Band and Cheer Stuff

Longhorn Band.

"Originally introduced in 1970 by then director, Vincent R. DiNino, the “Wabash Cannonball” has become a famous Texas tradition. “Wabash Cannonball” was then legendary Longhorn football coach Darrell K. Royal’s favorite tune. Mr. DiNino thought it would be a great way to salute the three-time national championship winning coach, and it has remained a crowd favorite ever since, played between the third and fourth quarter of every football game."
My son is a freshman in the Purdue band and they play a version of Wabash as a traditional song. So now I have had to remind him that the Purdue All American Marching Band doesn't play the right version of Wabash and they don't have a bass drum larger than Big Bertha even if they think they do...
With all this talk about the Wabash Cannonball song (I really opened a can of worms with that...), I briefly looked up its history. It references the Rock Island RR, but it’s actually about a ghost train that takes hobos away when they die or something like that...
Worster: I was ridiculing the snowflakes. And poking fun at those who think Trump is the epitome of evil. Please assume when reading my posts that sound outrageous that it is Intentional.
Reductio ad absurdum is the Latin phrase
Well Huisache,
I suppose I owe you an least in misunderstanding your humor in regards to the Trump reference.

Paenitemis meum

In my defense, such absurd things are uttered seriously so often these days...

Appreciate the Latin....
(My family and I are novice learners)
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Thought this was a good place to post this. My niece made the Texas Cheer Pom squad today! She will be a freshman in August! Excited for her. It’s a month long process to get selected. She has worked hard for this!
Now the important question - does she sing The Eyes of Texas?
She had better! We all grew up with it. Both her Grandparents, and Parents are Longhorns. I better not hear of her not doing it! She is a 4.0 student. She will sing the song.
She had better! We all grew up with it. Both her Grandparents, and Parents are Longhorns. I better not hear of her not doing it! She is a 4.0 student. She will sing the song.

Keep us updated about her activities and what she is hearing among her peers about The Eyes and other stuff....
You want his niece to be a HF spy?
How about just let let her enjoy school without the added pressure of keeping tabs on fellow students.

No, not at all. I met AC at the spring tailgate a couple of years ago. I think he knows I would not mean for his niece to spy or for him to put pressure on her for information.... but if he hears things that would be interesting to HF to please share it.
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I think he knows I would not mean for his niece to spy or him put pressure on her for information, but if he hears things that would be interesting to HF to please share it.
She can call me at 1-800-DOO-TELL.

Good and interesting article on the Eyes contraversy. The writer mentioned what I knew I had read years ago. That there is no actual record of Lee saying the eyes of the south are upon you. And there is only a record of the Eyes being performed at a minstral show once. A good read!:hookem:
Has the University of Texas found a good way to get rid of bad faculty members? - American Thinker

you beat me
She attended UT Law 84-87and gets it
So, basically the "crises " was about as fabricated as all the other bull we've been seeing to try and gain more control and influence over our life, culture, and society.
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No, not at all. I met AC at the spring tailgate a couple of years ago. I think he knows I would not mean for his niece to spy or for him to put pressure on her for information.... but if he hears things that would be interesting to HF to please share it.
My brother and his family are the NON-woke branch of my family. Along with me and my Dad.
Not that I have too much anyway, but from now on...
I will not use the word woke. It just makes no sense.
From now on a more appropriate title will be given...
They are the sleepers

....some of you catch that drift

I think I'm done now with this EOT and Snowband stuff. It is apparent to all with an ounce of discernment and no point trying to get the rest to see what they will not and would not.
I'm leaving to post a new football thread. Declaring this this thread me at least.
-Word to yo Mutha
I'm sorry, why is this news? (Rhetorical - I get it)
  1. An individual is on the payroll to perform a job.
  2. Individual refuses to perform said job.
  3. Remove individual from the payroll.
  4. Individual has questions or concerns - see item 2.
The university is already doing changes. From the article, they seem to be called "Texas Tour Guides" but:

Previously called “the Guides of Texas,” intended to sound similar to “The Eyes of Texas,” the admissions office decided to separate itself from the name last July...
The university is already doing changes. From the article, they seem to be called "Texas Tour Guides" but:

Previously called “the Guides of Texas,” intended to sound similar to “The Eyes of Texas,” the admissions office decided to separate itself from the name last July...
Give in to ridiculous people making ridiculous demands based on a ridiculously reckless lack of understanding and "thought ". Talk about lowering things to the lowest (un)common denominator.

I've an idea. Just say no. No. No. No. We are no longer going to do insane.

Theres the proper response.

Oops...I forgot I said this thread is dead to me.
Guess I haven't died to it yet...
Here's a telling quote from your article:

"“It definitely has been an added, like, burden on my mental health..."

Like really? As far as the Band goes, they're playing the school song (and the other usual songs)--it appears that decision has been made. Some will like it, some won't. If you're in the Band and feel so strongly opposed to your school song, you are free to leave the Band, join one of the other bands (or not), and still pursue your degree the same as any other student. I wish you no ill will. Just don't expect to be in the football marching band and refuse to play the school song. That's a bit ridiculous.
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Here's a telling quote from your article:

"“It definitely has been an added, like, burden on my mental health..."

Like really?
Every time I hear someone from this generation talk I think of Miss South Carolina 2007:

"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh, people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future. For our children."

The sad thing is when this happened I thought it was an extreme but it was actually the beginning of the norm.
It ain't going away and these students will destroy the football program if they have to.

Tensions boil at UT Austin over ‘The Eyes of Texas,’ where students refuse to work
Fricking BS right here. Read the report. It did not “originate” at the show. Its origins were before the show - read the damn report.

The dustup over the plaque is the latest example of UT-Austin officials standing by “The Eyes” over pleas that the university distance itself from the alma mater song because it originated at a minstrel show where students likely wore Blackface.
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It ain't going away and these students will destroy the football program if they have to.

Tensions boil at UT Austin over ‘The Eyes of Texas,’ where students refuse to work

So, it’s all in their heads, damn the facts:

Walker, who is Black, said she is often asked on tours by Black families about her experience on campus.

“I [used to] stand up there and say, ‘I feel welcomed. I feel heard’ … The way that I feel has completely flipped in the past 12 months,” she said. “We bring in students into this university and showcase this university in a way other students cannot. They reap so many benefits of having our presence there but can’t honor something that makes us overtly uncomfortable. It’s just super hurtful.”
Really? You can’t direct them to the report? Ducking lame (see below):

Multiple students who spoke to the Tribune said they’ve had uncomfortable conversations with prospective parents and students about the controversy over the past year, yet they have not received any guidance for how to deal with questions about the song while giving tours. In some instances, students said questioning has gotten aggressive.
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Not sure what you’re getting at.
I pointed out the bimboesque use of the word “like.”
Kinda funny, yet telling—to me at least.