Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

No, I think Deez is saying Trump uses debating points like a sledgehammer, rather than a surgeon's scalpel. I don't think he is saying Trump is dumb, rather that he is very forceful, direct, and blunt (which I find refreshing in a politician).

All of this, and Trump is rhetorically sloppy. He's not going to discuss his strongest points on things. He's going to downshift into bumper sticker fodder.
All of this, and Trump is rhetorically sloppy.

I think sloppy is the wrong word. Sloppy is somebody that doesn’t know any better and doesn’t pay attention to detail without a plan. A person that makes mistakes. I know you think I give him too much credit and I think you don’t come close to give him the credit he deserves. Trump is the master of troll and is a savage when people make themselves his enemy. He baits them all the time and then reels them in. He’s very calculated and he even fools bright people into thinking he made a mistake when he’s put thought to why he does and says things. At the time he says something it makes him look bad, but the media and the the liberals bite every time only for them to look foolish later.

The liberals lose their mind over stuff he does and looks to have major meltdowns to the point they come across as mentally ill.

I’m not saying he doesn’t make mistake because he does. But most of the time he’s toying with the liberals and they just can’t help themselves but trip over their own feet.
I think sloppy is the wrong word. Sloppy is somebody that doesn’t know any better and doesn’t pay attention to detail without a plan. A person that makes mistakes. I know you think I give him too much credit and I think you don’t come close to give him the credit he deserves. Trump is the master of troll and is a savage when people make themselves his enemy. He baits them all the time and then reels them in. He’s very calculated and he even fools bright people into thinking he made a mistake when he’s put thought to why he does and says things. At the time he says something it makes him look bad, but the media and the the liberals bite every time only for them to look foolish later.

The liberals lose their mind over stuff he does and looks to have major meltdowns to the point they come across as mentally ill.

I’m not saying he doesn’t make mistake because he does. But most of the time he’s toying with the liberals and they just can’t help themselves but trip over their own feet.

Believe me, I know he's a troll, and he's very good at being a troll. However, sometimes the smart kid who can articulate is what you need rather than the kid who audibly farts in class during final exams.

When Elizabeth Warren is pitching Medicare for All and the media is doing everything they can to make it sound great, we need an adult, not a troll. We need someone who can explain to a bunch of people who are constantly told that socialism is great why it's a bad thing. That isn't Trump, and frankly, he has never played that role. The ideology and rhetorical discipline simply aren't there.
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Believe me, I know he's a troll, and he's very good at being a troll. However, sometimes the smart kid who can articulate is what you need rather than the kid who audibly farts in class during final exams.

When Elizabeth Warren is pitching Medicare for All and the media is doing everything they can to make it sound great, we need an adult, not a troll. We need someone who can explain to a bunch of people who are constantly told that socialism is great why it's a bad thing. That isn't Trump, and frankly, he has never played that role. The ideology and rhetorical discipline simply aren't there.

Being articulate and explaining things doesn’t work because the media doesn’t cover it. Anything that makes the Dems look bad wont get reported. Being articulate just gets that politician bullied and predictably they back down every single time. Trump says things that the media will report. They believe what he says will make him look bad. What they don’t get is they just fuel why Trump got elected in the first place. There is a silent majority that is so much bigger than what the left and both establishment realize. Most of Americans were starving for someone to stand up to the bully tactics of the media and are tired of the good ole boys of both establishments. They just don’t get it and Trump plays them like a fiddle.
Being articulate and explaining things doesn’t work because the media doesn’t cover it

So if Trump makes a good point in a debate with Warren, the media will just cut off his mic or go to a commercial break? He's the President and has the biggest bully pulpit on the planet. He can have the public's attention anytime he wants it.

Being articulate just gets that politician bullied and predictably they back down every single time.

Just out of curiosity, why do you associate being intelligent or articulate with being weak and giving in to bullies? Ronald Reagan was articulate and fought pretty tough. The 1995 House Republican leadership had some of the sharpest minds and most articulate spokesman in a century, and they were some of the toughest and most effective policymakers Capitol Hill has ever seen.

By contrast, Trump talks a lot of trash, but he's a weak fighter on policy. John Boehner took a lot of crap for supposedly being weak, but he was able to push a far more conservative budget with a Democratic Senate and Presidency than Trump delivered with Republicans running the Hill.

The point is that if you want to stop socialized medicine and other goofy ideas long-term, you have to be able to persuade people that it's a bad idea. That takes brains and persuasive power. Furthermore the amount of **** people talk doesn't always translate into real strength.
I think your both right. Trump will make polished points in the debate, but go back to gutter fighting on the campaign trail.
How can wonderful liberal Canada not want these illegals?
Because libtarded as they might be, even THEY understand that they cannot continue to finance those incapable of paying their own other words, Canada does not want to incur the substantial drain on the economy. They have seen what has happened in Californiastan...
So if Trump makes a good point in a debate with Warren, the media will just cut off his mic or go to a commercial break? He's the President and has the biggest bully pulpit on the planet. He can have the public's attention anytime he wants it.

You pick the debates as your example and it’s only a fraction of a fraction of things to cover. The debate is the only time it would look bad on their part if they cut out. But the other 99.99% they controlled and could choose what to show or not (or show things out of context or flat out make fake news). They show something that they think makes Trump look stupid and then when he is proven to be correct they are no where to be found.

