Band and Cheer Stuff

We have a band? Why don’t they ever play anything during the game?

What ever happened to the Texas Fight! cheer? When I was a student, we did that cheer 6-12 times a game. I was thinking on saturday evening that if we did that cheer, our defense would have stopped LSU on the last drive.
I really appreciate the LHB videos that TracyTheFirst posts on youtube

I will let her know that. Thanks!

I like the band as well. Got to play a trumpet solo during a HS semi or qtr final football game back in the day. Pretty cool feeling playing in that stadium, given what I was used to (small town Texas) at the time. Almost tried out for the UT band, but talked myself out of it, as my time management skills were not particularly stellar then...
I will let her know that. Thanks!

I like the band as well. Got to play a trumpet solo during a HS semi or qtr final football game back in the day. Pretty cool feeling playing in that stadium, given what I was used to (small town Texas) at the time. Almost tried out for the UT band, but talked myself out of it, as my time management skills were not particularly stellar then...
My daughter marched at many HS playoff games earlier this decade when she was in high school. The last one was the 4AD2 semi-final in the Alamodome (2015). But that was nothing compared with stepping into DKR the following fall with the LHB for the Notre Dame game. (She's not marching with the LHB this year because she's more involved with Texas Crew and just wants to enjoy her senior year. I fully understand that.)
Agreed. PA Rant: After hearing Wally for years, the replacement is hard to take with his fake DJ voice.
Band Rant: The band is a bit annoying these days with their theme music between plays..they also usually miss the point, playing Darth Vader or cape fear,after the other team gets a 30 yard gain. They also never play the old stuff.
I love March Gradioso. It cracks me up when Tech people say 'you stole that song from us.' Suggestion (really more for the cheerleading squad): go back to the March Grandiosi chant "T E X A S Texas Fight" not "T E X A S Texaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas Fight" (where you draw out the "Texas").


IDK when that change happened. It's been quite a few years now ... so many that some of these kids have probably never heard it themselves ... done correctly.

sounds like a bunch of whooping aggys have flooded DKR during that obscene molestation of a great chant.


used to mimic the cadence of the split stadium.

Perhaps this was started about the time of the "what starts here changes the world" goofiness.
when did people start moving their "Horns Up" with every word when singing "The Eyes"?

I have always ... well, only since standing in the seat of Dad's 1965 Chevy Pickup when I'd irritate Dad with "... you cannot get away ... to McDonalds..." LOL

use a sharp short movement with the beat of the song (not word) until the last phrase ... that's not new. Not everyone does ... that's fine.
And you folks responsible: (i) devote a huge amount of your spare time doing it, and (ii) usually aren't getting a scholarship for it either--(and certainly not a full boat/free ride).

Nothing more powerful than the heart of a volunteer.

Thanks for noting 'em, Chop.

I'd have a hard time thinking of a college band uniform I like less. Maybe Tech.

seems like a clash between a connoisseur of band/music ... and Texas.

ya know which one wins? ;)

Dance with the one who brung ya ... and the current LHB uni is as distinctive as the National Championships ... and their pregame, 1/2 time performances ... and In Game performances.

Just fix the aggy sounding chant at the end of March Grandioso.
sounds like a bunch of whooping aggys have flooded DKR during that obscene molestation of a great chant.
I don't know why, but your mention of "whooping aggys" causes me to think of the "142 Mexican Whooping Llamas" referenced in the opening credits of Monty Python and the Holy Grail

perhaps because they are equally ridiculous?
Would somebody who attended in person please recap the MOB’s performance on Saturday?

Thanks in advance.
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Started by having a guy dressed a guy with a cardboard Delorean doing time travel.

Went back to 2010, the last time Texas played for a National Championship in football. Made fun of our football teams GPA, "UT continues to strive or excellence in football, but sorry the same cannot be said for the GPAs of its football players".

Travel ten years ahead to when "the Aggies are still afraid to play UT in football".

Basically, they honored higher education and academic excellence by saluting the top five universities in Texas

#5 - Baylor because they are the oldest college in Texas and the students need something for having to endure four years in Waco

#4 - Houston because Rice plays them in athletics and occasionally comes close to winning. Besides, they share the greatest city in America with us.

#3 - Texas A&M because after our last performance at a Rice/A&M football game, we fear for our safety if we leave them out

#2 - The University of Texas ........ at San Antonio, the little brother of the monster in Austin, "Besides, y'all already get more attention and publicity than all the rest combined"

Again, that may not be totally correct, but it's close
Band Rant: The band is a bit annoying these days with their theme music between plays..they also usually miss the point, playing Darth Vader or cape fear,after the other team gets a 30 yard gain. They also never play the old stuff.
Vincent R. DiNino, where are you when our ears and Texas Memorial Stadium needs you?

I presume Slippery Rock State updated scores have vanished also?
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Here's some SWC-era band nostalgia for you:




(I actually own this album)


Not band or cheer, but this one was too good to pass up:
I presume Slippery Rock State updated scores have vanished also?

I think Slippery Rock slipped away after Wally Prior passed. Bob Cole seems content to let it go with Wally.

me too.

I always liked Wally's call when the opposition had 4th down ".... (so in so) ... in deep punt."

I think Slippery Rock slipped away after Wally Prior passed. Bob Cole seems content to let it go with Wally.

me too.

I always liked Wally's call when the opposition had 4th down ".... (so in so) ... in deep punt."

I got to know Wally really well over the years and he was quite the character... and a gentleman and scholar....a huge fan of anything UT....we sat together on a bus trip up to Dallas for the o.u. game in 1981. Drinks were served. We could not have had a better time. Wally had the entire bus rock'n….tons of fun...flirting with the ladies (not "chester the molester" flirting, but good, clean fun....) I was standing outside the bus when Wally came running/skipping up to it, we had beat o.u. quite soundly and there was not a happier soul to be found....we hooted and hollered all the way back to Austin...a GOLDEN NUGGET in life's memories....thanks, to WALLY Pryor!!!
when I was down on the track, there were FIVE GUYS and FIVE GIRLS....still, 45K students....what is the count, now? anyone count that hight???
With the epic butt whoopin Wisconsin is putting on Michigan, I felt it was appropriate to post this. On Wisconsin indeed! I think this song must be the most frequently used tune for high school and jr. high fight songs across the nation.
