3 Cheers for our ally Israel!

I respect your willingness to admit you are wrong
And even more respect for wanting Israel to get justice.
It was a horrific act.
I think where we differ is your use of the word restraint.
How does Israel go after the Hamas terrorists if not to go after them where they operate?
Hamas has cowardly embedded themselves deep within civilian businesses schools hospitals and neighborhoods.
How should Israel get at them?
Interesting. Israel gives warnings to civilians to evacuate. Hamas warns cituzens NOT to leave.
You are a stand up Horn
On intelligence warnings. Which day in the past 50 years could there not have been such warnings given? Did Egypt offer any specifics? West Bank? Gaza? Missle and Rocket attack? Terrorists coming into country?
IIRC USA received many "warnings "prior to 9/11 .
If Netanyahu received credible warnings and ignored them he will rot in Hell
My original point stands about the graph. While an Arab may be a Semite, not all Semites are Arabs. The graph should say Muslim and Christian Semites. I know what an Arab looks like - they don’t look like Palestinians (or Syrians or Lebanese). If you believe Arabs live in Israel, you have fallen for propaganda.
I don't hear anybody saying all Semites are Arabs. As I was saying, Semites are a language group that includes Arab and Hebrew, and various other languages spoken by people who settled the Near East several millennia ago.

Arabs most definitely live in Israel. I don't think any Israeli would deny that there are Arabs in Israel. You'd have to ask someone from Israel for more in-depth information. But, my understanding is that most of the people called "Palestinians" today are Arabs who moved into the West Bank from Jordan over the last 100 years or so. In other words, they're mostly Arabs from the nation of Jordan who moved West.

I'm not sure where you're getting your information that Arabs don't live in Israel. I've never heard this argument before. It's rather silly. It's like saying Arabs don't live in the United States. Yes they do. I've met some here.
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I know what an Arab looks like - they don’t look like Palestinians (or Syrians or Lebanese).
You come from a very interesting school of anthropology.

You know that the vast majority of Syrians ARE Arabs, right? In fact, united in their blind hatred of Israel, Syria and Egypt formed a short-lived nation "The United Arab Republic" back some 50-60 years ago, to attack Israel with the intent to eliminate it. Today, the official name of Syria is "The Syrian Arab Republic."

And there is no one set way an Arab looks. Some are dark, some are light, some are tall, some are short, some need to shave again at noon, some don't, some are fat, some are skinny, some are attractive, some are not, some have brown eyes, some have green or blue eyes.
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The Arab League, formally the League of Arab States, is a regional organization in the Arab world, which is located in North Africa, West Asia, and part of East Africa.

Some notable member states of the Arab League:

  • 23px-Flag_of_Algeria.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Bahrain.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Egypt.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Iraq.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Jordan.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Kuwait.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Libya.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Morocco.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Oman.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Palestine.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Qatar.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Saudi_Arabia.svg.png
    Saudi Arabia
  • 23px-Flag_of_Sudan.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Syria.svg.png
  • Tunisia
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Yemen

Note who is NOT in the Arab League (because they are not an Arab country): Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, all of the "Stan" countries.
Agree with 6721. The unanswered issue is when did Egypt say something and what proof did they offer? Everyone in the area knew something like this was coming - they just didn't know when, where and how.

This brings up the title of this thread and the misinformation that is steaming from Washington. Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Yemenis are all sponsored by both Iran and individual contributors worldwide. Most of the individual contributions go to humanitarian efforts, but since you really cannot tell the difference between civilians and terrorists some of the individual money does end up with the militants. However, all of the weapons and "outside" leadership come directly from Iran and indirectly from North Korea through Iran. The militants are a fanatical group who, without Iran's help/encouragement, would have folded years ago.

Also, while Washington says they have "controls" on the $6 Billion, my 7-year-old grandson can see through that.
To your point 21%of Israel population is Arab, The only legal distinction between Arabs and Jews is Arabs don't have to serve in military although many do.
Arabs vote in all elections. Women Arabs vote too. Arabs are represented in the Knesset.
A better freer life esp for women than most ME countries.
Agree with 6721. The unanswered issue is when did Egypt say something and what proof did they offer? Everyone in the area knew something like this was coming - they just didn't know when, where and how.

This brings up the title of this thread and the misinformation that is steaming from Washington. Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Yemenis are all sponsored by both Iran and individual contributors worldwide. Most of the individual contributions go to humanitarian efforts, but since you really cannot tell the difference between civilians and terrorists some of the individual money does end up with the militants. However, all of the weapons and "outside" leadership come directly from Iran and indirectly from North Korea through Iran. The militants are a fanatical group who, without Iran's help/encouragement, would have folded years ago.

