3 Cheers for our ally Israel!

Yeah he did. He paraded a false story much like he did at the start of the Ukraine/Russia war. If you looked at the report it was flimsy from the beginning and now we know it was fake.

I never said Hamas killed no civilians, but stories like this are used to paint one side as the villains in order to justify unlimited retaliation. It's propaganda. It lead to the US entering WW1 more than 100 years ago. It is bait on a hook that lures America in. But these types of things never turn out well for the American people. That is who i truly care about Americans and more than that Texans.
We were warned about people like you. You call good "evil", and evil "good".

You take great efforts and make huge contortions to try to justify and excuse Hamas and their supporters, both of which support great evil. Yet you are quick to attack Israel for doing what any sensible country would do.
You can hardly call the story that Israeli soldiers reporter to all the media that at the Kibbutz a "false story" in the same vein as false stories planted by questionable sources.

Fox BBC Business Insiders NBC UK Express NYPost etc etc. all reported it.
Says a person who consistently posts reports from Yahoo and CNN as proof of his points.
Both are normal sources. As is Fox, which directly contradicted you.

You keep grasping for straws to make Hamas and its supporters look like they're not so bad, and Israel and the Jews look like they're awful.
Just take a step back, look at many sources, from all over the map/spectrum. Digest it all, and re-consider whom to support.
Per FOX--

At least 40 babies, some beheaded, found by Israel soldiers in Hamas-attacked village

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers moved into Kfar Aza, one of the communities Hamas terrorists invaded early Saturday morning, and discovered about 40 dead babies, some decapitated — highlighting the brutality of the invading forces.

The IDF were removing the bodies of victims found in the area when they found the children's remains. Israeli soldiers are attempting to use bones to identify the victims, according to the report.

"It’s not a war, it’s not a battlefield. You see the babies, the mother, the father, in their bedrooms, in their protection rooms, and how the terrorists killed them," IDF Maj. Gen. Itai Veruv said, describing the scene, i24News reported.

"It’s a massacre."
In case somebody missed the report from Right-leaning FOX News.

Among their sources was IDF Maj. Gen. Itai Veruv.
All you are proving is that the media ran with a fake story when it first broke. When media went back to verify the IDF said there is no confirmation this happened.

Sensational stories like this are reported by Western media any time something like this happens, and they are proved wrong after a bit of time. But the propaganda damage is done.

My fed comment wasn't reported by Fox or Reuters. It was from a Yahoo story you shared which is leftist to the core.
We were warned about people like you. You call good "evil", and evil "good".

You take great efforts and make huge contortions to try to justify and excuse Hamas and their supporters, both of which support great evil. Yet you are quick to attack Israel for doing what any sensible country would do.

Give me one example where I have called evil "good" or excused Hamas and their supporters. Hamas is an evil organization.

I only call out Israel because no one else does. Trying to offer some balance.
What exactly do you want to call out Israel for?
Did you miss the part where Hamas ruthlessly with no warning invaded attacked tortured and murdered innocent civilians? Should Israel just ignore?
Multiyear NBA All-Star Stoudemire tells BLM: "F--- you"

"I woke up this morning with some disturbing news out of Israel – that Hamas kidnapping children, putting them in cages, killing women, killing the elderly. That’s some coward s---. That’s cowardly," Stoudemire said Sunday. "And for all y’all Black Lives Matter (supporters) ain’t saying nothing, ‘Well let me figure out exactly what’s happening before saying anything,’ F--- you.

"Figure out what? It ain’t never been cool to kidnap kids and put them in cages. Ain’t never been cool to kill women and elderly. Never been no matter where you from, what you represent, what tribe you from, it don’t matter. It ain’t never been no cool thing. That ain’t never been nothing nobody supported. And then you go and hide and put the kids in front of you as a barricade. That’s some coward s---."

Ex-NBA star Amar'e Stoudemire slams BLM supporters, politicians after Hamas' attack on Israel
What exactly do you want to call out Israel for?
Did you miss the part where Hamas ruthlessly with no warning invaded attacked tortured and murdered innocent civilians? Should Israel just ignore?

I'm not really calling out Israel as much as calling for restraint in the pursuit of justice.


1. Arabs most definitely do live in Israel. Arabs originated in the Arabian peninsula (Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc.). Around, and after the time of Muhammad, and for a few centuries thereafter, the Arabs went on a massive military expansion that put Arabs in control of most of the Middle East. Soon, North Africa, most of the Levant (Israel + Lebanon + W. Jordan), Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Kuwait, and some neighboring areas were predominantly Arab. Today you can find Arabs all over the Middle East, and elsewhere.

