" have no problem with someone subscribing to fundamentalist views. Just don't force others to adopt those same views"
The LGBT folks shouldn't force the scouts, through their financial blackmail, to adopt their views. It was around for 103 yrs with the same values. LGBT should have made their own organization,
And I'm certainly not a Christian Fundamentalist. I don't believe the bible is the literal word of God anymore than I believe the Koran or Torah. They were all written by fallible men and are very likely derived from the same oral traditions just spun for different audiences. But almost every religion and every society, since, ummmmm...forever, has regarded homosexuality as an aberration.
You characterizing my view, that gay is abnormal, as fundamentalist is what intrigues me. The majority of the world does, and has for thousands of years, considered gay abnormal. But several of you, in your enlightened state, have determined that biology and anthropology be is normal.
"It's when those views start impacting others that the buck stops, IMHO."
"Until their individual actions harm someone else, the whole affair, to me, is their business not mine."
That is the exact arguement I'm making. It does impact others. It impacts the boys in the troop directly and it impacts the society I live in directly. Either way you decide the issue you impact others. To pretend that you can have a social standard/policy either way that doesn't "impact others" is intellectual dishonesty.
To borrow some Rush...Even "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"
Do we allow people to run around naked? Why not? There are certainly a few people that really want to do it? It doesn't really 'harm' anybody else by what I believe are your standards of 'harm'. Do you have a daughter? Would you mind if I came and ran around naked in front of her? How about if I started spewing explatives? Or racial slurs? These don't really harm her... do they? I mean, since they aren't directed at her, it would be totally cool with you if she saw and heard me say/do those things, right?
I didn't say they were evils and I certainly don't consider all failings equal. In my view, evil implies intent to do harm. I don't think gays/alcoholics/drug abusers/etc intend to do harm, but that doesn't mean that they aren't doing harm just the same.
Judging what is right and wrong is necessary. We all do it all day, everyday. To pretend that we don't have a right judge and set societal standards is ludicrous. We judge when it is ok to hit fight/not ok...self-defense/ok. We judge when it is ok to kill someone. We judge when it is ok to drive 35MPH and when it is not. We judge when it is ok to look at pictures of naked girls...18+/ok...17/not ok. These are all value judgments. We draw societal lines all the time about what is acceptable and what is not.
Many of you have succumb to the brilliant marketing job of the LGBT community. Most of your parents wouldn't have the same views as you and almost none of your grandparents.
Let's raise a toast to squishy morality...whatever is in vogue...that's what I'll have.