John Boehner took a lot of crap for supposedly being weak, but he was able to push a far more conservative budget with a Democratic Senate and Presidency than Trump delivered with Republicans running the Hill.

I couldn’t disagree with you more. John Boehner was the worst party leader the GOP ever had. They did run all over him. You can give an example or two of things he did, but the rest of the time he was bowing down to the Dems. He was worthless a year or two out when he knew he would be retiring.
You pick the debates as your example and it’s only a fraction of a fraction of things to cover. The debate is the only time it would look bad on their part if they cut out. But the other 99.99% they controlled and could choose what to show or not (or show things out of context or flat out make fake news). They show something that they think makes Trump look stupid and then when he is proven to be correct they are no where to be found.

I only brought up the debate, because that's when he'd be in the best position to directly challenge Warren. He has far more opportunities than that. He's the President of the United States. He can speak on television anytime he wants. He can give addresses to Congress anytime he wants. The media can spin his remarks, but they can't deny him access to the public if he wants to reach them.

I couldn’t disagree with you more. John Boehner was the worst party leader the GOP ever had. They did run all over him. You can give an example or two of things he did, but the rest of the time he was bowing down to the Dems. He was worthless a year or two out when he knew he would be retiring.

Yet that horrible party leader cuck who "bowed down tot he Dems" got much more conservative budgets out of Obama than Trump and his big, swingin' schlong could get. Go figure. Hmm. It's almost as if Boehner knows something about governance that Trump (and you) don't know.
Joe Fan, I identify with the guys issues, but much of that is already standard. Most businesses in industry who don't hire illegals already collect all that data and submit it to the government. Applications already include a question about citizenship.

The system should only be about verifying citizenship or legal resident status. Not sure how that gets any worse with e-verify.

This is coming from a libertarian too. The guy in the video probably believes in open borders or as we libertarians like to call it free movement of goods and labor. I don't agree with that part of the ideology though.
Glad people are holding Trump accountable for his claims.

Can't wait to see what brave Americans will do to prove the next President wrong.
Glad people are holding Trump accountable for his claims.

Can't wait to see what brave Americans will do to prove the next President wrong.

To be fair, no President before Trump has made as many declaritive and provably untrue claims. Sadly, the thing that his supporters like most, his candid talk about whatever he believes at that moment, is also his undoing. He talks out of his *** incessantly on Twitter, Whitehouse gaggles and formal interviews. Evidently, being unprepared when making public comments isn't very successful for someone as powerful as POTUS. Who knew? ;)
Mountain climbers build replica (wooden) of Trump's border wall (18ft variety) and demonstrate it can be scaled in under a minute.

There is a video embedded in the story.

They claim this was done as a response to Trump's recent comment that the 20 best climbers in the world stated it was un-climbable.

First of all, it's a wooden replica. The fact that these climbers say there's no difference between climbing steel and wood tells tells you they're not being truthful. Second, they did not climb on their own. They had assistance. Third, it took them around 30 seconds, which would be enough time to detected by a drone. Did Trump make up his story? Possibly. However, these people are not on the up and up.
First of all, it's a wooden replica. The fact that these climbers say there's no difference between climbing steel and wood tells tells you they're not being truthful.

They were open that the replica was wood and were speaking directly to how easy it is to scale a wall of this design. Yes, steel may offer a slightly different obstacle but not remotely insurmountable with climbing shoes or a moderate amount of training.

Second, they did not climb on their own. They had assistance.

Ok, if you've never been to a local rock climbing wall don't display your ignorance with comments like this. Safety equipment is not offering any "assistance". One of my sons is an avid rock climber, both gyms and in the wild.
Ok, if you've never been to a local rock climbing wall don't display your ignorance with comments like this. Safety equipment is not offering any "assistance". One of my sons is an avid rock climber, both gyms and in the wild.

That is assistance. Did you notice that he slipped at least once while climbing and WOULD HAVE FALLEN without that rope? Ignorance? You know that word well. Did you think to yourself why they didn't use steel?
That is assistance. Did you notice that he slipped at least once while climbing and WOULD HAVE FALLEN without that rope? Ignorance? You know that word well. Did you think to yourself why they didn't use steel?

You mean when he was climbing using 1 hand because he was juggling with the other hand?
How hard would it have been to ask permission to go to the border and climb that wall?

You think DJT or the border control want an independent video of someone scaling the new wall? The one they are stealing billions from the military to pay for? Imagine the optics of that. It would literally kill support for the wall overnight, even among his supporters, sans 1.
You think DJT or the border control want an independent video of someone scaling the new wall? The one they are stealing billions from the military to pay for? Imagine the optics of that. It would literally kill support for the wall overnight, even among his supporters, sans 1.

LOL! Weaksauce! You two got scammed once again. If these two climbers had instead done a video "proving" Trump had assassinated JFK you would have believed that **** too as long as it's anti-Trump.:lmao:
I'm just giving you a hard time, Husker. The fact of the matter is that climbing a wood wall is not the same as a metal one. Metal is slippery as hell and nowhere as easy to climb as wood.

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