Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

I am against more legal or illegal immigration, but it's a pure myth that illegal and legal immigrants are more likely to commit crime than natives. That's just not the case.

Democrats need to be called out on their de facto open borders policy. They won't call it open borders, but when you refuse to deport anyone unless they commit murder or rape, then it's a de facto open borders policy because 99.99% of illegal aliens don't commit murder or rape.

I've never been a fan of absolutes, generally. When I do use them, it is always just to troll the permanent bedwetter class. However, when it comes to statistical gamesmanship, absolutism is forever criminal. I am willing to say that in 100% of cases, it was no small comfort to say that you would certainly be alive now but for the actions of someone who entered the country illegally. This times infinity.
They're not just more conservative on abortion and gay marriage. They're more conservative on racial issues than white Democrats are.

Mexicans are pretty thickly racist towards the dark skinned, but its different than whatever it is that counts as racist in the US. It's cultural with a lot of humor mixed in. In the US, it's a cottage industry with a lot of money involved. Not so in Mexico. But I concede my observations of Mexicans on race is purely anecdotal from my own experience.

Ive never lived in China and dont speak Chinese but people I know who have and they all say the Chinese are even worse. It's just that not many in the US know it.

Maybe this is true everywhere? Maybe some degree of racism is just part of the human condition? And maybe some what is considered to be racism is not really "racism" at all?

My preference and great hope is that someday we will all be able to speak on issues that touch on race. Because right now we cannot. Not in the US. And because of that, many issues that need to be addressed in this little country of ours go unaddressed. Politicians simply cannot touch it. It is a minefield with no survivors. From my perspective, Trump has done as well in this area as anyone can be expected with his "rising tide lifts all boats" approach. His is an indirect path -- to a common goal. It's smart as it allows him to come as close as anyone can come to dealing with this stuff without setting off a firestorm.
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Mexicans are pretty thickly racist towards the dark skinned, but its different than whatever it is that counts as racist in the US. It's cultural with a lot of humor mixed in. In the US, it's a cottage industry with a lot of money involved. Not so in Mexico. But I concede my observations of Mexicans on race is purely anecdotal from my own experience.

Ive never lived in China and dont speak Chinese but people I know who have all say the Chinese are much worse. It's just that not many in the US knows it.

Maybe this is true everywhere? Maybe some degree of racism is just part of the human condition? And maybe some what is considered to be racism is not really "racism" at all?

My preference and great hope is that someday we will all be able to speak on issues that touch on race. Because right now we cannot. Not in the US. And because of that, many issues that need to be addressed in this little country of ours go unaddressed. Politicians simply cannot touch it. It is a minefield with no survivors. From my perspective, Trump has done as well in this area as anyone can be expected with his "rising tide lifts all boats" approach. His is an indirect path -- to a common goal. It's smart as it allows him to come as close as anyone can come to dealing with this stuff without setting off a firestorm.

Race is irrelevant. It is nothing more than a shiny object to divert attention away from real issues. The problem isn't minorities and their sensibilities. The problem is white liberals. The virtue signalling opportunities are simply too great for them.

And Mexicans are unquestionably more racist than whites. I had a Mexican paralegal who was discussing a claim with a State Farm adjuster, who was a black woman. I could hear my paralegal's voice start to rise, so I got up and walked toward her office. I could only hear one side of the conversation, but my paralegal said to her, "listen Shaquita (which wasn't the adjuster's name), you're a black woman, so of course you're rude." I was astounded, but she had no guilt at all and therefore no filter, and the woman was being a *****. I wouldn't talk to a black woman that way even if she was being rude, but I would have no comparable filter with a white person who was behaving similarly.
"Progressives" are gobsmacked by the superior testing results by the students of little Estonia
Estonia lacks wealth and cannot spend gobs of money on education like is done in Europe and the US. They cant figure it out. Maybe its something on the water?
But guess what they leave out of the story? Estonia allow almost no non-European immigrants.

So what did You do MrD?

Lol! After a few minutes, my paralegal said, "well I'm going to put the attorney on the phone, and he's going to set you straight!" Of course, when she said that, I started shaking my head, but I couldn't very well get out of it because she had already said so and I didn't want to look weak. After all, I still had a client to represent, and pain-in-the-*** phone calls was part of the job.

So I took a deep breath and picked up the phone. I didn't yell. I just calmly got to the point. It was a car accident case, and what the adjuster was trying to do is delay giving my client a rental car until she got back from vacation a week later. Sorry, but that's a BS reason. My client was entitled to a rental and needed to be able to get to work everyday until her car was fixed. So I told her I'd sue her insured (who had already admitted fault) if a rental car wasn't granted within 15 minutes and include a letter to the insured explaining why she was getting sued. Ten minutes later, my client had a rental car. The adjuster never brought up the racial stuff to me.
Why dont they ever call left wing groups "left wing groups?
Or perhaps better yet, why label them at all?

