3 Cheers for our ally Israel!

I live by a better rule: if you can’t beat your opponent, sue for peace. I have nothing against Palestinians except I think they are stupid. Maybe FAFO can’t be translated into Arabic.

I don't understand. You think anyone bigger and stronger than you is justified to kill you? That would explain why you think Israel can kill Palestinians without shame. Sounds like you believe genocide is AOK. Now Israel is killing people living in the West Bank and Lebanon now. But they are bigger and stronger so it is okay. For me, I believe in Jesus so "thou shall not kill" is important.

Now I get what you mean by FAFO, if a 10 year old steals $5 from you, then you get to crush is skull and eat his brains out. No constraints on your action if you suffer even the smallest inconvenience. You are such a tough dude. Hope I don't see you in a dark alley.
Existing, according to their stated goals.

That's a completely brain dead comment. C'mon you're better than that. At least I hope so. If not. Yeesh.

Think about it. Hezbollah doesn't launch missiles for years and then all of sudden they launch missiles. Can you not think about what has going on for about a year? You don't think that has anything to do with their decision to start again? I disagree with their decision for the record. All this does is escalate the violence and kill more people (on both sides). But it is obvious the internal logic is because Israel has killed 40,000 Palestinians and the violence is now extended to the West Bank (an area that hasn't attacked Israeli civilians). It isn't "they exist". That is like Bush saying "they hate us for our freedom."
I don't understand. You think anyone bigger and stronger than you is justified to kill you? That would explain why you think Israel can kill Palestinians without shame. Sounds like you believe genocide is AOK. Now Israel is killing people living in the West Bank and Lebanon now. But they are bigger and stronger so it is okay. For me, I believe in Jesus so "thou shall not kill" is important.

Now I get what you mean by FAFO, if a 10 year old steals $5 from you, then you get to crush is skull and eat his brains out. No constraints on your action if you suffer even the smallest inconvenience. You are such a tough dude. Hope I don't see you in a dark alley.
Never said anything of the sort. But if someone was bigger and stronger than me, I wouldn’t provoke it. Just stupid. Also, maybe explain why Palestinians actively sought to be proxies of Iran? They had a choice to ally themselves with anyone but they chose Iran. Reeks of bad faith. FAFO.
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Never said anything of the sort. But if someone was bigger and stronger than me, I wouldn’t provoke it. Just stupid. Also, maybe explain why Palestinians actively sought to be proxies of Iran? They had a choice to ally themselves with anyone but they chose Iran. Reeks of bad faith. FAFO.

Yeah you did. You specifically said that Hezbollah attacked Israel because Israel exists. You should be embarrassed about it.

God knows I am embarrassed about some of things I have put on Hornfans, even on this threat tbh.

But I agree with the most of what you write afterwards. It is stupid to instigate violence with those who are stronger than you. Completely agree. On the other hand, people who are abused become unreasonable and lash out in self-destructive ways.

I think Palestinians at his point will accept help from anyone who says they will help them. My understanding is that Palestine is Sunni, so accepting help from Shia says a lot. Those groups don't like each other at all.

Your last two sentences are incorrect. Palestine allied themselves with Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria before anyone else. Egypt and Jordan are Sunni. Lebanon is Christian mainly and then Sunni, Hezbollah is Shia but they are one group within many there. Syria also accepts help from Shia Iran, but Syria is ruled by Alawites and Christians with a the main population being Sunni.
Yeah you did. You specifically said that Hezbollah attacked Israel because Israel exists. You should be embarrassed about it.
No. I said that.

And since it's in their charter ( and in the charter of Hamas), I choose to believe what they say about themselves. That Hezbollah chose to attack now, after provocative Israeli action, doesn't negate their overarching goal, which is the elimination and eradication of the Israeli state.
No. I said that.

And since it's in their charter ( and in the charter of Hamas), I choose to believe what they say about themselves. That Hezbollah chose to attack now, after provocative Israeli action, doesn't negate their overarching goal, which is the elimination and eradication of the Israeli state.

I get that, but words on a piece of paper don't nullify the actions and decisions being made in the physical world.

The events do show that Israel's actions have an effect on Hezbollah's actions. And vice versa. They aren't always actively attacking Israel regardless of what the charter says.

If a goal of Israel is to avoid getting missiles shot at them, they know what kind of behavior on their part influences the decisions of their enemies.

Hezbollah should still keep their nose out of it.
I asked chatgpt when Hezbollah has invaded Israel. Here was the answer.

