Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

There will certainly be a cost to the US with the tariffs but it will be a shared cost with Mexico

Not interested in sharing the cost. I'm over taxed already so cut the bloated government budget instead of raising my taxes yet again.

Please explain how tariffs will share the cost with Mexico. Reduced imports due to tariffs are penalizing them not sharing the cost. We pay the full cost of tariffs.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce called it “exactly the wrong move.” The head of the National Association of Manufacturers said it was a “Molotov cocktail of policy.”
My question on tariffs is, can the President enact them with no law passed from Congress? Tariffs are a tax, so how can a President just start new ones on his own?
My question on tariffs is, can the President enact them with no law passed from Congress? Tariffs are a tax, so how can a President just start new ones on his own?

It's another cockamamie "emergency" power delegated to the President by Congress. This one is under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act.
Maybe one that knows how to properly dress in clothes that are the correct size?
Unclear your point LH

His coat is too short. He's showing too much vest. I think it looks dumb to show any vest below the coat, but even if you're going for that look, he's showing too much.

And I'll never understand why Trump likes to scowl in posed photos. His military portrait (the one that's on the wall in military offices) looks even more ridiculous.
Oh. That sucks. Sounds like we are getting close to having a King.

Most people don't mind the President having more power during a true emergency. The problem is that the emergency is often bogus - not in the sense that nothing's wrong but in the sense that it's not an emergency. And of course, sometimes the power seized is never given up. That's how democracies become dictatorships. (See the Reichstag Fire Decree and Enabling Act.)
His coat is too short. He's showing too much vest. I think it looks dumb to show any vest below the coat, but even if you're going for that look, he's showing too much.

It's standard to have about 2" of vest showing below the coat when wearing tails. He has what looks like it's about 6-7". Looks tacky.

Edit: Funny. I just googled tux with tails images and not one picture came up with that much vest showing....not even close.
It's standard to have about 2" of vest showing below the coat when wearing tails. He has what looks like it's about 6-7". Looks tacky.

Edit: Funny. I just googled tux with tails images and not one picture came up with that much vest showing....not even close.

It makes me wonder why he or his dresser chose to do that. Was it to make him look tall? Queen Elizabeth is in her mid 90s. He'd have to kneel not to tower over her. And I still don't understand the scowl.

To be fair, this is a little like the stupid golf schedule pissing matches. Partisans only make an issue of it when it makes the other side look bad.
Deez, when have any powers given to the Federal goverment or Executive Branch been given up? When was the last true emergency that necessitated granting the Executive more power? It's hasn't been in my life time.
I don't know. What is the thresh hold level of an official emergency?

I think originally, emergency was limited to natural disasters and military action. Maybe an infectious disease outbreak could apply, but I don't know that Executive Branch was ever granted power to unilaterally act to contain disease before.

Part of the problem is that these definitions are written by lawyers and not engineers. Lawyers exist to interpret and argue what legal terms mean. Engineers exist to solve problems. So if the issue is, "what problem is big enough" to justify granting emergency powers, I would prefer some kind of technician on the subject, engineer, pathologist, economist, etc. to write out the rules, not lawyers. With them you get rules written vaguely enough so that they can then go back and debate what was meant. That isn't what you need set up when you are talking about emergencies.
Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at 9.54.18 AM.png
Don't you imagine that Trump has been to more black tie/white tie events than all of the Hornfans membership put together times 10? I've been to enough over the years that I've always owned my own tuxedo, but compared to a New York billionaire?

Why is this an issue?

As far as wanting to tower over the queen, why assume that? Isn't it more likely that his or his tailor's concern that his wife--who looked quite amazing--is as tall as he is, when wearing heels?
Don't you imagine that Trump has been to more black tie/white tie events than all of the Hornfans membership put together times 10? I've been to enough over the years that I've always owned my own tuxedo, but compared to a New York billionaire?

Why is this an issue?

As far as wanting to tower over the queen, why assume that? Isn't it more likely that his or his tailor's concern that his wife--who looked quite amazing--is as tall as he is, when wearing heels?

