Beard arrested?

I've said it once and I will say it again, college basketball is such a cesspool, I wish UT would just quit playing. It is such a cesspool that NLI and transfer portal had zero negative impacts on it as basically nothing changed.
Just speculating, CB may have said it's over, she flipped and caused these abrasions herself. Her dropping charges and admitting she lied would be the only way he salvages this.
Looks like that just happened.

she now says Beard was defending himself and she was the aggressor.

that would make her liable for filing a false report.

Not really sure what CDC will do about this mess or how it will effect Beard’s ability to coach and recruit again at Texas.
So the police statement reported she said Beard choked her and she couldn't breathe.
Now she is saying she told the police he did not.
She is lying but which time?
It is common for abused women to recant. Only to get abused again
OTOH it would be unusual to have no other incidents known or suspected in their 6 years together.
If he is an abuser he should be punished.
If he is not this is a sad situation for them
For the team For the University.
Im so tired of hearing of these so-called abused women who recant and/or defend their abuser and oh thats all part of the abuse cycle and not her fault. Fooey. Youre an adult with a mind of your own and a tongue in your head. The laws are already crazy slanted in their favor. Stop making these women out to be infants who cant do anything for themselves. Ladies, take some responsibility for your part.

In this case, if he is the abuser, and she is now defending him, I say its not just part of the abuse, its because she has a large financial incentive to do so.
So basically, none of us know what happened and probably never will. What we DO know is that Chris made some seriously bad decisions at best that left him open to all this.

I get the outrage and the zero tolerance on violence, but I just don't think you can act on this. I think Beard is suspended rest of the year, resumes duties next year and gets a "if we even get a whiff of an issue going forward, we're done."
Im so tired of hearing of these so-called abused women who recant and/or defend their abuser and oh thats all part of the abuse cycle and not her fault. Fooey. Youre an adult with a mind of your own and a tongue in your head.
I have been erring to Beard’s side so far, questioning the validity of the claims. But frankly, as many have stated, none of us know what really happened.

In my mind, the fact that she recanted and that her story is now inconsistent, is highly consistent with the behavior of many — perhaps most — abused women. For whatever reason — financial reality, a love interest, fear — they change their minds, and their story. I am inclined not to judge or criticize them for doing so because I’m not living in their shoes. However, again, from the outside looking in, there does seem to be holes in the original story.
Your future ex-wife?

I may get some grief for this observation, but has anyone taken a close look at Beard’s girlfriend? Pretty hardened look. Kinda scary to me… But perhaps she’s really a sweetheart. ?

Apparently I have been watching too many TikTok and YouTube videos, like the one about the woman at Airport Bergstrom yesterday who lost her mind. I WANT MY S***! I WANT MY S***! I WANT MY S***!!!!! ARRRRRRRRR!!! (Imagine a Sam Kinison scream, but not a funny one.)

If you haven’t seen a video of the incident yesterday, it’s pretty interesting.
This situation is so complex, it would take most people a decade or more to figure it out if they could at all. Chris has a few weeks. No one is talking about pr considering some of the most important factors:

1) That arena was built for free (some estimates that cost increases are as high as $375 million). Those people get the use of the facility for other events, but I'm sure they were counting on the exposure from basketball helping them draw major concerts. If you're selling the venue, last thing you want is for it to become known as the house that (insert her name) crushed.

2) The Moody family shelled out $159 million for the naming rights. What are their thoughts and/or demands? If Mary Moody Northern was still alive most of y'all would love her interviews and thoughts. I can hear her now, "Yes, I hired her. She's in charge of keeping Richard King's ghost behaving in a welcoming manner at The Menger"

3) Commercial sponsors on the scoreboard and other places

Massive job
In summary, yes UT can do whatever they want but it may cost $$$. The question as Sabre alluded to: which costs more? Losing sponsors or paying out the nose to let go of Beard on nothing but the prior allegations of a known nutter? I am not an attorney, but I could win this case half-drunk on behalf of Beard.
If he is innocent then he should have his job back. She lied. What’s the predominant argument for any other decision?
If he is innocent then he should have his job back. She lied. What’s the predominant argument for any other decision?
As someone said above - yes she lied, but which version of her story is the truth?

If the most recent story is the truth, at a minimum Beard probably will not coach again this year. Successful completion of an anger management program (watching him on the bench there are anger issues) should give CdC the cover he needs. On the other hand, if the first story is the truth, he will never coach for Texas again.
There will certainly be a lot of pressure to can Beard. However, I don’t think we should underestimate the power of winning - and Beard wins games. The tide has begun to turn already. Originally it was “she said - he said” and now it seems both are saying the same thing.
Follow the money and never underestimate the power of the purse. Being ejected from the gravy/money train can possibly sharpen the memory function.

So far, batshit crazy seems to be a fair assessment.
It's a lot like the LaceDarius Dunn story from Baylor a few years back. Both of them get heated during an argument, a story gets out that she has a broken jaw, and the rest is history.

Her dad was even quoted as something like "broken jaw? She was laughing when she told me about it."
I think it’s quite possible the girlfriend/fiancé is bipolar which is certainly treatable, provided medication is taken as prescribed and TAKEN. Not sure a health issue like that can be aired out in public but if that’s the case, Beard should be able to keep his job and as far as I’m concerned reinstated immediately. Y’all may think she’s crazy, but I see nothing wrong with Beard supporting someone he loves.

Whatever the University decides I’m going to try and support and not question because those of us on the outside will never know the full story.

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