My limited understanding is that the Arabs had, by far, the best cavalry at that time. Also, Muhammad was a military tactical genius. And his successors were quite skilled on the battlefield as well. Nobody could stop them.

2. Anti-Semite - this is technically true, this means against Jews + Arabs + other Semitic-language speaking people. But in common parlance, in English, it has come to mostly mean anti-Jewish.

Arabs are Semitic, you know.

The Semitic language family consists of dozens of distinct languages and modern day dialects, but the major Semitic languages are Arabic, Amharic (spoken in Ethiopia), Tigrinya (spoken in Ethiopia and Eritrea), Hebrew, Tigre (spoken in Sudan), Aramaic (spoken in Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Iraq and Iran) and Maltese.

All In The Language Family: The Semitic Languages.
If Arabs replaced the *local* semites in Israel/Palestine, what is their claim to the land then?
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If Arabs originated in Arabia, then they are not Semites.
I don’t think that’s how it works. Semitic is a language group, which includes Arab and Hebrew (and some other languages). The root word is Sem/Shem, who was one of Noah’s sons. (I think he’s the one who got the blessing as the holy/pious one that the Lord would dwell with). The Semitic people settled the Levant, Arabia, Syria, and much of the Persian Gulf areas.

Arabs are both Semitic and originating, as a distinct people, in the Arabian peninsula—especially in the West/Northwest of Arabia in the mountains along the Red Sea near Mecca and Medina. (An area that is not a desert)
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It appears the report Mona called false was in fact true
"Economics minister Nir Barkat told Sky News: "Just now, we have heard of 40 young boys, some of them were burnt alive, some were beheaded, some were shot in the head."

Hamas slaughters 40 babies & kids in one town with some beheaded, Israel says

"French journalist Margot Haddad said in a post on X that she had received "100% confirmation" from multiple sources, some of which that provided her with imagery.

"Infants and children under 2 years old were beheaded by Hamas in the Kibbutz of Kfar Aza," a translation of Haddad's post reads. "It is a horror, a massacre. For those asking for the source. They are multiple: Israeli army, internal intelligence service, and atrocious images which reached me and which I was able to cross-check."

Of course the Israeli Econ Minister could be lying as could Israeli Army, internal intelligence sources and the i24 reporter.
The Yahoo feed expressly cited the FW Telegram as the source. Are you asserting local media covering a local story is 'leftist'?
Thank you. There’s also a video of a bunch of goofballs in Nazi costumes making asses of themselves at Torchy’s.
First you posted," I only call out Israel because no one else does. Trying to offer some balance."
Then you posted, I'm not really calling out Israel as much as calling for restraint in the pursuit of justice."
Sick that NOW everyone who hates Israel is calling for justice but failed to call for Hamas to be brought to justice.
I don’t think that’s how it works. Semitic is a language group, which includes Arab and Hebrew (and some other languages). The root word is Sem/Shem, who was one of Noah’s sons. (I think he’s the one who got the blessing as the holy/pious one that the Lord would dwell with). The Semitic people settled the Levant, Arabia, Syria, and much of the Persian Gulf areas.

Arabs are both Semitic and originating, as a distinct people, in the Arabian peninsula—especially in the West/Northwest of Arabia in the mountains along the Red Sea near Mecca and Medina.
And I think legend, and some tradition, holds that Ismail was the father of the Arabs. And, of course, Isaac and his son Jacob/Yakov (Israel) was the father of the Jews. All were from Abraham, who, in turn, was from what is Iraq today (Ur of the Chaldees).

The Ismaelites and the Isaac/Jacob line of Abraham (the Jews) have been fighting off-and-on for some 3,000 years. Oldest family fued on Earth.
If Arabs replaced the natural semites in Israel/Palestine, what is their claim to the land then?
Probably right of conquest. But they, in turn, were conquered by the Turks (who are NOT Arab), who were conquered by the British. The Arabs don’t have an earlier-people type claim to Israel.

The Jews conquered it from the Canaanites well over 1,000 years before the Arabs conquered it from the Byzantines or whomever held it at the time. It was an established Jewish homeland from the conquest of the Canaanites until the Romans booted them out. And even after that, there were still plenty of Jews there.
And I think legend, and some tradition, holds that Ismail was the father of the Arabs. And, of course, Isaac and his son Jacob/Yakov (Israel) was the father of the Jews. All were from Abraham, who, in turn, was from what is Iraq today (Ur of the Chaldees).

The Ismaelites and the Isaac/Jacob line of Abraham (the Jews) have been fighting off-and-on for some 3,000 years. Oldest family fued on Earth.
I thought Arabs were separate, like the Turks, Armenians, and the Persians, but apparently you are correct.
It appears the report Mona called false was in fact true
"Economics minister Nir Barkat told Sky News: "Just now, we have heard of 40 young boys, some of them were burnt alive, some were beheaded, some were shot in the head."

