Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

Sort of an interesting juxtaposition -- The Govt is unwilling/unable to stop the current invasion of our country, but is willing to quickly arrest any US citizen for trying to do the Govt's duty.

I think it raises some good issues -- namely what are your rights as a citizen when your Govt is unwilling/unable to act? During Hurricane Harvey, when it was impossible for the Govt to act, private citizens filled the void. They were rightly hailed as heroes. The same was done in reaction to Hurricane Katrina (my city, both times).

But should we have been arrested for doing what the Govt did not/could not do at the time? Could we have even been subject to arrest? (probably in some instances). Acts of God/Force majeure and so on are all affirmative defenses, just like "self-defense" itself. Meaning you have to get charged first before you can use them. But should people who do these acts even be charged in the first place? What about when the Govt chooses not to act in a case where it has a duty to act -- as opposed to a situation with a natural disaster when it wants to act but cannot? Should private citizens also be allowed to fill the void in the former case?

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Politco attempted to do a hit piece on Stephen Miller with the following --

"It's not an overstatement to say Stephen Miller wakes up every morning thinking about illegal immigration and goes to sleep thinking about it as well."

To me, that does not read as derogatory as they intend. It is, after all, his job.
How Stephen Miller made immigration personal
What's funnier is that those very people who say that there isn't an emergency on the border don't want the illegals shipped to their local any more than the people who oppose illegal immigration. They are hypocrites of the worst kind.
Francis is a Leftist through and through for sure.

It is surprising to me his actions haven't caused right leaning Catholics to leave the Church. They believe he is infallible in his official declarations. This has to challenge that belief and their allegiance to this organization.
Francis is a Leftist through and through for sure.

It is surprising to me his actions haven't caused right leaning Catholics to leave the Church. They believe he is infallible in his official declarations. This has to challenge that belief and their allegiance to this organization.
In some ways, like on spiritual matters, he is conservative
Like what? I am curious. The commentary I have heard from Catholic circles doesn't say that. But I am not Catholic.
Other than the typical social justice issues of the left, he is a conservative in the spiritual matters of the church and the individual. He does not oppose any established spiritual dogma or tradition. In politics, he would be a conservative SJW (like Starbucks CEO).
Have any specifics mchammer? The little bit of commentary I have heard hasn't said that.
Exactly, if he was a liberal rebel on the other stuff, you would have read about it. Maybe a better analogy would be Sen Daniel Inouye from Hawaii in terms of sacrifice, love of country, etc.
Merit based immigration has been one of his smarter plays. If he would add "increased use of E-Verify" to that platform, it would go a long way towards increasing his middle America and blue collar attraction.
Mexico just let a group of 1,036 migrants, mostly from Guatemala, cross the entire length of Mexico and arrive in El Paso yesterday to claim asylum. It's the largest group so far.

As I understand it, Mexico has tougher immigration laws than the U.S. (who doesn't). So, how do they let this mob enter at their southern border and traverse the length of the country and do nothing about it? The government of Mexico has historically been corrupt, so is some left-wing American group greasing the skids for the refugees with a little payola or is the Mexican government just as inept as ours?

Maybe the tariff will shake things up a little. If not, maybe we should stop our annual $50 million payment Mexico. Why should we give them money anyway?
Mexico can and should do more
But instead of a tariff why not stop aid to Mexico
AND tax any money sent to Mexico?
Punish the illegals and the Mexico instead of citizens.

Jesus, I really don't understand the logical disconnect here. Mexico ain't paying ****! You are! And Trump is grandstanding about taxing you more!

Jesus, I really don't understand the logical disconnect here. Mexico ain't paying ****! You are! And Trump is grandstanding about taxing you more!
Unlike income taxes or regulations, you have choice not to pay it.
Yes, you have the choice not to buy the thing today that you really wanted to buy yesterday and the week before. You and the supplier had an agreement, to pay $X for a good and then the government stepped in and said, "you don't get to choice who you do business with".

The real threat is Trump's statement of escalation. The tariff starts at 5% and goes up from there.

It hurts US consumers and it hurts poor Mexican farmers. All because Trump isn't a good enough President to convince people to fund his wall or to realign the resources he has to improve border security.
you’d think cities like L.A. and San Fran would be leading the fight for a wall and stronger controls. They’re reportedly becoming open sewers because of all the homeless people living in and going to the bathroom on the streets. They’re rapidly losing that aura they once had. Who plans to vacation in one of those cities this summer?

Just read that the LA cops are afraid of being exposed to typhoid. One cop just contracted it. All kinds
of diseases that were unknown in the US scant years ago, but not in S. America, Asia, and Africa, are starting to crop up including: plague (as in the Black Plague), tuberculosis, measles, mumps, pertussis, etc., etc. Ain’t globalism grand?
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I still wish we could penalize the ones causing this.
Withhold aid from Mexico and tax any remittance being sent to Mexico.
tax any remittance being sent to Mexico

There are billions sent to Mexico every year via western union, etc from people in the US illegally who pay zero income tax and get paid in cash. Tax those money wires by about 20% and the wall would be paid for in less than 5 years. I can't figure out why anyone would support tariffs to penalize American citizens.
Mulvaney is hitting the right notes this morning on Fox News. "Mexico should take in these Central American migrants". There will certainly be a cost to the US with the tariffs but it will be a shared cost with Mexico and it will hurt Mexico more. This will work and IMO is one element to making this work.
- E Verify
- remain in Mexico for asylum
- Mexico stop the flow at their southern border

These three things will work. Need to step up the advocacy for E-Verify.

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