Dude, it's not "an issue." It just looks silly. That's all it is. No more, no less.
Dude, it's not "an issue." It just looks silly. That's all it is. No more, no less.
So, for example, Elton John hosts a famous white tie event every year in London for the rich and famous to raise money for AIDS. This is his fashion:
Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at 10.21.55 AM.png

My proposal is that few, perhaps no one at all on HF, or certainly all the new experts on Twitter, have any idea whatsoever what people actually wear to high-society white tie affairs in London on a regular basis. So, "dude," how many London white tie social events in London have you been to lately to be so sure that Trump was out of style?! It just seems like the premise--that millions of Americans know more than Trump does how to dress at such events, is what is silly.
Nice job playing partisan fashion defense. You may opt to wear business suits like Trump with pants and jacket that are too big and a tie that is too long. I'm sure it looks good on you.

Even in this tux, his pants are still on the baggy, long side, as are his sleeves. But Trump went the other way on the coat, opting for something too small. The jacket doesn’t need to fall below the hem of the vest, but it should be close. But the distance between the hem of his vest and the hem of his coat makes it look comical.
Haters gonna hate.
thanks for the info and pics VY
I agree. Trump for sure knows how to dress for state occasions.
I have been to a couple of high brows events THIS one with the Queen is way above me. I can't even believe this merits one comment.
I trust Trump to know.

Vis a vis this thread We have thousands of illegals swarming into out country swamping our services, bringing diseases drugs and crime.And people are concerned about what Trump wore?
Haters gonna hate.
thanks for the info and pics VY
I agree. Trump for sure knows how to dress for state occasions.
I have been to a couple of high brows events THIS one with the Queen is way above me. I can't even believe this merits one comment.
I trust Trump to know.

Vis a vis this thread We have thousands of illegals swarming into out country swamping our services, bringing diseases drugs and crime.And people are concerned about what Trump wore?
Yep those are the priorities for the Dems. Basically anything that lets them organize an outrage mob.
So, for example, Elton John hosts a famous white tie event every year in London for the rich and famous to raise money for AIDS. This is his fashion:
Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at 10.21.55 AM.png

My proposal is that few, perhaps no one at all on HF, or certainly all the new experts on Twitter, have any idea whatsoever what people actually wear to high-society white tie affairs in London on a regular basis. So, "dude," how many London white tie social events in London have you been to lately to be so sure that Trump was out of style?! It just seems like the premise--that millions of Americans know more than Trump does how to dress at such events, is what is silly.

Trump is showing about twice as much vest as Elton John and about 4 times as much as that other dude. He looks stupid, and anybody who watched Downton Abbey knows it. Lol.
..................It hurts US consumers and it hurts poor Mexican farmers. All because Trump isn't a good enough President to convince people to fund his wall or to realign the resources he has to improve border security.
Convince people? Are democrats people? I think they are robots. Lazy, poorly programmed robots.
Any of you is welcome to look through my posts to see how often I ever quote or like a partisan talking point. Hardly ever. I just posted the Elton John picture because proportionately it is the same exact fashion as Trump or his tailor chose, and that is a knighted superstar fashion mogul (also a billionaire?) who HOSTS annual white tie events in London.

Of all the things in the wide world of sports to create a criticism of Trump, this one takes a lot of result oriented reaching.
Nice job playing partisan fashion defense. You may opt to wear business suits like Trump with pants and jacket that are too big and a tie that is too long. I'm sure it looks good on you.

Even in this tux, his pants are still on the baggy, long side, as are his sleeves. But Trump went the other way on the coat, opting for something too small. The jacket doesn’t need to fall below the hem of the vest, but it should be close. But the distance between the hem of his vest and the hem of his coat makes it look comical.
I wore a suit and tie to work for about 20 years (always as boring and fashion-invisible as possible), but now I work for myself and never wear a coat unless in court. In fact, now that I am in my mid-life crisis, I wear gym shorts and t-shirts pretty much every day.

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