Hamas slaughters 40 babies & kids in one town with some beheaded, Israel says

"French journalist Margot Haddad said in a post on X that she had received "100% confirmation" from multiple sources, some of which that provided her with imagery.

"Infants and children under 2 years old were beheaded by Hamas in the Kibbutz of Kfar Aza," a translation of Haddad's post reads. "It is a horror, a massacre. For those asking for the source. They are multiple: Israeli army, internal intelligence service, and atrocious images which reached me and which I was able to cross-check."

Of course the Israeli Econ Minister could be lying as could Israeli Army, internal intelligence sources and the i24 reporter.
Probably right of conquest. But they, in turn, were conquered by the Turks (who are NOT Arab), who were conquered by the British. The Arabs don’t have an earlier-people type claim to Israel.

The Jews conquered it from the Canaanites well over 1,000 years before the Arabs conquered it from the Byzantines or whomever held it at the time. It was an established Jewish homeland from the conquest of the Canaanites until the Romans booted them out. And even after that, there were still plenty of Jews there.
My original point stands about the graph. While an Arab may be a Semite, not all Semites are Arabs. The graph should say Muslim and Christian Semites. I know what an Arab looks like - they don’t look like Palestinians (or Syrians or Lebanese). If you believe Arabs live in Israel, you have fallen for propaganda.
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The whole "Semite" thing is just a etymological fallacy. It's like when Neo Nazis post **** like "you're using a Phoenician word to mean something that it doesn't really mean" when everyone knows exactly what it means. Because we assign the meaning, not the etymology section of the dictionary.
Yes in fact Egypt warned Israel about it. Who knows what Egypt told Hamas. But if Egypt told Netanyahu about it that indicates Egypt counseled against the attacks and then warned Israel once they refused. So Egypt was calling for restraint beforehand.

Who has confirmed this?
It appears the report Mona called false was in fact true
"Economics minister Nir Barkat told Sky News: "Just now, we have heard of 40 young boys, some of them were burnt alive, some were beheaded, some were shot in the head."

Hamas slaughters 40 babies & kids in one town with some beheaded, Israel says

"French journalist Margot Haddad said in a post on X that she had received "100% confirmation" from multiple sources, some of which that provided her with imagery.

"Infants and children under 2 years old were beheaded by Hamas in the Kibbutz of Kfar Aza," a translation of Haddad's post reads. "It is a horror, a massacre. For those asking for the source. They are multiple: Israeli army, internal intelligence service, and atrocious images which reached me and which I was able to cross-check."

Of course the Israeli Econ Minister could be lying as could Israeli Army, internal intelligence sources and the i24 reporter.

If it is confirmed then I take back my comment. There was the initial report, then an IDF spokesman said there was no confirmation. Now there is a report of confirmation, so it is settled. Horrible stuff. Sickening.
First you posted," I only call out Israel because no one else does. Trying to offer some balance."
Then you posted, I'm not really calling out Israel as much as calling for restraint in the pursuit of justice."
Sick that NOW everyone who hates Israel is calling for justice but failed to call for Hamas to be brought to justice.

Please reread what I said. I want Israel to get justice for the murders Hamas has committed. I just want there to be restraint as they get it. Why is that so hard to understand? It is like if a man murders my brother, the man should pay with his life but not his whole family.
A comment based upon what I believe prior to the attacks.

When a person or a people fanatically believe God has chosen them and directs any action, against any person, then what you have is the most dangerous person in the world. Nothing they do will be considered anything less than holy.

And to be clear, there is NO BARBARIC ACT against any human being, premeditated and ruthless, that I will ever condone.

Context is everything. Is it revenge? Is it self-defense?

Was it commanded by God? Who can believe such a thing?

And though it was far short of the history of violence in the Middle East, I know full well what religious fanaticism can do to a person [My ex-wife]. There is no reason. No backing down. Every action taken by them is seen as for the glory of God. It is to prove that their faith is immutable, whole and is capable of destroying their own family. They gain strength from dissent against their actions as Jesus said: “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account." They believe that when Jesus declared he comes with a sword, that this sword sanctions their every harm leveled against even their own children. These things are written in the Bible.

But what is truth?

And who's to say that dissent is actually against Jesus and not instead, against the satanic misinterpretation of the word?

Is their no compromise under the heavens? Are the Abrahamic religions only capable of eternal conflict? Where does it say that murder is the path to paradise?


Blessed are the peacemakers.

Begin, AGAIN, there.

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