Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

A win for Trump on the border wall. This one lets his administration start using reprogrammed Pentagon dollars to construct over 100 miles of fencing. The four liberal justices all at least partially dissent, of course. Breyer says he would let the administration finalize the contracts but not begin construction.


Can you name a single immigration enforcement mechanism or punishment for breaking immigration law that Democrats support?

Probably not

And why is that?

Because they want open borders, they just will not say so publicly

Nadler what a joke.
He uses murder rate to say Guatemala can not be a place of asylum. Really Dude?
How many cities here have higher murder rates.than Guatemala?
Nadler what a joke.
He uses murder rate to say Guatemala can not be a place of asylum. Really Dude?
How many cities here have higher murder rates.than Guatemala?

Great, since it's too unsafe to send them back to Guatemala then let's send them all to Chicago, Baltimore and DC. Trump should send about 5,000 busses to the border and just load 'em all up and have the drivers head north. Don't bother with the California border....they can stay there.
He probably got that stat from listening to the MSM again.

Nah, when I think of Baltimore I think of Baltimore and it's suburbs, the metro area if you will. I neglected to factor in formal city boundaries which have a huge impact in statistics, especially where one city bleeds into another city. Unlike Texas where y'all keep expanding city boundaries into mega-cities (see Houston, Austin) the coasts create more local municipalities. This is how Seattle's polpulation is ~700k while the Seattle metro area is approaching ~4m. Think the statistics might be a bit different depending on where you draw the boundaries?
Nah, when I think of Baltimore I think of Baltimore and it's suburbs, the metro area if you will. I neglected to factor in formal city boundaries which have a huge impact in statistics, especially where one city bleeds into another city. Unlike Texas where y'all keep expanding city boundaries into mega-cities (see Houston, Austin) the coasts create more local municipalities. This is how Seattle's polpulation is ~700k while the Seattle metro area is approaching ~4m. Think the statistics might be a bit different depending on where you draw the boundaries?

Well, yeah. When you look at a city you have to count everything, not just Crackerville. :lol:
That is an amazing example of changing( Not moving but changing) the goal posts I have seen.
But ok using your new definition SH How about the other10 "cities" listed in the link? You said zero.
That is an amazing example of changing( Not moving but changing) the goal posts I have seen.
But ok using your new definition SH How about the other10 "cities" listed in the link? You said zero.

Nah, I'm simply explaining my logic behind my thinking. Houston gets the benefit of more affluent "suburbs" that Baltimore does not. That doesn't change the fact that Baltimore has a problem.

I should have laughed at the comparison of comparing cities to countries. Apples to Oranges. There is a reason nobody is comparing San Salvador or other Mexican cities.

Here is a list of cities with the highest murder rates.
Kudos to the Trump Administration so far for their efforts in Mississippi yesterday. ICE target 6 food processing plants, arresting 700 illegal immigrants. By many reports they were respectful to those arrested. I say "so far" because the actions shouldn't stop at arresting the immigrants. The company should face the full force of the law for knowingly emoloying illegal immigrants.
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Wow, Trump did something good again. Enforcing the law is exactly what the Executive Branch is supposed to do. Kudos to him. Now need to implement full e-verify.
Kudos to the Trump Administration so far for their efforts in Mississippi yesterday. ICE target 6 food processing plants, arresting 700 illegal immigrants. By many reports they were respectful to those arrested. I say "so far" because the actions shouldn't stop at arresting the immigrants. The company should face the full force of the law for knowingly emoloying illegal immigrants.

So far, we went for the low-hanging fruit. Getting the immigrants is easy. It's very easy to deport them. They're broke-*** poor, so they can't afford to fight. Furthermore, they aren't Republican donors. The employers have the "I'm stupid" defense, so it's much harder to get at them. They also have money, so they'll put up a vigorous defense. Furthermore, they're likely to be Republican or even Trump donors. I wouldn't hold my breath on them having any trouble other than having to find another 700 illegal aliens to do the work, and they'll show up tomorrow.
So far, we went for the low-hanging fruit. Getting the immigrants is easy. It's very easy to deport them. They're broke-*** poor, so they can't afford to fight. Furthermore, they aren't Republican donors. The employers have the "I'm stupid" defense, so it's much harder to get at them. They also have money, so they'll put up a vigorous defense. Furthermore, they're likely to be Republican or even Trump donors. I wouldn't hold my breath on them having any trouble other than having to find another 700 illegal aliens to do the work, and they'll show up tomorrow.

According to local newspapers there was no sighting of any plant managers or HR being arrested. That may be selectively enforcing the law.
Wow, Trump did something good again. Enforcing the law is exactly what the Executive Branch is supposed to do. Kudos to him. Now need to implement full e-verify.
absolutely. Between MPP and E-Verify...the problem of illegal immigration would be almost non-existent. We wouldn't even need a wall at that point. MPP takes away the wet foot/dry foot philosophy of "once you're in, you're in" and E-Verify would eventually root out most of the illegal immigrants already here. Both actions take the onus off ICE/CBP/DHS to enforce immigration against huge masses of people. They make the numbers much more manageable. Both discourage gaming the system. If only we had started with MPP instead of all the other ill-fated and ill-conceived immigration stumbles.
Who was it on WM that kept posting all the walls being built were just replacements? That Trump promised new walls but was not delivering?

"Drone footage released by the Border Patrol over the weekend shows miles of a “new border wall system” going up at a location in Arizona near where illegal immigrants were seen streaming into America years ago.

The construction is taking place near San Luis and is being carried out with the help of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

“CBP has constructed over 60 miles of new border wall system along the SW border since 2017 and expects to complete 450 miles by the end of 2020,” the Border Patrol said in a tweet."
Border Patrol releases drone footage showing miles of ‘new wall system’ being built
The agency also tweeted footage showing how a 10-foot wall in the area “failed to impede and deny illegal entries” in 2005.


“Today, CBP has a triple-layered enforcement zone which includes an 18’ bollard wall,” it added.

Elsewhere in Arizona, crews were installing 30-foot steel fencing Friday to replace older barriers next to a border crossing known as Lukeville Port of Entry, which is part of the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument.

Many Arizona residents use the crossing on their way to Rocky Point, a beach destination in Mexico.

Construction is expected to take about 45 days. The U.S. government then plans to tackle other projects in Arizona, including nearly 40 miles of fencing in other parts of the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument and areas of Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge and San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area.


Workers also broke ground Friday for construction between Columbus and Santa Teresa — small towns near ports of entry along the border between New Mexico and the state of Chihuahua, Mexico.

The taller fencing is being funded through a national emergency declaration by President Trump.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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OK, I will walk the plank and admit I have often wondered (esp sense Katrina, Ike and Harvey) if we could change the direction and/or intensity of hurricanes with technology. Including even using explosives, if they work. Although I dont know about the efficacy of adding radiation to that equation. I imagine that it will be possible, at least to some extent, in the future.

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