Hezbollah has engaged in various cross-border conflicts with Israel, but one of the most notable instances often referred to as an "invasion" occurred during the 2006 Lebanon War. The conflict began when Hezbollah launched a cross-border raid on July 12, 2006, capturing two Israeli soldiers and killing others. In response, Israel initiated a large-scale military operation in Lebanon, which lasted for about a month.

Hezbollah has also conducted smaller incursions and attacks along the Israel-Lebanon border over the years, but the 2006 war is the most significant military confrontation between the two. If you’re looking for more specific details or context, feel free to ask!

Hezbollah has not conducted formal invasions of Israel in the traditional sense, but there have been several notable cross-border attacks and conflicts. Key incidents include:

  1. 1982 Lebanon War: While not initiated by Hezbollah (it was primarily an Israeli invasion of Lebanon), the conflict saw early confrontations between Israeli forces and various Lebanese factions, including Hezbollah, which was founded during this period.
  2. 2000: Following Israel's withdrawal from southern Lebanon, Hezbollah conducted cross-border raids, including attacks on Israeli military positions.
  3. 2006 Lebanon War: This is the most significant conflict, initiated by a Hezbollah raid that captured two Israeli soldiers and resulted in a large-scale Israeli military response.
  4. Ongoing skirmishes: Since then, there have been numerous smaller cross-border exchanges and clashes, particularly along the Israel-Lebanon border.
While these incidents involve incursions and military actions, they don’t constitute full-scale invasions like those seen in conventional warfare. Would you like more details on any specific event?

Sounds like they spend 99% of their time biding their time. It would be wise to act in ways that make that 99.5%
The so-called "Palestinian" Arabs played a very big part in ruining Lebanon. Talk to some old-timer Lebanese, there's plenty of them in Texas. They'll tell you. Under the Gemayels, Lebanon was the gem of the Mediterranean. No wonder no state wants to take in the "Palestinians"--look what they did to Lebanon. As usual, and par fo the course, the Left supported the "Palestinians" against Christians and against Jews.

"Fighting between Lebanese Christian militias and Palestinian insurgents (mainly from the Palestine Liberation Organization) began in 1975 and generated an alliance between the Palestinians and Lebanese Muslims, pan-Arabists, and leftists."
The so-called "Palestinian" Arabs played a very big part in ruining Lebanon. Talk to some old-timer Lebanese, there's plenty of them in Texas. They'll tell you. Under the Gemayels, Lebanon was the gem of the Mediterranean. No wonder no state wants to take in the "Palestinians"--look what they did to Lebanon. As usual, and par fo the course, the Left supported the "Palestinians" against Christians and against Jews.

"Fighting between Lebanese Christian militias and Palestinian insurgents (mainly from the Palestine Liberation Organization) began in 1975 and generated an alliance between the Palestinians and Lebanese Muslims, pan-Arabists, and leftists."
In fact, the Lebanese Christians have made a lot of good impact on the State of Texas. They've been a real blessing to this great State.
And by the way, the Jews (more powerful than the Christians in that neighborhood of the world) intervened a number of times to support and protect the Christians in Lebanon from the Muslims/terrorists.

Israel invaded Lebanon again in 1982 and, in alliance with the Christian Lebanese Forces, forcibly expelled the PLO. Christians and Jews = allies in the Middle East.
And by the way, the Jews (more powerful than the Christians in that neighborhood of the world) intervened a number of times to support and protect the Christians in Lebanon from the Muslims/terrorists.

Israel invaded Lebanon again in 1982 and, in alliance with the Christian Lebanese Forces, forcibly expelled the PLO. Christians and Jews = allies in the Middle East.

I'll have to read up on that. My understanding was that Lebanese Christians were a part of the "terrorists" fighting against Israeli incursion. Sounds like your understanding is complete opposite.
I'll have to read up on that. My understanding was that Lebanese Christians were a part of the "terrorists" fighting against Israeli incursion. Sounds like your understanding is complete opposite.
It was not ultimately successful, although tens of 1,000s of PLO terrorists were kicked out of Lebanon (a partial success there). Israel and the Gemayels-led Maronite Christians of Lebanon took on the PLO and other Muslim extremists in Lebanon.

Israel had lived in relative peace with Lebanon to its north, until 1968 when the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) began to take root in southern Lebanon, using the location as a launching pad for terror attacks inside Israel.

