Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

Yeah. Trump is wrong. When you are talking about imports into the US, they have the thing that we want. Not the other way around.

Actually, in the equation both sides have something the other wants. Yes, the US wants the goods at a cheaper price that it can make those goods themselves. However, the US definitely has something the other side wants and values - cash.
Actually, in the equation both sides have something the other wants. Yes, the US wants the goods at a cheaper price that it can make those goods themselves. However, the US definitely has something the other side wants and values - cash.
Do people realize the national currency of Ecuador is the USD? When Maduro is finally overthrown they need to scrap the Bolivar and use USD. In this way, US pays for Venezuela crude in USD which is then spread across the Venezuela economy. It would be the fastest way to get US companies back in there and hiring people.
Prepare for Mus to produce an article from Sputnik News that shows this is an example of America's imperialism. :lmao:

No need for Sputnik when we already have the NYT

Deez is right. Both countries have something the other wants.

That is the way business transactions work, when they work right. Win-win.

Governments try to make a win-win situation into a conquering situation. One team wins the other loses a bloody battle.

I prefer business.
I think Musberger is sock puppet that is used by different people over time. The tone of "his" posts change over time pretty drastically. It could be different people or a naked attempt by one person to change opinion for political use.
Also, when I told Mus that, he didn't denied it. He said there was no way to disprove it. Which is the exact same thing the people said to me over the phone who were trying to scam me out of my bank account information. He kind of confirmed it.
The liberals in California have hit a new low - California lawmakers agree to health benefits for immigrants. What part of the word "illegal" do they not understand?

This excerpt should really cause a concern:

"Republicans on the legislative committee negotiating the budget voted against the proposal, arguing it was not fair to give health benefits to people who are in the country illegally while taxing people who are here legally for not purchasing health insurance."

If I were an American citizen living in California, I would hit the roof on this - and look for a way to move out of the state.

Is there still any talk of "Calexit? - Californians wanting to seceded from the USA? Can we make this a national referendum? The country would be better off without them.
No there is no crisis and we don't need a wall or to change any laws or policies. This is heinous for US and the innocent child.

BorderPatrol Agent caring for 1.5 yr old child with chickenpox who was part of a fraudulent family unit. The male who the child was with is not related to the child and has ties to MS-13 gang. Our Agents continue to do their best during this crisis.

Reading this just makes me :brickwall:
"House Oversight Committee Republicans wrote the Department of Homeland Security in February about the threat posed by the large caravans of migrants traveling from Central America to the United States.

The DHS documents produced to the House Oversight Committee revealed that in October of 2018, the CBP’s Office of Intelligence tracked one caravan with approximately 8,000 migrants who arrived just south of California by December of 2018 and established that 660 of the migrants had US criminal convictions.

This indicates that these migrants have already been deported from the US at least once.

“Nearly 40 were convicted of assault or aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Three individuals were convicted of murder,” the letter stated.

In January of 2019, CBP tracked another migrant caravan that departed Honduras with approximately 3,300 migrants and ICE HSI identified that ONE FOURTH, or 860 individuals from this caravan had US criminal histories.

“Over 20 convicted of assault or aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, nearly 30 convicted of sexual offenses, two convicted of violence against law enforcement, and one convicted of attempted murder,” the letter stated."
Wonder what Pelosi thinks of these sterling characters.
Wow we are idiots.
So Pelosi is asking what the point is of enforcing deportment orders? These are people who have been convicted of crimes other beyond their coming in illegally Or they have not followed the order to appear.

What happened to Lefists fav phrase vis a vis Trump? That no one is above the law?
#TrumpCausedThisBorderCrisis is trending on Twitter. Just how stupid are these people? First, there wasn't a crisis according to the MSM zombies. Now, they say there is one and are blaming Trump for it. :lmao:
“So, on Wednesday, we received reports from children of a lice outbreak in one of the cells where there were about twenty-five children, and what they told us is that six of the children were found to have lice. And so they were given a lice shampoo, and the other children were given two combs and told to share those two combs, two lice combs, and brush their hair with the same combs, which is something you never do with a lice outbreak. And then what happened was one of the combs was lost, and Border Patrol agents got so mad that they took away the children’s blankets and mats. They weren’t allowed to sleep on the beds, and they had to sleep on the floor on Wednesday night as punishment for losing the comb.”

Inside a Texas Building Where the Government Is Holding Immigrant Children
And then what happened was one of the combs was lost, and Border Patrol agents got so mad that they took away the children’s blankets and mats. They weren’t allowed to sleep on the beds, and they had to sleep on the floor on Wednesday night as punishment for losing the comb.
I highly doubt the veracity of this claim.
#TrumpCausedThisBorderCrisis is trending on Twitter. Just how stupid are these people? First, there wasn't a crisis according to the MSM zombies. Now, they say there is one and are blaming Trump for it. :lmao:

It's what you'd call "political privilege." If you're a Democrat, you're allowed to create false narratives, and the media will reinforce them. A Republican doesn't have that privilege. They can pretend that certain things caused various problems without evidence, and it'll just get presumed.

They can also use false issues to cover for their unpopular positions on different but related issues. For example, consider the family separation issue. They are allowed to use that as an underlying issue, so they can bring righteous Sally Struthers-style emotionalism to their side. However, if you look at the issue in detail, there isn't much attempt to avoid separation other than by releasing people. To be clear, there's room for them to make the distinction, but the question isn't asked. Somebody should ask a Democrat this question: "If a person crosses the border illegally with someone he claims to be his child, what should happen to them?" Then make them answer it specifically. But nobody does that. They just let the righteous bellyaching about family separation go on without making them offer specifics even on a superficial level.
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In a way #TrumpCausedThisBorderCrisis true though. But not for the reasons Progs are saying.

I saw information that the information flows across the Southern border aren't all that large. However, Trump has instructed that illegals are not allowed to go into the country to wait for a hearing. That means all those people are now in detention centers who were previously let through the border.

So the crisis in the detention centers has been caused by the change in policy. But it is the correct policy. The Dems know that they now need to block any laws increasing the resources for ICE or the detention centers along the border. That way they can use the crisis for political reasons and I sure they hope to reverse the policy so that illegals are once again allowed to enter the country.

I figured this months ago when the issue came to the forefront last year. Because immediately Ted Cruz wrote a bill to increase funding and resources for ICE and Border Patrol to account for the change in policy. O'Rourke went to the border and video taped himself with a forelorned look into the sunset and explained how sad the situation at the border was and how sad it made him feel.

Of course Cruz's bill didn't even get a vote in the Senate. There wasn't one in the House either. Dems sure weren't pushing for legislation. They were busy demonizing the President. It is truly sick how they have used these people as political pawns. If they had any sense of shame, Congress would have enacted a law to provide some kind of relief to the situation.

Notice that after the mid-term the media didn't really bring up the border at all. Now that the 2020 campaign has started it is back on the forefront? Of course Republicans aren't doing themselves any favors. They should have a bill passed in the Senate already, if they cared, to put pressure on the Congress to pass it themselves.

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