Also, while Washington says they have "controls" on the $6 Billion, my 7-year-old grandson can see through that.

It's "fungible." Money from their own pockets that would have gone to humanitarian causes can now be directed to terrorist support because they have the $6 billion.

It's the same as raising taxes on corporations. It will just get passed on.

The Liberal POLITICAL theory of economics is one of static scoring and refusal to admit to these things that make up the reality of human behavior. They want the political capital of wanting to raise taxes on bad corporations. They want to believe they are smart because the exact $6 billion is not sent over. They refuse to consider that access to the $6 billion freed up $6 billion elsewhere.
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Agree with 6721. The unanswered issue is when did Egypt say something and what proof did they offer? Everyone in the area knew something like this was coming - they just didn't know when, where and how.

This brings up the title of this thread and the misinformation that is steaming from Washington. Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Yemenis are all sponsored by both Iran and individual contributors worldwide. Most of the individual contributions go to humanitarian efforts, but since you really cannot tell the difference between civilians and terrorists some of the individual money does end up with the militants. However, all of the weapons and "outside" leadership come directly from Iran and indirectly from North Korea through Iran. The militants are a fanatical group who, without Iran's help/encouragement, would have folded years ago.

Also, while Washington says they have "controls" on the $6 Billion, my 7-year-old grandson can see through that.
I find it interesting that North Korea is in on this. The Hamas rockets that blow up on the launch pad--those are the ones from North Korea.
People should not forget Biden overturned Trump policy and gave Palistine 238 million directly in 2021
One can buy a lot of American left in Afghanistan discounted weaponry with those millions.

By Biden gave Iran 6 BILLION
People should not forget Biden overturned Trump policy and gave Palistine 238 million directly in 2021
One can buy a lot of American left in Afghanistan discounted weaponry with those millions.

By Biden gave Iran 6 BILLION

Right. Let me FIFY myself.
NYU Law student president loses coveted job offer for saying Hamas savagery 'necessary,' faulting Israel · American Wire News

NYU Law student loses job offer over Israel-Hamas comments


NYU law student (head of the NYU Student Bar Association) had her job offer with a prestigious firm rescinded after her pro-Hamas / anti-Jewish remarks (more than in the photo below). Ryna Workman grew up as a black female, but she now identifies as "non-binary" or something.


NYU Law student president loses coveted job offer for saying Hamas savagery 'necessary,' faulting Israel · American Wire News

NYU Law student loses job offer over Israel-Hamas comments


NYU law student (head of the NYU Student Bar Association) had her job offer with a prestigious firm rescinded after her pro-Hamas / anti-Jewish remarks (more than in the photo below). Ryna Workman grew up as a black female, but she now identifies as "non-binary" or something.


Bronx County Legal Aid just got a new applicant.
Slightly off-topic, but I like the way Twitter/X's Elon Musk is handling all this so far. He's not censoring much of anyone, but he is publicly calling out certain posts as asinine and idiotic.

Maybe he could hone his monitor/admin techniques by observing Hornfans.com's Dionysius...
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That woman who lost her job bears watching. She is clearly the type to believe in "by any means necessary" here in America. She stated her case. I'm sure she will sue under some sort of discrimination and freedom of speech argument.
I respect your willingness to admit you are wrong
And even more respect for wanting Israel to get justice.
It was a horrific act.
I think where we differ is your use of the word restraint.
How does Israel go after the Hamas terrorists if not to go after them where they operate?
Hamas has cowardly embedded themselves deep within civilian businesses schools hospitals and neighborhoods.
How should Israel get at them?
Interesting. Israel gives warnings to civilians to evacuate. Hamas warns cituzens NOT to leave.
You are a stand up Horn

That is always the rub. The how. I tip my hat to Israel for giving a warning. I just don't know how meaningful it is, due to how small Gaza is. Maybe there is no way around it. I get it. But my main interest is the US not participating. America has enough problems of her own. Our actions, our budget, our time and effort needs to stay within these borders. Especially in this case because Israel's military is extremely superior to Hamas. They can literally do whatever they want.
Strange No Muslim country has offered to come and get the innocent Palis in Gaza.
And why did Egypt shut the border with Gaza? Egypt has 114 million people and a working economy. Taking in 1,5 million people would be nothing.
Why isn't the Muslim world offering help to Pali citizens.?
Strange No Muslim country has offered to come and get the innocent Palis in Gaza.
And why did Egypt shut the border with Gaza? Egypt has 114 million people and a working economy. Taking in 1,5 million people would be nothing.
Why isn't the Muslim world offering help to Pali citizens.?
Good points.