Anyway, this looks like a temporary injunction by a state court judge in Hidalgo County

NJ does not require photo ID to vote bc its too hard for some people to obtain
We need to come up with a different system to enforce our sovereignty -- whatever we are doing now is not effective
So Why don't latinos assimilate?
Some do of course but larger and larger numbers are not.
At least in Texas and parts of North Carolina that I frequent.
Part of the reason imo is they do not have to. Everything is also done in Spanish including the one thing Americans should hold above all else. Voting
So Why don't latinos assimilate?
Some do of course but larger and larger numbers are not.
At least in Texas and parts of North Carolina that I frequent.
Part of the reason imo is they do not have to. Everything is also done in Spanish including the one thing Americans should hold above all else. Voting
it has to do with volume. if you are 2% of the group, you do as the group does.(you assimilate). if you are 15%, then you start to think "i'll change the group to be more like me". In immigration, volume matters... a lot.
" .... a big chunk of DACA applicants have arrest records, according to the figures released by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).... The stats show that nearly 110,000 DACA requestors out of nearly 889,000 had arrest records, accounting for 12% of applicants. “Offenses in these arrest records include assault, battery, rape, murder and driving under the influence,” .... Here’s another disturbing fact; of approved DACA requestors with an arrest, a whopping 85% (67,861) were arrested right before the U.S. granted them amnesty. Nearly 25,000 DACA recipients with arrests had multiple arrests and 218 had more than 10 arrests. Incredibly, around one-fourth of the illegal immigrants with more than 10 arrests were approved by the government as of last month. In all, the government reveals that it has approved 79,398 DACA requestors with arrest records. Not all the delinquents are approved, the figures show. More than 100,000 with criminal arrests were denied or terminated."

So Why don't latinos assimilate?
Some do of course but larger and larger numbers are not.
At least in Texas and parts of North Carolina that I frequent.
Part of the reason imo is they do not have to. Everything is also done in Spanish including the one thing Americans should hold above all else. Voting

I think there is truth to what BOSDe if saying about the numbers, but I don't think that's the overriding factor. I think it's two reasons. First, there is a political agenda built around them not assimilating. Accordingly, there are people and interest groups in the US discouraging assimilation.

Second, people assimilate when they have to in order to live their daily lives, and you can live in the US reasonably well without assimilating if you speak Spanish. Assimilation is a pain in the ***. Why do it if you don't have to? It's the same reason why I'm not fluent in German even though I've lived here since 2013. I don't have to be in order to live my daily life. Neither does your average Latino.
I have talked to many second and third generation Italians and Germans who say their immigrant parent/grandparent did not allow them to speak anything but English. ( we now know having a second language is a plus). These immigrants were so proud to be here and so determined to become Americans. And they did.
Not all of course but enough.
Mr D
IF you were making Germany your forever home would you learn German? If you were to become a citizen would there be ballots in English for you to vote?
I have talked to many second and third generation Italians and Germans who say their immigrant parent/grandparent did not allow them to speak anything but English. ( we now know having a second language is a plus). These immigrants were so proud to be here and so determined to become Americans. And they did.
Not all of course but enough.
Mr D
IF you were making Germany your forever home would you learn German? If you were to become a citizen would there be ballots in English for you to vote?

My wife's Grandmother was a first generation American. Her parents immigrated from Germany. She was not allowed to speak German in public, but spoke mostly German in the house. This was mostly due to the anger of Americans toward Germans at that time (war related) but also because English is the language of Americans. If they were to become American they had to speak English in their eyes.

As a result none of my wife's aunts and uncles can speak a lick of German, but they all have heavy German accents.
Most of the murders are in the North where drug distribution lanes are open. The best thing that could happen for Nortenos is to break off from Mexico City and create regional militias that could go after cartels. Multiple cities have tried it with good success.
I've said this a few times; the Liberal love affair with illegal aliens from Mexico and parts south is the most cynical vote buying gambit in recent memory. It is my contention from my many years of living in South Texas that the demographic coming from Mexico is almost the exact opposite of the classic Liberal composite: Feminist, secular/atheist and in full support of LGBTQ rights (militantly). They hate religious zealots and fully support abortion on demand. So why the love affair? THE VOTES.

Look at this article from the Laredo Morning Times:

Laredo scores a zero on report ranking LGTBQ-friendly cities

There is ZERO progressive ideas and culture down there but they are a Democrat stronghold? Why? The patronage system which is a Liberal/Democrat construct.

This is the real story and yet we watch them effectively open the borders by the establishment of sanctuary cities, the demand we abolish ICE, calling for amnesty for the Dreamers (and unconstitutional use of Executive Orders to de facto achieve this aim), opposing the wall and providing benefits for illegals. There is NOTHING to this except selling us down the road for power. This is a recipe for a feudal society as the beneficiaries of the Liberal Industrial Patronage Complex will be satisfied with just enough money to live the way they want to live while completely abdicating power to the extreme Left-wing elite.

That is another reason why I will vote Trump in 2020. It's not Trump. It's the disease of Liberalism. They must be stopped.
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