"As good as Hodges Mitchell was, he wasn't an NFL-quality player. "
Right, because he was 5'7" and blew out his ACL in his last game. As you said, he was a great college player, though. So we're arguing that Cedric, as a freshman, was already about on par with a "great college player" and that, by his senior year, he was far better than that?
"Looking over Mack Brown's tenure, '99-'02 is the low point in terms of having a stud running back."
Again, that may be true, but it doesn't tell us anything about Cedric's place all-time among running backs or even UT backs. Mack Brown's tenure has been pretty exceptional. The average UT running back isn't Earl or Ricky, or even Hodges, just like the average OU back isn't Adrian Peterson or Billy Sims, or even Quentin Griffin.