of the period. As long as they observe the rules, they may return (just like Disneyland). But if they dont, they cant come back. This would raise a lot of money for the Treasury.

Do you have a better idea?

No. That is a good idea. The only kind of tweak I would add would be that the pass my be a 1 time fee for a certain period of time each year or just to keep the fees lows. These are poor people who shouldn't have to pay too much to come do a job that US businesses want them to do.

The other thing would be that the process and agency that oversees the process would need to be highly efficient and properly staffed w/o adding too much cost to American tax payers. Maybe it could be revenue neutral if the process was efficient enough with a small head count.
We do have the H2A visa which allows for unlimited numbers of workers for specified periods of time with extensions available. The problem with this is the employer must pay the same as an US worker And provide housing and meals which the employer does not for US workers.
Maybe some adaptation of the Bracero program?
Bring them in , pay fairly and let them go back. Do NOT allow families and anchor babies.
I agree Mona. a scaled down dept to monitor. NOT a huge bloated bureacracy
Why dont they ever call left wing groups "left wing groups?
Or perhaps better yet, why label them at all?
Anyway, this looks like a temporary injunction by a state court judge in Hidalgo County

The private portion of the Wall building is back on track
A liberal group was able to find a state court judge to grant them a TRO to halt construction. But it looks like the Wall folks removed it to federal court where this Odyssey ended (as often happens, lol)

On top of that and even on the same day
The District Court judge in this case is an activist and enjoined Trump from using DOD funds. The 5th Circuit lifted the injunction and will later give Trump the win on the merits as well.
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we could start a crowdsource fund
and probably get enough to send your 2500
Honestly I am tired being played by most of these people.
get rid of the scammers
and the real in need can be vetted easier
I was in South Texas over the weekend and went to a ranch owned by my girlfriend's family. They've owned it for many generations. Another rancher came by and we had a long talk about illegal aliens. Both ranchers are Mexican-Americans. This is not a white perspective.

Here are a few high-lights:

1) Entering our country illegally is not the only crime committed. They also trespass, steal, destroy property and cause great concern when seen in groups.
2) They wear all black when traveling at night. They are led by "coyotes" or human-traffickers.
3) The two ranchers including my girlfriends father told me they have had break-ins many times and threatening confrontations.
4) They both carry loaded pistols on a belt everywhere they go on the ranch, even in broad daylight.
5) Everyone knows this to be true. Everyone knows the media and the Left DO NOT CARE AT ALL.

It is dangerous for property owners along the border IN THE UNITED STATES. If you ignore this then you have no credibility AT ALL. Are we getting this information from the Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, The New York Times etc?


This is not about amnesty. This is about human trafficking and the avoidance of the process of presenting yourself at a known check-point and submitting to the immigration laws of the United States.
I was in South Texas over the weekend and went to a ranch owned by my girlfriend's family. They've owned it for many generations. Another rancher came by and we had a long talk about illegal aliens. Both ranchers are Mexican-Americans. This is not a white perspective.

Here are a few high-lights:

1) Entering our country illegally is not the only crime committed. They also trespass, steal, destroy property and cause great concern when seen in groups.
2) They wear all black when traveling at night. They are led by "coyotes" or human-traffickers.
3) The two ranchers including my girlfriends father told me they have had break-ins many times and threatening confrontations.
4) They both carry loaded pistols on a belt everywhere they go on the ranch, even in broad daylight.
5) Everyone knows this to be true. Everyone knows the media and the Left DO NOT CARE AT ALL.

It is dangerous for property owners along the border IN THE UNITED STATES. If you ignore this then you have no credibility AT ALL. Are we getting this information from the Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, The New York Times etc?


This is not about amnesty. This is about human trafficking and the avoidance of the process of presenting yourself at a known check-point and submitting to the immigration laws of the United States.
The white female suburban voters who are most aghast against human trafficking and likely think Trump is gross haven’t connected the dots yet: most are transported here illegally over the border, and second they are here to service other illegal immigrants.
The white female suburban voters who are most aghast against human trafficking and likely think Trump is gross haven’t connected the dots yet: most are transported here illegally over the border, and second they are here to service other illegal immigrants.

It is disturbing how political correctness has destroyed truth. You can't just lay it out and allow common sense to make our decisions for us.

The mere fact that this post would be deemed political and racist by some even though the information was received from those who live the life and have no bias other than honesty is also disturbing. This is not the first time I've had these conversations down there. We're talking about Latino men in their 60's, 70's and 80's who tell me these things.
I can tell you everything you mentioned is happening. A good friend has a ranch in Brewster that has been in the family since 1902.
The destruction and garbage is stunning.The illegals kill their cattle and leave most of the carcass. Cattle business is tough enough without losing any to theft. They steal vegetables from gardens and trample the garden so nothing is left.Cleaning up that and the mounds of debris plus constantly repairing fences is no fun. Some have come to ranch house turning themselves in since they know they will be housed fed and given medical. They found a body, too decomposed to know if it was murder or other.
These people have no regard for other people or other people's property. They sneak in with a sense of entitlement, entitled to what ever they find on other people's property whether it is cattle or vegetables from gardens.
I agree it is about amnesty but it is also about the sense of entitlement the illegals have been indoctrinated to believe they are due.

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