Band and Cheer Stuff

If you don't care about the band uniforms and don't bother to watch their halftime show, you don't have to join in the discussion. I don't say that to be snarky; it's OK if you don't care and don't have anything to add.

The gameday experience is more than simply watching a handful of students play catch. For some of us, the band is our favorite part.
If you don't care about the band uniforms and don't bother to watch their halftime show, you don't have to join in the discussion.

The gameday experience is more than simply watching a handful of students play catch. For some of us, the band is our favorite part.
Hey, sue me, I like the uniforms. You don't, no problem.

Changing to some candy *** "traditional" Ohio State or Purdue looking typical high school band kind of uniform would be ridiculous, IMO. A tweak here or there to the uniforms to freshen them up sounds reasonable, however.
Novel concept - NCAA football is an excuse to watch the band perform. Next NCAA report needs to reveal a listing of schools whose music departments raise and spend the most money

Seriously, the vast majority of football fans view the band as a spirit organization, which also represents The University at certain functions like inaugural parades and HLS&R. I see their pregame performances, but as for halftime, I normally only see the OU halftime & Rice's performance.

My halftime = restroom, concessions, checking second half lines. yet I have great respect for the long hours those kids put in, and the support they provide our athletic teams.

As a sidebar, Fred Akers insisted that the LHB make the trip to Auburn. That's one of the loudest stadiums in the NCAA. The band was about two-thirds way marching in, and this drunk Auburn fan said, "Are they ever going to quit coming in". That entrance took the Auburn fan base out of the game before kickoff. The Rick McIvor, et al took over, coupled with Pat Dye's overwhelming stupidity, and we had a great afternoon.
Sports Illustrated wrote an article on the cost of sending the baused band for a 8-9 minute performance. The kids flew into Montgomery, bused to Auburn, played, back to Montgomery & flew home. $75.000. (Caused an uproar among the libtards on the BOR & campus.)
I agree. The football uniforms should be unique too, something like this:

Or if we're going "traditional", something like this:

There's traditional, and then there's archaic. There's unique, and then there's god-awful.
A lot of us on this board understand as much when it comes to football uniforms, but can't tell the difference regarding band uniforms.
Now all the top photo unis need are some large XII logos for the conference.
Back to the twirlers, below is a list of the Longhorn Band feature twirlers since 1940:

Feature Twirlers
1940 Becky Havens
1947 Justine Havens
1954 Margaret Ann Smith
1955 – 1958 Elizabeth Ann Mullenix
1957 – 1960 Shirley Snipes Hewlett
1960 – 1964 B. Carolyn Porter
1960 – 1964 Irene Reeb Meitzen
1962 Carolyn Jane Swerk
1962 – 1965 Carol Reeb Nietenhofer
1963 – 1964 Mimi Janssen
1966 – 1969 Lynn Kohlenberg
1968 – 1971 Carla Feuerbacher
1972 Deborah Lee Kirkham
1971 – 1972 Debora Jo Porter
1973 – 1977 Adana Teresa Willman
1973 – 1977 Nancy Crosby Elliott
1976 – 1978 Janice Crosby Stone
1977 – 1981 Diedra Dodson
1977 – 1981 Dore Tubbs
1977 – 1981 Lynn Dell Harrell
1979 – 1983 Dawn Dodson
1984 – 1988 Debbie Fritz
1986 – 1991 Kristie Kriegel Peterman
1991 – 1993 Susan Tyroch Lynn
1992 – 1994 Amy Ray
1993 – 2001 Dr. Coral Noonan-Terry
1998 – 2002 Mandy Hampton Wray
2000 – 2004 Paige Pattillo-Brown
2004 – 2004 Whitney King Coons
2007 – 2012 Alexa Bourdage
2012 – 2016 Ashley Dolan
2016 – Current Erica Kuntz

Video of Erica Kuntz below (with this nationwide revival of Tiki Bars, I see a potential moonlighting job with the flaming batons in her future...):

I college I knew 1 kid from Anahuac, 2 from Winnie and 1 from Stowell TX !

#38 LB - Glen Gaspard was from Winnie TX, IIRC.
You are correct sir. I knew two sisters from Anahuac - both were outstanding, one girl from Winnie whose *** was two axe handles wide
RIP Thomas Waggoner, LHB Drum Major 1969-1971.
Director of Bands Travis HS- Austin, TX
Assoc Director of Bands Texas State Univ
Director of Bands Univ of Mississippi
Admin. Supervisor of Fine Arts Austin ISD
Director of Fine Arts Education for Texas Education Administration
Program Director of Fine Arts Education - University of Texas
Founder of Austin Youth Orchestra
and many more.
Obituary for Thomas Waggoner - Austin, TX
Tom Herman visited the Longhorn Band a few days ago and gave a brief speech showing his appreciation. Tom Herman rightfully cares about our band, enough so to take time out from his ridiculously busy pre-season schedule to visit them. I think Tom failed in his trombone audition though ... :smile1:

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This longhorn "Pancho Villa" from some farm in Alabama has the longest horn spread of any in the breed. UGA's getting nervous just 1 state away. I think this bovine may be angling to be the next Bevo. If he gets bold, he might even try to 'horn in' on our current Bevo to take the job.

Here's one BAMF "band nerd" mauler who could knock 99% of people into next week. I never knew this about him before.

Baritone to blocker: The curious story of Texas offensive lineman Junior Angilau |

"Junior Angilau’s story is unique. Most players at football factories in Texas were destined for the bright lights and throngs of cheering fans. Not Angilau. He arrived at East High his freshman year as a band nerd more noted for his lung capacity playing the baritone than for his blocking capability."

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