Big 12 Championship Game Thread 2023

… the defending national champion, who has been ranked #1 or #2 all season, and lost in their conference championship. You go and argue that for us. What I’ll do is just root for Georgia.
Past history. History is for losers.
I’m very torn on this. The committee has thought that Georgia was the best team all year. In most years I think they get in with a loss today and I’ve been thinking they could still stay in with a loss, but after Texas stomping the yard today and Oregon loss along with the unique situation of so many undefeated or 1 loss championship teams, this year is likely different.
The amount of teams that kept winning atop the country is pretty unprecedented. Texas may end up having the ultimate trump card with a Bama win. It’s the one thing that has kept Texas afloat with an awful committee and Bama could certainly drag us in behind them and close the door on Georgia. Would rather see Louisville win as that is more sure path with chance for mischief. Part of me can still see them putting Georgia in regardless tho. Not as sure of that as I was last night.
Committee has been wrong all year. They should be humbled.
This is tiresome. You go ahead and root for Alabama for some strange persistent reason and see what happens during the selection tomorrow. You must love drama. Go to Grapwvine and convince the committee that our conference championship is better than beingveankef
Give it a ******* rest already, willya?
That’s straight up dumb. I know I’m proud of our history. History is what sets us apart from virtually every other school.
Well, Texas has as many NC’s as GA and more wins. How come one is more important than the other? Why don’t we just focus on what happened this season, like what the committee is supposed to do?
That’s a separate issue. If they follow the rules, Texas is in.
I will say it now. Texas is in regardless of the outcome of the FSU game. There will be no justification from the committee that places Alabama over Texas if there is only one spot left.

They lose all credibility if they don't follow their own guidelines for picking the 4 teams. Nowhere in their mandate does it say that the SEC has an automatic bid.
Congratulations to the Big XII Offensive Player of the Year Ollie Gordon for his 34 rushing yards today. LOL!
Oklahoma State Cowboy Football
Duh, of course but we didn't so now we're sitting here talking about us getting in or not based on favoritism vs real accomplishments.
Then we are in based on accomplishments. If you want to remove favoritism, the time for that was at the state fair.
Good Lord the FSU / UL is God-awful. Think the quality of play of this game and lack of offense is going to be a variable in this consideration of FSU. Especially with the level of play from UT and Bama - I can see FSU getting passed up.
I’m afraid to check the Iowa Michigan score. How did Iowa win one game, let alone make it to the conference championship.
After watching this FSU game tonight, the 4 best conference champions that will be selected tomorrow (my prediction):
1. Washington
2. Michigan
3. Texas
4. Alabama

FSU is out. 1st time an undefeated conference champion will be left out.
One of the coolest things that isn’t getting nearly the play it should have was Brooks getting on the field for that last play that was truly awesome. I also think Sarks answer at his halftime interview where he immediately said that he made a coaching mistake it’s just so indicative of how he thinks, acts, and why his team believes in him and follows him. He cops to his own mistakes Which means when he holds others accountable they understand. He holds himself to the same standard and that is a winning coach and I have so much respect for him from that interview. I can’t even begin to tell you