Baltimore Crime Rate Soaring

Carjacker-in-training. The driver of the attack vehicle is supposed to stay in his car. The passenger is to hop out and take over the second car. Otherwise, both carjackers are just trading vehicles.
Carjacker-in-training. The driver of the attack vehicle is supposed to stay in his car. The passenger is to hop out and take over the second car. Otherwise, both carjackers are just trading vehicles.
Nothing worse than stupid, amateur carjackers. An uphauling embarrassment to the professional carjackers amongst us.
Calmness of driver makes me suspicious. My wife would be screaming and near panic as she drives away.
It's Oakland. Probably the third attempted carjacking on that drive alone.

Not likely. That's actually a really nice area. There's a country club nearby. These guys had clearly graduated from stealing hubcaps and hood ornaments in the ghetto and moved on to "bigger and better things" like stealing nice cars in Whitey's neighborhood.
SN's good plan:hookem:
I hope I could be that alert.
Seems like as sad it is everyone needs to think through a plan on what to do if you are carjacked
SN's good plan:hookem:
I hope I could be that alert.
Seems like as sad it is everyone needs to think through a plan on what to do if you are carjacked
The way the 1st guy jumped out and circled around I probably couldn't have hit him, but I damned sure could have made their car easy to identify.
This is why I now support jury nullification in situations like this.

In principle, I detest jury nullification. It represents the breakdown and failure of the rule of law. However, that criticism only has merit if the prosecution makes a good faith effort to enforce the laws equally. Well, the woke prosecutor expressly rejects that goal and substitutes prosecuting according to "equity" principles. They don't even pretend to believe in the rule of law, so it's hard to throw that criticism at jury nullifiers.
Crime rate in San Francisco impacts Federal Government office operations - Hundreds of government employees in San Francisco told to work from home due to the high levels of crime in the area, report says (
Kalifornia voters, you elected these idoits who pursue far-left policies (such as being soft on crime) - as ye sow, so shall ye reap.
Maybe it's time to throw these morons out of office and bring in some Conservatives.
HHD, the problem for all of us is California Governor Newsome is the favorite to take over from Biden when he runs into trouble/out of energy/out of lies.
If I were in California, I would welcome Newsom running for POTUS - one way to get him out of California.

I wouldn't. As California Democrats move on, they are almost always replaced by something worse, because the California Democratic Party is moving left, and though the GOP is doing a little better than it was 2 - 4 years ago, it's still miles away from being remotely competitive. For example, a lot of conservatives want Nancy Pelosi to quit. Well, she'll likely be replaced by State Sen. Scott Wiener, who's basically NAMBLA material. Almost every screwed up sexual orientation and gender bill you hear about in California comes from him. If he could legalize pedophilia, he would. He's definitely worse than Pelosi is.

So for the foreseeable future, expect things to go downhill as California Dems retire.
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