My understanding is that Egypt (while supporting the idea of a Palestinian state in theory) can't stand the actual Palestinian people, and absolutely does not want them in their country. It's hard to muster up much sympathy for them at a moment like this, but it's kind of sad and pathetic--literally NOBODY wants them.
Absolutely 1000% agree. No American involvement. I do not like that we sent weapons and advisors.
We need to offer diplomatic support but That is it.

Chop you are bigger hearted than I am. Terrorists bring it on themselves.
Absolutely 1000% agree. No American involvement. I do not like that we sent weapons and advisors.
We need to offer diplomatic support but That is it.

What about our hostages? It seems an American citizen being detained for breaking the law of a foreign country was pretty darn important. Is our media covering this issue with the same political zeal?
What about our hostages? It seems an American citizen being detained for breaking the law of a foreign country was pretty darn important. Is our media covering this issue with the same political zeal?

The US government has 2 universally supported options to free hostages that are US citizens. Number 1, negotiation. Number 2, special forces. Send in Seals or Rangers or what ever group is most appropriate. If Israel doesn't allow number 2 for some reason that tells you a lot about how they view the US.
The Arab League, formally the League of Arab States, is a regional organization in the Arab world, which is located in North Africa, West Asia, and part of East Africa.

Some notable member states of the Arab League:

Note who is NOT in the Arab League (because they are not an Arab country): Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, all of the "Stan" countries.
If these countries could get off of their pathological blind hatred of Israel and Jews (and in many cases Christians), and just focus instead on being themselves, advancing their countries, and improving things for the Arabs, they could be really good countries. The current Saudi prince/king gets this, although he himself uses some rather barbaric methods.

They've got oil galore. They're also not stupid. These are distant "cousins" of the Jews. In and before the Middle Ages, the Arabs made great advances to humankind, including in mathematics, navigation and nautical pursuits, ship building, business and trade, astronomy, architecture, and more.

But their blind pathological hatred has held them back, and set many of the leading nations of the world against them. They've got to get over it and understand that Israel is one of their neighbors and is not going away.
These people are so gone. They hate America. It's not a thing that a "Trumper" would say. It's real. Why are Liberals getting so many votes? It's shocking to me.
Common sense prevails over goofball ideology when survival is at stake. Many "Liberals" become very reasonable and clear-thinking when terrorists try to wipe Israel off the map.

I'm moderate, and have few problems with liberals. It's the leftist ideology that I can't stand.

Examine right now:
- liberals (along with moderates and conservatives) side with Israel for the most part,
- leftists (along with extreme outlier "right wing" ideologues like the neo-nazis) side with Hamas for the most part. Nations like North Korea and Iran are with them.
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Yet a billion Muslims in several countries very close to Gaza and with the room and means have not offered any help to the civilians in Gaza.
I haven't even read any country make any statement in support of the Gaza civilians.
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NYU Law student president loses coveted job offer for saying Hamas savagery 'necessary,' faulting Israel · American Wire News

NYU Law student loses job offer over Israel-Hamas comments


NYU law student (head of the NYU Student Bar Association) had her job offer with a prestigious firm rescinded after her pro-Hamas / anti-Jewish remarks (more than in the photo below). Ryna Workman grew up as a black female, but she now identifies as "non-binary" or something.


Good. That's the least negative thing that should accrue to her for her insanity.
I don't hear anybody saying all Semites are Arabs. As I was saying, Semites are a language group that includes Arab and Hebrew, and various other languages spoken by people who settled the Near East several millennia ago.

Arabs most definitely live in Israel. I don't think any Israeli would deny that there are Arabs in Israel. You'd have to ask someone from Israel for more in-depth information. But, my understanding is that most of the people called "Palestinians" today are Arabs who moved into the West Bank from Jordan over the last 100 years or so. In other words, they're mostly Arabs from the nation of Jordan who moved West.

I'm not sure where you're getting your information that Arabs don't live in Israel. I've never heard this argument before. It's rather silly. It's like saying Arabs don't live in the United States. Yes they do. I've met some here.
If you have ever seen an Arab from Arabia and a Semite from Lebanon, you would know the difference. Lebanese Semites look like Jews, Arabs from Arabia not so much. People say Arabs live in Palestine to emphasize a difference. In reality, there is a bigger difference between a Lebanese Semite and an Arab from Arabia than between a Lebanese Semite and a Jew.

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