Big XII Expansion

Waiting 8 year for the GORs to expire is nutz and Texas and OU can and should negotiate out of those contracts
B12 has legal contracts with ESPN and FOX. Who is Texas and OU going to negotiate a better deal with outside of ESPN/FOX?

Who is Texas and OU going to play that is not under contract to ESPN/ABC/FOX?

Round Robin with ND and BYU?
Waiting 8 year for the GORs to expire is nutz and Texas and OU can and should negotiate out of those contracts
What deal can OU make that doesn't take OSt into consideration?

What deal can TX make that doesn't take TT into consideration?

What deal can TX and OU make that will get 8 votes in B12?

The state legislatures and the 8 other members might have something to say TX and OU trying to leave B12.
The second interception was thrown to a spot on an out route and the receiver was tackled. Obvious PI that was missed.

The ball was way over the intended target's head and was caught at shoulder level by a safety way downfield. Uncatchable. Possibly still a penalty because he did flat-out clobber the guy, I'm not sure of the rule, but not PI because Michael Jordan couldn't have gone up to get that ball.
Boren and OU have complained about unfair treatment in favor of Texas for awhile. It makes 0 sense for OU to do any complaining about the Big 12.

When Nebraska was advocating "a rising tide lifts all boats" strategy OU aligned with UT to block any attempts towards a B12 Network. OU made it's bed.
What deal can TX make that doesn't take TT into consideration?

One guy discussed that when asked if Texas got a deal, wouldn't it have to include Tech and Baylor. His answer was "No! that deal only applied to Texas A&M." True or not, I don't know. The reports were all over the board. The only one I agreed with is the B12 is dead, or if not it is slowly dying. I also agree that answer to the question, which programs from other P5 conferences would leave and come to the B12, would be none.
Sometimes I think UT might go independent, like Notre Dame. Might work, then again it could be the biggest flop ever.
The PAC would never have accepted UT w/the Longhorn Network. That was an immediate showstopper.
Incorrect. The PAC-12 set-up is six separate regional networks plus a "network" feed. The LHN would have fit into that model, but Texas would have taken a revenue hit as the PAC-12 Networks are not affiliated with neither Fox nor ESPN so very little money.

ou is tied to OSU by law. Texas is not encumbered in any way. However, having Tech follow Texas gives Texas a close competitor that generally is beatable in everything except WBB and soccer.
When Nebraska was advocating "a rising tide lifts all boats" strategy OU aligned with UT to block any attempts towards a B12 Network. OU made it's bed.
OU folks won't disagree with this statement at all. The tier 3 rights have been a mistake and OU had a big part in creating the problem.

The complaint about the Big 12 is that it used to be the second best power five conference and now it is clearly number 5.

This is because NU, ATM and MU are members of other conferences and the replacements are second tier athletic departments.
The ball was way over the intended target's head and was caught at shoulder level by a safety way downfield. Uncatchable. Possibly still a penalty because he did flat-out clobber the guy, I'm not sure of the rule, but not PI because Michael Jordan couldn't have gone up to get that ball.
The PI occurred so early in the route we will never know whether the receiver could get to the ball or not. Let's just agree to disagree on this one.
I do not know who Jeff Dooley is or what exactly some random football blogger's opinion proves. I can find links from football bloggers saying Shawn Watson is a good offensive coordinator.
I do not know who Jeff Dooley is or what exactly some random football blogger's opinion proves. I can find links from football bloggers saying Shawn Watson is a good offensive coordinator.
I thought you would get a kick out of that. Just pulling your chain.
Exactly how did the Big XII "seal its fate"? By not admitting any schools that bring not one damn thing to the table? Or maybe by not pissing off the TV partners and losing the TV contracts dropping the individual school payout by over $25 million/year?

I've seen some stupid **** posted on this board, but that one takes the prize for #1.
Loserville's last coach has not turned around two D-1 teams. including trying to cleanup the biggest administration academic scandal in the country. While Loserville's last coach gets lots of sympathy for having to put with overbearing alums, the coach at UNC has to put up with FBI, state police, NCAA, lawyers, legislators, and condemning media types. Yep, that Loserville guy has a track record head and shoulders above that country bumpkin from Brazos County, who descends from Texas HS coaching royalty.
Trubisky is the second good QB in a row that has been developed by Fedora at North Carolina and there is probably another qb in line being developed to follow Trubisky. That's what really good coaches do, unlike Strong and Watson. Bridgewater was the exception for those two offensive keystone cops.
I heard on the radio yesterday that the grants of rights for most of the 5 top conferences run out in the early to mid 2020's, 5-10 years from now. They were speculating that was the time major realignment might take place. So, I would guess that Texas, OU and the Big 12 as a whole are waiting to see what shakes out at that point before making a move toward expansion and/or conference movement. It seems like TV would be a major player in those decisions.
I heard on the radio yesterday that the grants of rights for most of the 5 top conferences run out in the early to mid 2020's, 5-10 years from now. They were speculating that was the time major realignment might take place. So, I would guess that Texas, OU and the Big 12 as a whole are waiting to see what shakes out at that point before making a move toward expansion and/or conference movement. It seems like TV would be a major player in those decisions.
That is what I understand, but when you are relying on negotiated contracts nothing is set in stone. All it would take is either two (or more) conferences voting to merge (say the ACC and the Big XII) or one conference (say the Big XII) voting to disband and all hell would break lose.
All it would take is either two (or more) conferences voting to merge (say the ACC and the Big XII) or one conference (say the Big XII) voting to disband
It might be more difficult that you imagine. The B12 holds the GoR and gets the members $30M+ per year for the next 8 years of the GoR term. The members need 8 votes to do anything significant like disbanding. Take TX, OU out of the mix and the remaining 8 are going to get $5-6M per year.

That is huge incentive to not disband until GoR term ends.
That is huge incentive to not disband until GoR term ends.
Understood, but my point was when the first conference makes a move, they will all make moves. After a realignment at least 8 if not 9 of the Big XII teams would be getting in excess of what they are getting now. Even Kansas would get more because they are attractive because of basketball. ISU, TCU and Baylor would be the potential left outs. However Patterson has done enough to get TCU at least in the ACC.
Understood, but my point was when the first conference makes a move, they will all make moves.
Yes. And my hope is that all of the Big 5 conferences and TV interests sit down at some point in 2022(?) and put together something that makes sense, particularly for the Big-12 which sits at the edge of the conference tectonic plates. The Big-12 needs either to break up and be divided up or padded up to give it stability, and it seems like only an overall plan can adequately address that.
B12 has legal contracts with ESPN and FOX. Who is Texas and OU going to negotiate a better deal with outside of ESPN/FOX?

ALL contracts are negotiable. I've yet to come across a "carved into stone" one yet. Some are more difficult and you might not get everything you want, but it is doable. I don't know if Texas and OU will get a better deal or not. That is only my writing down what I've heard the sports guys spew out on the air. I don't agree with a lot of it, but there was a lot of radio guys talking about the B12 the other day.
Big 14 would be ????? name them; is it doable

Don't think I can wait until 2022-24 to have a top notch conference...Big 12 needs to buy *4-5 out of their existing conferences now

*10+4 =14
*10+5 =15 - Baylor = 14