Band and Cheer Stuff

Note references to General Lee and the other claims previously bandied about were removed from the article after the EOT report, which was throughly researched. How come there was no comment about that and how it falsely created controversy? Anyway, the introduction of the song at a minstrel show (the main form of entertainment in the US from 1810-1910) is apparently all they got. Are we going ban all popular music? Why? Because popular music originated from minstrel shows.
This new development is like the "woke" crowd throwing a desperation Hail Mary pass from their own territory against good DBs with time expiring.

If the UT admin is making the (real) band play the EOT, there's not a snowball's chance in far South Texas* that the UT admin would allow the school song to be changed because of all this.

*well there was that February snow storm this year, so I suppose it's within the outside realm of possibility.
And now we get further confirmation of what most of us already recognize....
Part of the problem with many of our young people today is the "adults" in the room have no greater level of maturity, understanding, knowledge, or wisdom than they...
It is getting hard for me to tell the difference.....literally...the way they think, talk, act, dress, "reason", etc...
Here’s hoping you are correct chop,,,,,,,but I am not holding my breath. I am no big donor but this (which I’ve said before) may turn out to be the impetus I need to save the $$ on my season ticket cost. Just getting plain sick of what in my mind malarkey.
Jay just needs to channel his best Frank Erwin and fire their stupid asses. If they are tenured, outplacement is a wonderful thing - see also Greg Fenves and Shaka Smart.

The University if Texas, we may not have invented outplacement, but we are perfecting it.

Note references to General Lee and the other claims previously bandied about were removed from the article after the EOT report, which was throughly researched. How come there was no comment about that and how it falsely created controversy? Anyway, the introduction of the song at a minstrel show (the main form of entertainment in the US from 1810-1910) is apparently all they got. Are we going ban all popular music? Why? Because popular music originated from minstrel shows.

This is exactly right. Base decisions and 'taking stands" based on facts.

It's all backwards in our culture when the only fact is that it was played at a minstrel show and the "Wet A$$ P*$$y" song is seen as women's empowerment.
I looked at the petition signers with a list of their department or field of study. Overwhelmingly, they are the ones teaching students worthless degrees and running up the student debt in this country. I am sure they are probably all tenured and hence are protected from being terminated. After listing 100 things that are racist about the university, doesn't it make him racist for continued to work there?
Not many on this board are old enough to have ever attended Cowboy Minstrels, which were discontinued sometime in the late 60s. I went once as a teenager, when it was held under Memorial Stadium (no alcohol served). The fraternity or sorority with the best show won a huge trophy, but by the time I went, the trophy went to the only show left open after all the others had been shut down by the censors. If you were lucky, you got to see two shows.

What would our week kneed faculty do with the Rice MOB, goose stepping at halftime like they did against the Aggies, or the band director wearing a tan shirt and fake mustache?

Grow the **** up!
I wonder if The Star Spangled Banner was ever played at a minstrel show...? How about Amazing Grace, My Country Tis of Thee, Battle Hymn of the Republic, and other popular songs from that era...?

All sorts of folks can appropriate your song and use it for reasons that had nothing to do with, or even contradicted, the original meaning of the song. How about those little kids in conservative schools singing This Land is Your Land, proudly led by their Republican music teacher.

Consider the irony for The Clash to hear their song Rock the Casbah used as a theme for dropping bombs on the Middle East. (They actually may have laughed it off and joined in on it...)

On edit—I’m ok with the Longhorn Band playing any of the songs listed in this post.
Now that flared bell bottom style pants are back in style...

The Band should wear bell bottom flared pants as part of their uniform.

please note that a very small minority of the faculty signed the petition and a portion of them appear to be from either non teaching or adjunct roles. Just guessing on that.

They are reserving their right to not attend graduation. That is a huge sacrifice on their part. Not like dying in combat or being gassed by Hitler or put in the gulag by the communists or locked in one of Castro's fine prison camps but a sacrifice for sure.

We should all respect their sacrifice and their stand and refrain from calling them names like overpaid mincing crybabies or bedwetting castrati or whining dogs.
The day one of those goofy ******** can draw 100,000 people into Memorial Stadium at $100+ a person, I might actually sing something they want sung, but then that would require they actually do something worthwhile with their miserable lives.
This is exactly right. Base decisions and 'taking stands" based on facts.

It's all backwards in our culture when the only fact is that it was played at a minstrel show and the "Wet A$$ P*$$y" song is seen as women's empowerment.
Somewhere there's a band director working on a marching arrangement to "Wet A$$ P*$$y". I just know there is...
I don't know, but perhaps a size 12 boot to their backside might be effective.
Boots come from cows and since cows are minorities utilizing this in a derogatory manner is hate speech....against cows. Though quite egregious, this will be forgiven *** cows expel gases that are harmful to the environment and are therefore not protected by anti-hate speech initiatives. However, referencing a backside implies a frontside and differentiating between sides is not allowed and also considered hateful to both sides...if there were indeed sides that differed.
*well there was that February snow storm this year, so I suppose it's within the outside realm of possibility.

Anyone who pays attention, though, knows that Texas almost always seems to have some sort of snow or ice event in the first half of February...this one just had a slight twist.
Anyone who pays attention, though, knows that Texas almost always seems to have some sort of snow or ice event in the first half of February...this one just had a slight twist.
Yep. This one actually hit far South Texas.
Ok, I'll be non PC, non-woke, inappropriate AH poster here.

MARCHING BAND: PLAY THE EYES OF TEXAS as or when you are instructed or be a snowflake. If you refuse, then you can leave the band / give up the scholarship you are unworthy of !!

One, semi-old geezer.

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