Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

precisely which American Freedom do you think I would be giving up if E-Verify were mandated?

Employers are already responsible for collecting 95% of the info. They would have one additional (and very simple step) to run the E-Verify process.
You both asked and answered the question.
that's a half-a__ed response. you can do better than that. say what you mean.
Your idea of adding one simple step takes away freedom to do something else. Take a guess as to the number of “simple steps” the government makes us do. How many pages with individually simple steps are in the tax code, OSHA regulations, state laws, county codes, and municipal regulations? Thousands upon thousands.
So this career gov't employee decides he knows what is best for us
Asylum officers rebel against Trump policies they say are immoral and illegal

we know there are many leftists and groups who are coaching the illegals to ask for asylum and once here disappear. Then we have to use taxpayer money for decades to take care of these people.
Let's clean up the process to allow genuine people in need of asylum to get in.
WE CAN NOT take in the world.
Another false narrative -- somewhere back in this thread, I showed a congressional inquiry concluded the Obama Amin was fudging the #s by counting turn-aways at the border as "deported"

I guess the LAT is now alt right
Sorry, but those are the rules

There's a difference. The alt-Right would claim that ethnic background dictates politics and culture, and that's what they get wrong. Having more Latinos doesn't have to mean a more leftist country. It might turn out that way, but it doesn't have to.

Keep in mind that blacks and Hispanics are now actually less woke and less liberal than white Democrats are. At least the Hispanics can be convinced, but somebody does have to try. If we just cede them to the Democrats, they will go that way.
There's a difference. The alt-Right would claim that ethnic background dictates politics and culture, and that's what they get wrong. Having more Latinos doesn't have to mean a more leftist country. It might turn out that way, but it doesn't have to.

Keep in mind that blacks and Hispanics are now actually less woke and less liberal than white Democrats are. At least the Hispanics can be convinced, but somebody does have to try. If we just cede them to the Democrats, they will go that way.
This has been my opinion for a while. IMO, there are two things above all others that makes minorities vote Dem. We don't support Affirmative Action and by extension we hate women and minorities. If the GOP figured out a way to combat that narrative, they would make inroads into the Hispanic and black communities. Most of my minority friends are also military so they are probably a bit more conservative than the average, but up and down the issues...they think mostly like me, accept that deep down they still have this belief that the GOP is comprised largely of old white racist. I know there are a lot of white guys in Texas that have political aspirations, but for the good of the GOP brand, I think we are going to have to tell some of those guys that we need to elevate some of our minority members to counteract the stereotype.
This has been my opinion for a while. IMO, there are two things above all others that makes minorities vote Dem. We don't support Affirmative Action and by extension we hate women and minorities. If the GOP figured out a way to combat that narrative, they would make inroads into the Hispanic and black communities. Most of my minority friends are also military so they are probably a bit more conservative than the average, but up and down the issues...they think mostly like me, accept that deep down they still have this belief that the GOP is comprised largely of old white racist. I know there are a lot of white guys in Texas that have political aspirations, but for the good of the GOP brand, I think we are going to have to tell some of those guys that we need to elevate some of our minority members to counteract the stereotype.

I don't think GOP opposition to affirmative action is the primary driver of minority support for Democrats. It's two big factors. First, minorities are disproportionately poor, and poor people tend to be more supportive of government programs, which Democrats tend to support and Republicans tend to oppose. Second, more superficially but ironically more powerfully, there is a broader cultural narrative that the GOP is racist or at best unsympathetic to minorites.

I do agree with you that the Texas GOP needs to put more women and minorites to run for office and into the party leadership. In the 1990s, we seemed to actually do a better job. Now, besides some judges, we only have one female statewide office holder - Christi Craddick, and she's not a particularly talented political figure. She's pretty uninspiring, and she's only relevant because her dad used to be Speaker of the House and has been in the Legislature for about 50 years. She's Hunter Biden without the cocaine use, in-law banging, and out-of-wedlock pregnancies.
First, minorities are disproportionately poor, and poor people tend to be more supportive of government programs, which Democrats tend to support and Republicans tend to oppose. Second, more superficially but ironically more powerfully, there is a broader cultural narrative that the GOP is racist or at best unsympathetic to minorites.

Deez is right. But the thing I will add is that the Second is a narrative that is generated from the First. The Democrats have been very racist but they figured out in 1964 that they could cover up their racism with cash. Republicans out of principle disagreed with the cash. There is your racism.
That is false. Gene Epstein tracks labor rates from the Bureau of Economic Analysis for working labor and it has been increasing steadily. It definitely isn't getting worse.

I have seen graphs like this for longer time frames which show growth since the 70s.

The biggest wage growth, under Trump, has occurred in the lowest quartile of earners
In addition, the single biggest increase, by category, has been with hispanic males
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Trump needs to do a better job of advertising that. His tax and regulation cuts have had a good effect. I don't credit Presidents for goo economies, but I do blame them for bad ones when they have intervened. Trump has backed the FedGov off the economy enough for me to believe there is a cause effect going on.

The monetary supply growth does have to stop though. That was a big reason why the economy during Obama's years were so bad. Now Trump is going down the same road.
His tax and regulation cuts have had a good effect. I don't credit Presidents for goo economies, but I do blame them for bad ones when they have intervened.

I wish more people understood this. The government can't "fix the economy." However, it can screw it up with bad policy. The failure to understand this is why we get idiots blaming "capitalism" for the financial crisis and healthcare costs as if there's a free market in either one of those industries.
Part of the problem is that in general people view the government as a benevolent father. They may dislike the Rs or Ds, but they trust their team to take care of them. So when the government intervenes in the economy most people believe it is to correct the market or to fix capitalism. There is always a problem with capitalism that needs to be fixed by government. That is the presumption of many on this forum too.

But that is false. The market or capitalism is just you and me and everyone else trying to make our lives better materially one purchasing decision at a time. Any intervention by the government just removes choices from you. It limits your freedom.

That doesn't mean no laws or regulations are helpful. We all need to behave in an ethical way towards one another. But other than that the government reduces economic output.
There's a difference. The alt-Right would claim that ethnic background dictates politics and culture, and that's what they get wrong. Having more Latinos doesn't have to mean a more leftist country. It might turn out that way, but it doesn't have to.

Keep in mind that blacks and Hispanics are now actually less woke and less liberal than white Democrats are. At least the Hispanics can be convinced, but somebody does have to try. If we just cede them to the Democrats, they will go that way.

This is correct. Latinos and Blacks are much more conservative on gay marriage and abortion than whites are.
Over 100,000 of DACA applicants have prior criminal histories

I am against more legal or illegal immigration, but it's a pure myth that illegal and legal immigrants are more likely to commit crime than natives. That's just not the case.

Democrats need to be called out on their de facto open borders policy. They won't call it open borders, but when you refuse to deport anyone unless they commit murder or rape, then it's a de facto open borders policy because 99.99% of illegal aliens don't commit murder or rape.

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