AlanZ Blows Gasket: Starts Rivals War!!!! LOL!!

ellenz =

i can't belive what i am freaking reading!! damn, i also went to bed too early last night.

what would we do without this guy(gal) ellenz??????????

this is way too much fun... ROTFLMAO
Hey Pongo, How do you know what's being posted about Ketchum on an Aggie PAY site? Are you that obsessed with us that you pay $ to see what people say about someone else?
rpongett: Absolutely/ That comedy is worth $50 -- or more than the price of all 7 HBO channels monthly combined. $5 is a bargain.
Also, while we're talking about liars here, that picture of Ketchum was not doctored, it was cutout of the Rivals photo of him and Marquis Johnson, placed with "LyingSipRecruiting" in the background. After Ketchum put a blatant lie on his Siprecruiting update on WInston yesterday (which made Crabby call Winston and find out that the comment was never made), I don't think anyone can be arguing Ketch's journalistic integrity.
rpongett: it was Mike Scarbrough that first reported it, not Ketchum.

Besides that you are completely wrong in a humorous way, who cares??? It was EllenZ's internal blowup at a Rivals site and psychological meltdown that was priceless -- all over college football recruiting.
And you know that that was what was first reported by Mike Scarborough of a fellow Rivals recruiting site?

And when investigated, it was changed by Scarborough because he had misunderstood Eric?

Now, with those facts in mind, are you still calling it a "blatant lie"? Or will you be a man and realize and admit that it was a reporting glitch soon corrected? If you do the former, you'll need to take it up with Mike Scarborough, not Geoff Ketchum.

In fact, Ketchum cautioned Texas posters that Eric's words could be interpreted a number of ways, and that no one should try to speculate. And that was BEFORE the correction from Scarborough.

Now, are we clear?
If you're implying that you're often wrong, then you're likely to be wrong about Young as well, you know?

Of course, Young being already qualified has made it strike two for you in your last couple of posts.
You can call him a pot smoker if it will make you feel better.

Grades issues, even if they existed in a non-Aggie reality, are not fair game on this board, ever, unless accompanied by a published report or at least a believable source. Your friends don't qualify. Sorry.
AlanZ is the biggest fool on the Internet. The Ketchum Witchhunt is ludicrous and is damaging to Rivals' business. I'm actually surprised the Websider has stayed affiliated with Rivals for this long. I would have sacked those loons about 9 months ago.
How is it damaging to Rivals business, exactly? Is it making you stop from subscribing to an A&M site? Why would you, Texas fans, want to subscribe there anyway? His posts are on A&M's PAY board, which should only be frequented by A&M fans, but apparently is inhabited by a few obsessed horns.
Forget about the sheep molester comment. It shouldn't bug you if it doesn't hit near home.

What should bother the hell out of you though is the lack of honor you put on display when you attacked a kid based on rumors, rather than just sucking it up like a man and admitting you were wrong about your Ketchum allegations.

Sheep molester? Probably not. But you sure are a petty, sore loser.
As crazy as many Ags are, at some point, someone rational is going to come along and start a website -- maybe the next guys at Rivals after they sack Ellen and Hop -- and will actually take off.

Believe it or not, I think even the Ags are getting tired of the public Pscyhosis. And getting 1000 degree air blown up their *** at 500 miles an hour about every single sleeper. And the denigration of recruits taken by Rivals that every other school wanted.

Not that the new person will likely be objective -- you want a homer to some degree, of course. Just not insane.
OK, this definitely has to go to Classics. An Aggie actually admitted he was wrong. I would have imagined he would have just tucked his tail between his legs and disappeared. You're a moron, endorphin. I'm so proud of you that you admitted it. That's the first step.

At this point, you're right, its not harmful to Rivals business.

Shock value probably has caused 100 Horns to register for it today. They probably just made $500.

I think people are thinking long term.
So, exactly how many of you went to UT?

Also, ye of zero reading comprehension, I posted that I was wrong on the Ketchum allegation. Can you read? Is that taught in the UT General Studies department?

I don't think this war between Ketchum and Websider is anything new, yet most people here are acting like Alan pulled a sneak attack last night. There's plenty of stuff being thrown on both sides, wouldn't you agree? I ask you because you subscribe to both, or at least know someone who does (you posted Alan's comments on Ketchum's site, after all).

It exists because, in spite of the mental issues of one of their owners, it is still the best site for Aggie recruiting information on the net. I am impressed with their interviews and their information is sound.

The problem is this jihad with Ketchum that they have chosen to fight, for no other reason other than spite. It is starting to consume them. When this kind of bickering becomes public it is damaging to any business, regardless of the quality of the product.
Just because you acknowledged being wrong -- quite a feat for an Aggie -- doesn't mean we won't stop hammering you about it. You sheep molester you.

And no, that B.S. doesn't happen on both sides. While many subscribers on Ketchum's site knock alanz and his idiotic cohorts, Ketch himself doesn't. Professionalism and all, you know.
It exists because, as usual, ags like to claim they are one way (i.e., honest, forthright, true, etc.), yet their behavior often flies in the face of their claims about themselves. Claims that they are CONSTANTLY making whether anyone want to hear them or not.