Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

Go figure

"Ottawa has dispatched Spanish & Haitian-Creole speaking govt representatives to American cities…to dissuade TPS holders & other asylum seekers from heading north."

With Immigration Status in Limbo, Some TPS Holders Consider Heading North — To Canada

That agreement means that if you show up at an official port of entry, you will be immediately sent back to the U.S.,” said Dench.

Wait what? Canada will send illegals back? Why would they do that? Where's the outcry for better treatment and compassion?
More proof that politicians spend money on what they want to regardless of where the law or budget says it should go. Remember that the next time a politician asks for a bond or new tax for the purpose of paying for X. The point is to get more of your money, nothing else.

My default position is to vote "No" on all bonds. I'm not saying I never vote for any bond initiative, but the default is "No," and that's enough to keep me from voting for pretty much all but maybe 1 out of 20 bond initiatives.
There’s an argument for providing too much information to dissuade people from starting the trek north.
The fraud can't answer a simple question.

She's stupid not to just be honest, because there is a plausible and defensible answer. "Yes, but almost everybody will be money ahead, because health insurance premiums, copays, deductibles, and coinsurance will go away. Furthermore, Medicare will be able to use its power as a single payer to significantly negotiate down healthcare costs. That means that the tax increase will be far smaller than the amount saved by not having to cover health insurance premiums and inflated costs."

I doubt it would actually happen this way, but this is the standard answer to this question, and it can be defended by bringing up what other nations with national healthcare systems do. It's a lot easier to defend than what's very obviously a lie.
Medicare premiums today are below the costs of hospitals and doctors. So to have Medicare run the whole healthcare system and then negotiate prices down, would lead to the end of all medical care in the US.

If only Warren knew enough to say that.
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Medicare premiums today are below the costs of hospitals and doctors. So to have Medicare run the whole healthcare system and then negotiate prices down, would lead to the end of all medical care in the US.

If only Warren knew enough to say that.

But nobody will call her on that point. If she had spouted what I suggested, Colbert would have let it go, and 98 percent of the mainstream media would accept that answer unchallenged. And of course, Trump doesn't have the ability to discuss any issue to that degree of nuance.
No, I think Deez is saying Trump uses debating points like a sledgehammer, rather than a surgeon's scalpel. I don't think he is saying Trump is dumb, rather that he is very forceful, direct, and blunt (which I find refreshing in a politician).

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