3 Cheers for our ally Israel!

What happens when you cut off water to a million plus poor people?

For 6721.

Would you believe that 90% of the death and destruction is being suffered by those not in Hamas?
Israel is calling Palis phones and alerting people in areas where they will bomb. Giving the Pali civilians notice to leave. Hamas gave no notice to the Israelis before slaughtering them and posting vids of them slaughtering.
If there are Pali children still in areas they were alerted to leave that is Not fog of war.

That's great. Where are they going to go? They aren't allowed out of Gaza. There is a wall on one side and a sea on the other. You can leave your home and still get bombed in another strike.

The Gaza Strip contains 2 million people. The area is 141 square miles. Travis County contains 1.3 million people. The area is 1023 square mile. If you live in Austin and got a call they your neighborhood will be bombed where would you go that you can be confident that you are safe? For how long? Would there be a space for you and your family there? Now multiply the difficulty by 10. The phone calls are a good thing, but it doesn't solve the problem or discount the death and destruction that innocent people we suffer.

And yes everyone who perpetrated those crimes with Hamas deserves swift death.
Supporting Hamas is sickening. But expected for a liberal.

If you are talking to me, you are galactically wrong on both fronts. I am more pro-freedom than you. I am more conservative than you. I advocate for much less government than you.

If you really think that calling for rational thinking, proportionality, and peace for those not in Hamas is "supporting Hamas", then Biden got you. He found what subject/narrative convinces you to follow the woke, cultural Marxist machine.
Yeah. Who gives $h!t about them. Every man, woman, and child deserve to die. Is this how it works?

We would have never finished off Germany and Japan during WWII with this thought process. This process of "proportionality" that you support ensures an unending terror state ready to strike Israel over and over ,year after year.
If you are talking to me, you are galactically wrong on both fronts. I am more pro-freedom than you. I am more conservative than you. I advocate for much less government than you.

If you really think that calling for rational thinking, proportionality, and peace for those not in Hamas is "supporting Hamas", then Biden got you. He found what subject/narrative convinces you to follow the woke, cultural Marxist machine.
You are openly defending Hamas. No getting around it. And how you describe yourself does not matter. You are defending the murder and torture of innocent people including babies. Congrats on your "rationale" thinking.
We would have never finished off Germany and Japan during WWII with this thought process. This process of "proportionality" that you support ensures an unending terror state ready to strike Israel over and over ,year after year.
Yep. This is the cold reality of war. It sucks, but that’s reality. We fire bombed Tokyo killing around 200,000 people. (a lot more than the atomic bombs killed). Now, today’s Tokyo is one of the World’s greatest cities and Japan is up there with Israel as our best friend in this sometimes-hostile world.
We would have never finished off Germany and Japan during WWII with this thought process. This process of "proportionality" that you support ensures an unending terror state ready to strike Israel over and over ,year after year.

This is wrong on many levels. But oh well.

So you are advocating for killing all 2 million Gazans or what? If not, you are also using proportionality.
Do y'all think that being against the violence is supporting Hamas? I grant that there are people who are supporting them, basically Arabs around the world. But is there room for a neutral view in your minds? Not neutral in excusing violence, but neutral in terms of siding with one group over the other.

I am against Hamas killing Israeli children and also against Israel killing children in Gaza. Both are happening. Both sides are reportedly using weapons that were sourced in the US. I am against that too. It represents money stolen from Americans given to another government for the use of killing.

Israel is a wealthy country can't they afford their own defense? The US government should give me an M16 and ammunition, even a bazooka, for my own defense before they send weaponry to other countries. Where's my bazooka!?

Isreal and the US have common enemies here. In 1979 we should have obliterated Iran and any friendly nation to them. Complete destruction and humiliation (see Germany 1945). That would have ended this ****. We missed our chance in 1979, time to finish the job for good

I'm serious
You are openly defending Hamas. No getting around it. And how you describe yourself does not matter. You are defending the murder and torture of innocent people including babies. Congrats on your "rationale" thinking.

So no matter what I say doesn't matter. Whatever you say about me matters. I guess I am your slave according to you.

But for clarity for those of you who don't view me as your slave, I want Hamas and all those involved in killing and destruction brought to justice.
One question I have is Why is Israel still supplying water and electricity to Gaza? I think they were supposed to under an international agreement but IIRC that ended in 2005.
So why hasn't the gov't of Gaza worked to get their own power and water source? Has Gaza worked with Egypt?
So for over 50 years including 20 years when Israel had no obligation to Israel supplied water and Electricity to Gaza/ Hamas who daily announces they want to kill all Israelis.

BTW WE gave hundreds of millions to Palestine for humanitarian aid not long ago. Maybe they can use some of it to ya know humanely help their own people.

What should Israel do? Hamas just committed unspeakable acts not seen for decades and then sped back to Gaza. Is it inhumane to turn off electricity and water so Hamas can't easily recoup?

I need to look that up. But it is strange that Israel has been supplying the people who want to kill them
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That's great. Where are they going to go? They aren't allowed out of Gaza. There is a wall on one side and a sea on the other. You can leave your home and still get bombed in another strike.

The Gaza Strip contains 2 million people. The area is 141 square miles. Travis County contains 1.3 million people. The area is 1023 square mile. If you live in Austin and got a call they your neighborhood will be bombed where would you go that you can be confident that you are safe? For how long? Would there be a space for you and your family there? Now multiply the difficulty by 10. The phone calls are a good thing, but it doesn't solve the problem or discount the death and destruction that innocent people we suffer.

