Beard arrested?

Not really. I would like a good discussion on the potential consequences and legal ramifications of what we know and the actions of the police, DA and the defense. Speculation becomes illogical and sometimes harmful. It creates groupthink and the highly problematic speculative nature of the human mind is why we have the judicial system in its current form in this country. Not perfect but much better than being tried in the public square. Still this forum has nothing on Surly. That place is poisonous in matters like this.
But it is just the inevitable evolution of message board threads. Every message board, not just HF.
A long time ago I was a small town newspaper reporter and editor. I sat in trials and was honestly astounded by the differences in vetted trial information and what I had read in police reports and officer interviews.
Well, yeah. Cops will use whatever they can to make the case against their targets. Then it is up to the lawyers to sort out what is admissible and what isn't, and this sorting out process is probably a large basis for negotiating reduction in charges and the like.
Sometimes an allegedly battered woman wants to drop the charges, but the DA will press forward anyway. Their concern is the psychology of a battered woman and how they frequently will come back to the man who beats them and make up.

Hopefully, Beard didn't actually beat her, and any restraint he may have allegedly applied was necessary and proportional to stop her from seriously hurting him or herself, but right now the optics look terrible. While he may get little or no punishment from the legal system, it's going to be real tough for Beard to survive the UT administration and keep his job.
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But I bring you precedent for a sports figure who bit a person in a fight and was allowed to keep his job and carry on in his sport:


Regardless of the circumstances that started the incident NO MAN should get physical with a woman EVER. Even if all he was doing was to try to stop her from hitting him Beard was flat out wrong.
He is done here. Can he rehabilitate and coach again? Maybe
Don't worry too much about all this stuff folks.

After all, we're a football school.

Errrrrrrrrrrrrr, Ummmmmmmm, never mind...................
OK Chop:coolnana:
thank you. 2 laughs make us keep it in perspective.
Sure it is REALLY serious for now
But WE ARE HORNFANS who can and do find humor and irreverence in anything and everything
Regardless of the circumstances that started the incident NO MAN should get physical with a woman EVER. Even if all he was doing was to try to stop her from hitting him Beard was flat out wrong.
He is done here. Can he rehabilitate and coach again? Maybe
Especially in today's social climate.
I guess there’s the slim chance she recants, claims self inflicted, and prays he doesn’t ship her back to Levelland, TX. Physical evidence though. Beard is gonna need Racehorse Haynes for this one.
Sooo……wedding off?
Reminds me of the joke...

Woman meets this guy in a bar, they have some drinks, getting along really nicely.

Woman: Are you new around here? I haven’t seen you before.
Man: No, I just got out of prison.
Woman: Oh my. May I ask what you were in prison for?
Man: I killed my wife.
Woman. So ... you’re single?
In today’s social environment a woman can and often do physically assault and injure men without legal or social repercussions. I’ve experienced two attacks from women, in both cases the women had mental health issues. One tore the shirt off my back when I tried to leave. Another came at me with a knife in each hand...I held her off with a chair. Neither time did I call the police. There’s no excuse for violence but there are many explanations. I’m worried about anyone who suddenly loses their dream.

BTW the woman with the two knifes was one of the best I’ve ever known.
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In today’s social environment a woman can and often do physically assault and injure men without legal or social repercussions. I’ve experienced two attacks from women, in both cases the women had mental health issues. One tore the shirt off my back when I tried to leave. Another came at me with a knife in each hand...I held her off with a chair. Neither time did I call the police. There’s no excuse for violence but there are many explanations. I’m worried about anyone who suddenly loses their dream.

BTW the woman with the two knifes was one of the best I’ve ever known.
Gylcomer, in the words of the venerable Private John Winger (Bill Murray), "I wanna party with you, Cowboy!"
I’ve experienced two attacks from women, in both cases the women had mental health issues.
This is a lot more common than many folks realize.

In my youth, once I spotted and confirmed the crazy, I found a way to get out and quick. Had one chase me through a bar with a machete. It took me a long time to learn (no snarky comments guys...), but I finally figured out that places like churches, coffee shops, classes (school or other classes), and bookstores are much better places to meet true quality women than bars. (that should have been obvious, but I was young, dumb, and full of ...)
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In today’s social environment a woman can and often do physically assault and injure men without legal or social repercussions. I’ve experienced two attacks from women, in both cases the women had mental health issues. One tore the shirt off my back when I tried to leave. Another came at me with a knife in each hand...I held her off with a chair. Neither time did I call the police. There’s no excuse for violence but there are many explanations. I’m worried about anyone who suddenly loses their dream.

BTW the woman with the two knifes was one of the best I’ve ever known.

Those usually are the BEST (wink, wink)

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