Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

A hurricane releases the energy of a Hiroshima atomic bomb every second.

Was it a dumb thing for POTUS to suggest? Of course it was. Was it the dumbest thing the man ever said? We can debate that.
Provide your source that Trump asked if a nuclear bomb could disrupt a hurricane.
Also please show the pro’s and con’s of dropping a bomb to dislodge the path of an oncoming hurricane. I would prefer a risk based analysis that shows lives and property saved / lost in either case. Thanks!
For 60 years theories about detonating bombs including nukes to disrupt huricanes have been floated.
In the late 1800s even the Weather Service considered whether TNT could disrupt a tornado .There answer to all is no.
But it is not surprising Trump might ask. It comes up every year.
It's not an actual issue at all. It's just more talking head, meaningless chatter designed to soak up air time on CNN etc., so they don't have to examine anything of actual merit.
I have yet to see the video of Trump actually saying anything about nuking hurricanes. That's because CNN et al use the tried and true anonymous source BS. And, naturally, they don't challenge it.
Funny how the media and left loathe anyone associated with Trump....until they supposedly, or in fact do, say ANYTHING negative about him. Suddenly they are the most credible people in Washington.
Who was it on WM that kept posting all the walls being built were just replacements? That Trump promised new walls but was not delivering?

"Drone footage released by the Border Patrol over the weekend shows miles of a “new border wall system” going up at a location in Arizona near where illegal immigrants were seen streaming into America years ago.

The construction is taking place near San Luis and is being carried out with the help of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

“CBP has constructed over 60 miles of new border wall system along the SW border since 2017 and expects to complete 450 miles by the end of 2020,” the Border Patrol said in a tweet."
Border Patrol releases drone footage showing miles of ‘new wall system’ being built
The agency also tweeted footage showing how a 10-foot wall in the area “failed to impede and deny illegal entries” in 2005.


“Today, CBP has a triple-layered enforcement zone which includes an 18’ bollard wall,” it added.

Elsewhere in Arizona, crews were installing 30-foot steel fencing Friday to replace older barriers next to a border crossing known as Lukeville Port of Entry, which is part of the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument.

Many Arizona residents use the crossing on their way to Rocky Point, a beach destination in Mexico.

Construction is expected to take about 45 days. The U.S. government then plans to tackle other projects in Arizona, including nearly 40 miles of fencing in other parts of the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument and areas of Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge and San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area.


Workers also broke ground Friday for construction between Columbus and Santa Teresa — small towns near ports of entry along the border between New Mexico and the state of Chihuahua, Mexico.

The taller fencing is being funded through a national emergency declaration by President Trump.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Please tell me you are smart enough to recognize that nothing in the CBP statement says it was new walls where none previously existed. I just got a "new" paint job on my house. Does that mean there was not paint there previously?

I have no problem with replacement walls. This is all part of longterm maintenance of our border in high traffic areas, particularly where 2 cities are separated at the border.

A 3000-mile border wall was ludicrous when it was first suggested and continues to be ludicrous today.
Husker, you asked
"Please tell me you are smart enough to recognize that nothing in the CBP statement says it was new walls where none previously existed."

Why Yes Yes I am. Here is What CBP posted,

Notice the use of the words NEW WALL
Here are the 2 views so you can see after and before
Husker are you smart enough to see there was no wall there?
Husker, you asked
"Please tell me you are smart enough to recognize that nothing in the CBP statement says it was new walls where none previously existed."

Why Yes Yes I am. Here is What CBP posted,

Notice the use of the words NEW WALL
Here are the 2 views so you can see after and before
Husker are you smart enough to see there was no wall there?

Gee, Husker's wrong again. What a surprise.
He had to go back a page to find that post I made about new walls and I didn't even mention him by name when I said there were posters who said there had been no NEW walls.
He had to go back a page to find that post I made about new walls and I didn't even mention him by name when I said there were posters who said there had been no NEW walls.

The worst part of it is that he talks down to us (like he did to you above) and he usually doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.
Which makes using facts to prove him wrong so much fun.
Remember when he aid there were ZERO cities in USA with higher murder rates than Guatemala? :lmao:
More proof that politicians spend money on what they want to regardless of where the law or budget says it should go. Remember that the next time a politician asks for a bond or new tax for the purpose of paying for X. The point is to get more of your money, nothing else.
Husker, you asked
"Please tell me you are smart enough to recognize that nothing in the CBP statement says it was new walls where none previously existed."

Why Yes Yes I am. Here is What CBP posted,

Notice the use of the words NEW WALL
Here are the 2 views so you can see after and before
Husker are you smart enough to see there was no wall there?

Reread that second tweet. Did the "new wall" replace an existing barrier? Again, does a "new paint job" mean no paint existed previously?
They are paying through fairer trade!

I'll expect my refund from Mexico any day.

Incidentally, I'll give Garmel a freebee and offer up to him...

Lie #1: "Mexico will pay for the wall."

Instead Trump is stealing $3.6B from the military. Remind us all how much Trump cares for the military again?
I'll expect my refund from Mexico any day.

Incidentally, I'll give Garmel a freebee and offer up to him...

Lie #1: "Mexico will pay for the wall."

Instead Trump is stealing $3.6B from the military. Remind us all how much Trump cares for the military again?

WTF? Trying to get something done and not accomplishing it is not a lie. Besides, in the end we stay still get remittances. Who knows? 3.6 billion isn't much money compared to the overall military budget. LOL! I think TDS is destroying your brain cells.

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