A very simplified explanation of Christianity:
Claiming that some general sin is worse than another shows a lack of understanding of the Bible.
Everyone sins everyday. Everyone will continue to sin everyday for the rest of their lives. Moses, David, and all the of Apostles were sinners. No one except for Jesus (God) is perfect. All sin is equal. You cannot be forgiven unless you confess to your conduct as wrong and ask for forgiveness. A Christian will sin everyday of their life but they acknowledge their behavior as wrong, ask for forgiveness and try their best not to repeat their behavior.
You ARE NOT SAVED when you state that sinful behavior (lying, stealing, homosexual behavior) is okay and refuse to ask for forgiveness.
There is a difference between urges and behavior.
According to the Bible all humanity has sinful urges. All of our sinful urges are different. Almost if not everyone has had the urge to hit someone before after being made angry by that person. Most people are able to control that urge.
Some people have even greater difficulty controlling sinful urges (people are hit by one another everyday). Kleptomaniacs have an abnormal urge to steal. Despite the fact that they have a "natural" disposition towards theft, our society does not treat them any different in the criminal justice system from people who do not have the same great urge to steal. Homosexual sex is a behavior like anything else that one can choose to or not to engage in. According to the old AND NEW testament, homosexual behavior is a sin like any other sinful behavior. One can be forgiven for this behavior after confessing to it as wrong and asking for forgiveness. A person with the help of the Holy Spirit can stop this behavior. They will probably fail many times as most people do trying to stop any type of sinful behavior. The key to Christianity is confessing your sin and asking for forgiveness.
If you claim to be a Christian and believe homosexuality is okay, then you must acknowledge that you only follow what you like in the Bible. Acknowledge that you pick and choose what you agree with before continuing to express your beliefs. State that you only believe God's Word when you like it.
All sex is a behavior. No one HAS to have sex to survive. Some poor soul living on a deserted island in the Indian Ocean would not die from lack of sex though that is one of the many reasons living on a deserted island would suck. Many people in America attempt to find someone to have sex with everyday, fail, and yet survive. Sex is a behavior not a characteristic.
Logically, how can you prove if someone is heterosexual or homosexual? Because they say so? A heterosexual can engage in homosexual sex and a homosexual can engage in heterosexual sex. Some businesses give affirmative action points to people who claim to be gay. What a great scam opportunity! How can anyone prove they are gay? You can prove your race, hair color, eye color, height, etc. Does engaging in homosexual sex one time make you gay? Some people are married to someone of the opposite sex for 20 years before discovering they are "gay". Were they always gay? If the person was having an affair with someone of the same sex, would they still be gay when they were having sex with their spouse? I mean this could work in reverse. What if two people of the same sex were married for twenty years and then one began an affair with someone of the opposite sex? Would they really be "straight"?