And yes everyone who perpetrated those crimes with Hamas deserves swift death.

Where are they going to go you ask? At least they're being given a heads up, something Israeli victims would have given anything to have.

Pearl Harbor came with a price. Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The former started a war. The latter ended it
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I believe Israel will turn Gaza into glass over this and I support it. The world is better off with fewer Hamas than Jews.
Isreal and the US have common enemies here. In 1979 we should have obliterated Iran and any friendly nation to them. Complete destruction and humiliation (see Germany 1945). That would have ended this ****. We missed our chance in 1979, time to finish the job for good

I'm serious
So you believe the US Iranian conflict began in with the Iran embassy hostage?
Like they say, A little knowledge is dangerous.

On another of your little knowledge posts, you stated as if it was a fact that Hamas was backed by Iran. There is NO intelligence yet that verifies that fact. Iran is Shia, Hamas is Sunni, when did they become best buds. I am sure you were unaware of that. But what the hell, glad the same level of intelligence got us into the Iraq invasion and we found and destroyed their nuclear facilities and Bio war fare mobile factory! well worth the 1.1 trillion dollars.
So you believe the US Iranian conflict began in with the Iran embassy hostage?
Like they say, A little knowledge is dangerous.

On another of your little knowledge posts, you stated as if it was a fact that Hamas was backed by Iran. There is NO intelligence yet that verifies that fact. Iran is Shia, Hamas is Sunni, when did they become best buds. I am sure you were unaware of that. But what the hell, glad the same level of intelligence got us into the Iraq invasion and we found and destroyed their nuclear facilities and Bio war fare mobile factory! well worth the 1.1 trillion dollars.

1. Where did I SAY the Iranian conflict began with the hostages taken? I said it should have ENDED there

2. They are common enemies. That's what I posted. If you don't believe that, go and live your life with your head up your ***. Fine with me
Did Iran help Hamas plan THIS attack. Who knows but only someone not paying attention to world events would not know Iran has given money and weapons to Hamas.
Here from WaPo

"But in recent years, Hamas has benefited from massive infusions of Iranian cash as well as technical help for manufacturing rockets and drones with advanced guidance systems, in addition to training in military tactics — some of which occurred in camps outside Gaza, the officials said."
The problem in Gaza is not the Palestinian people in general. It is the leadership group known as Hamas who controls things. There is a long history of Palestinian leaders robbing the wealth and humanitarian funds intended for the people. Google Yasser Arafat wealth - he died a billionaire.
I get being morally outraged by children caught in the cross-fire, regardless of nationality. This is hell on earth. Literally. BUT... Hamas provoked this problem. Yes, Israel moved in, in 1948 and yes, they accomplished it in part, by bombing the King David Hotel and assassinating Lord Moyne. The Irgun has much to answer for. So... what are we to say? Turn a blind eye to the murder of innocent young people, babies, the elderly and the taking of hostages? I consider that to be a completely idealistic point of view, that only the most rabid Liberal would consider to be a part of the reality that they construct and hate others for not living life like that. I may have said it already, but Hamas is a nihilistic terror group that does not care for it's own people. "Their" people are tools for their own aims. They are willing to blow themselves up in a discotheque. They are willing to provoke Israel into a retaliation that will result in the deaths of those for whom they purport to be saving. They are savages. Did Israel make them this way? That's what AOC would say. She would say that Hamas is the blow-back. That Israel deserves every bit of it. But, I struggle mightily to think that way. I just can't. This wasn't revenge for the last shot fired in the direction of Gaza. This is a barbaric attempt to ensure the deaths on both sides for some aim which will never happen.

So, if Palestine is the holiest of the holy's for Christians, Jews and Muslims, what are we to say or do about that? One answer is to let them kill each other off. Is it our affair? Should we be a party to a shock and awe campaign in Gaza? Israel can handle it themselves. I would say we should only stand ready if Iran and other Arab nations attack Israel. And if Iran attacks, then I believe that Biden and Obama should be publicly shamed for the money situation vis a vis Iran. But, we know that Liberals, short of murder, are as fanatical as Hamas is about their "values." They will never back down. So, whatever Joe and Barrack did, is sacred ground to them.

In the end, I ask this question:

Where is the Arab Gandhi or Dr. King?
This thread is getting pretty heavy. Time to inject some levity into the mix. Now I love our U.S. servicewomen, but my-oh-my does Israel have themselves some female soldiers...

Israel goes to war in style:









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So you believe the US Iranian conflict began in with the Iran embassy hostage?
Like they say, A little knowledge is dangerous.

On another of your little knowledge posts, you stated as if it was a fact that Hamas was backed by Iran. There is NO intelligence yet that verifies that fact. Iran is Shia, Hamas is Sunni, when did they become best buds. I am sure you were unaware of that. But what the hell, glad the same level of intelligence got us into the Iraq invasion and we found and destroyed their nuclear facilities and Bio war fare mobile factory! well worth the 1.1 trillion dollars.
The WSJ reported yesterday that Iran helped plan the attack. The WSJ is not some liberal rag of misinformation. They are usually very accurate and don't report anything until it's verified.
This thread is getting pretty heavy. Time to inject some levity into the mix. Now I love our U.S. servicewomen, but my-oh-my does Israel have themselves some female soldiers...

Israel goes to war in style:









Damn, I may have to find out if they need some old men to help with training exercises.
Let's see if the Liberals care as much about the US hostages as they did for someone, rightly held in a Russian jail, for breaking their laws.

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