In 1976, Israel began to assist Lebanese Christian militias who fought against the PLO. This relationship peaked in 1978 when, in response to the Coastal Road Massacre in which PLO terrorists killed 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children, and wounded 71, Israeli forces entered southern Lebanon in order to establish a security buffer zone to keep the terrorists away from the Israeli border. The zone’s residents were mostly Christians and Israel began to supply arms and provide training for them.

Israel’s primary partner in the effort to combat the PLO was the Maronite Phalange party led by Bashir Gemayel. Hundreds of Lebanese militia members began to receive training at the IDF Staff and Command College in Israel and Israeli leaders began to formulate a plan for the installation of a pro-Israel Christian government in Lebanon that would work to remove the PLO from the country.

It was not ultimately successful, although tens of 1,000s of PLO terrorists were kicked out of Lebanon (a partial success there). Israel and the Gemayels-led Maronite Christians of Lebanon took on the PLO and other Muslim extremists in Lebanon.

Israel had lived in relative peace with Lebanon to its north, until 1968 when the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) began to take root in southern Lebanon, using the location as a launching pad for terror attacks inside Israel.

In 1976, Israel began to assist Lebanese Christian militias who fought against the PLO. This relationship peaked in 1978 when, in response to the Coastal Road Massacre in which PLO terrorists killed 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children, and wounded 71, Israeli forces entered southern Lebanon in order to establish a security buffer zone to keep the terrorists away from the Israeli border. The zone’s residents were mostly Christians and Israel began to supply arms and provide training for them.

Israel’s primary partner in the effort to combat the PLO was the Maronite Phalange party led by Bashir Gemayel. Hundreds of Lebanese militia members began to receive training at the IDF Staff and Command College in Israel and Israeli leaders began to formulate a plan for the installation of a pro-Israel Christian government in Lebanon that would work to remove the PLO from the country.

Just my opinion, colored by reading stuff and talks with Lebanese folks:

The Gemayels were very much loved, although their "army(ies)" may have looked more like armed gangs of organized criminals than a professional, well-disciplined, led, and supplied army. Israel, on the other hand, has a very professional army quite similar to ours. And while the Israeli support and Lebanese Christian alliance with the Jews was needed and appreciated in 1982, Lebanese aren't always necessarily the biggest fans of Jews at all places and at all times. (nothing like the hatred of Arabs towards Jews though...)

This 1982 Lebanon war sounds a lot like the Balkans wars in the 1990s, and often nobody can win those sorts of wars.
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And, of course, the leftists from Moscow to Berkeley, HATED the Lebanese Christians and their Israeli Jewish allies and liked to call them "Fascists."

St. Maron of Antioch - he was a healer
Cica 410 A.D.
Namesake of the Maronite Christian Church (which is in communion with the Roman Catholic Church)

The Maronites were key players in defending the Council of Chalcedon's teaching of the dual God + man nature of Jesus Christ. They were heavily persecuted (i.e. literally hunted down and killed) by the Monophysites who rejected that teaching and said Jesus Christ only had a God nature and not a man nature. The Maronite position won out and is what the vast majority of Christians believe today. Maronites are associated with Lebanon.
In fact, the Lebanese Christians have made a lot of good impact on the State of Texas. They've been a real blessing to this great State.
Starting with El Patio.

I'll never forget driving a member of the board of Harvard Endowment to meet with TCEQ. Of course, I took him to El Patio to eat. As we are walking in, Marianne is walking out. She took one look at him, and said, "Honey, you have to be either Lebanese or Jewish; if it's Lebanese, we are related, so come give me a hug".


You want to know the truth, go see Carlos Slim when he visits his office in Houston.
Starting with El Patio.

I'll never forget driving a member of the board of Harvard Endowment to meet with TCEQ. Of course, I took him to El Patio to eat. As we are walking in, Marianne is walking out. She took one look at him, and said, "Honey, you have to be either Lebanese or Jewish; if it's Lebanese, we are related, so come give me a hug".


You want to know the truth, go see Carlos Slim when he visits his office in Houston.
Sabre: do you know any of the Hadads of Hamshire-Fannett?
I do not. I knew the HS Volleyball coach, and met their Felman Malveaux long enough to retrieve enough info to fire Lynn Amadee. I'm still pissed off about that one. The Dugats & Devilliers I am acquainted with but really don't know except the Devillier that wrote for the Port Arthur News.

Hell. I'm so old that growing up about 90% of the people in Mid & South County didn't know 365 existed. Probably 98% don't know today that it goes all the way to Sour Lake. When we evacuated for Carla, the DPS and National Guard wouldn't let us go home, so my dad went down 365 and they had no one posted on it. (I-10 wasn't built then)

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