3 Cheers for our ally Israel!

There are some things that define a people for who they are. Then there are things that defines a nation at its core. I don't know that I could adequately define the United States, but it's my feeling/impression that we are Israel's friend until Gabriel blows his horn (which would be weird if Jesus rides in when we know the Jews do not consider him to be the savior).

Those who hate Israel and live among us must realize that the United States will not abandon Israel. The US will put Israel's needs and purpose above that of Muslims. It's that simple.

Those who openly cheer on Hamas are living in the wrong country except for one thing:

The defining characteristic of the United States is our freedom of speech.

Here is a snippet of the famous speech Michael Douglas gave as President in the movie, The American President (heavy irony as he was a card-carrying member of the ACLU and clearly a Liberal; no cancel culture for him back in the day).


How does that make you feel? Is chanting on behalf of Hamas inciting a riot? The equivalent of yelling fire in a movie theater?
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There are some things that define a people for who they are. Then there are things that define what a nation is. I don't know that I could adequately define the United States, but it's my feeling/impression that we are Israel's friend until Gabriel blows his horn (which would be weird if Jesus rides in when we know the Jews do not consider him to be the savior).

Those who hate Israel and live among us must realize that the United States will not abandon Israel. The US will put Israel's needs and purpose above that of Muslims. It's that simple.

Those who openly cheer on Hamas are living in the wrong country except for one thing:

The defining characteristic of the United States is our freedom of speech.

Here is a snippet of the famous speech Michael Douglas gave as President in the movie, The American President (heavy irony as he was a card-carrying member of the ACLU and clearly a Liberal; no cancel culture for him back in the day).

View attachment 8643

How does that make you feel? Is chanting on behalf of Hamas inciting a riot? The equivalent of yelling fire in a movie theater?
Well put.

I'm for freedom of speech. Anyone can say intelligent, or stupid, things.

I'm also for calling out those who cheer on the murderous Hamas terrorists. This can include whatever social or career consequences that may flow from that. In this country, you are free to "show your ***" in public, but many will think worse of you, and it could put a crimp in your opportunities. (see that NYU student...)

You say it, you own it. Of course, people can reconsider, change their minds, and retract. Mercy should be readily available for those who have that "A ha! I was wrong!" moment, and retract.
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How does that make you feel? Is chanting on behalf of Hamas inciting a riot? The equivalent of yelling fire in a movie theater?
Nope, and I am happy those people will identify themselves openly via their right to free speech. It's the exact same principle I apply when I hear some white guy using an N bomb.

I'm glad they are saying it openly so I know who to avoid socializing with whenever possible.
Even knowing Chop's article is a person's real account of a horrific event sitting here safe it is surreal.
Can't even imagine the terror the felt and are feeling.
God and Israeli Army protect them.
Gaza crisis grows under intense bombardment as Israel retaliates to Hamas atrocities | CNN

Here's how Israel is apparently playing the Siege of Gaza. If Hamas returns the Israeli prisoners, then the siege will be lifted. If Hamas does not return them, then the siege will continue. Basically, Hamas controls whether the siege is lifted, or continues. It's all on Hamas.

“No electrical switch will be turned on, no water hydrant will be opened, and no fuel truck will enter until the Israeli abductees are returned home. Humanitarian for humanitarian. And no one will preach us morals,” Katz said on social media."

This "Katz" is Israel's energy minister (not the sandwiches guy in Texas). :yes:
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The Prime Minister's X/Twitter page has some of the photographic evidence of Hamas' baby killings. I'd rather not post them or even the link. But, if any still doubt that those Hamas sons-of-******* murdered babies, the photos are there. That's the sort of thing Hamas does.

RIP babies and innocents.
Group with Nazi armbands had incident with Jewish person at Fort Worth restaurant

More on the Ft Worth Nazis. (including photos and short in-restaurant video)

Well..........in a way, it's fitting that these modern-day National Socialists held their meeting at a devil-themed venue...

They also put flyers on cars at the Ft Worth Botanical Gardens.

Bunch of clowns. Total ******** and potentially dangerous clowns. But still---bunch of clowns. Could be the Illinois Nazis on vacation or something...
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Good for the FW Mayor.
In same link is article on Dallas Baptist Men already over there feeding and helping Israelis displaced by attacks
Any English majors:

Is the plural:

"sons of *******"
"sons of a *****"
"son of a *******"

1) multiple guys born of multiple questionable women
2) brothers or half brothers born of one questionable woman
3) I don't think so, even with modern artificial fertilization techniques
Group with Nazi armbands had incident with Jewish person at Fort Worth restaurant

More on the Ft Worth Nazis. (including photos and short in-restaurant video)

Well..........in a way, it's fitting that these modern-day National Socialists held their meeting at a devil-themed venue...

They also put flyers on cars at the Ft Worth Botanical Gardens.
Nick Fuentes just so happened to be in Ft Worth on a visit during the time this happened...

What's next? David Duke...?
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Hamas tears up EU funded water lines into Gaza and makes rockets. But for sure blame Israel for Gaza Palis not having water
Does Israel prohibit citizen ownership of guns? I know any individual would have been out gunned, but I would have sent a lot of 556 at anyone trying to get in my house.
iis. It is impossible to think people had no way to defend themselves.
Israelis can own guns but it is a complicated process. Apparently all who serve do leave with a weapon.
How anyone living there doesn't own one baffles me. Even more baffling is in the kibuttzes all weapons are stored in a locked armory. There was a story circulating about a young forner Israeli female soldier who was in charge of the weapons at her kibuttz. She quickly reacted, got the weapons strategically deployed people and fought off the savages.
9f course NOW the Israeli gov't is trying to get thousands of weapons into citizen hands.
iis. It is impossible to think people had no way to defend themselves.
Israelis can own guns but it is a complicated process. Apparently all who serve do leave with a weapon.
How anyone living there doesn't own one baffles me. Even more baffling is in the kibuttzes all weapons are stored in a locked armory. There was a story circulating about a young forner Israeli female soldier who was in charge of the weapons at her kibuttz. She quickly reacted, got the weapons strategically deployed people and fought off the savages.
9f course NOW the Israeli gov't is trying to get thousands of weapons into citizen hands.
How was it that it took 4-5 hours for the IDF to reach the rave concert? Maybe it wasn’t on their radar. Also, how do you have residences/kibbitzes that close to Gaza without an IDF outpost nearby?
Hamas has called for world wide jihad.
I pray it won't happen here but thanks to Biden/Demx we need a miracle.
My wife was a first generation Ukrainian Jew. We met in 1988 on Maui. We hardly ever argued and were born on the same day but different year.

Her name was Sylvia Beloff, born in Washington DC in ‘44. I was born in Lubbock Texas 11 years later. In 1970 my family moved to Westlake,then UT for 6 years 73-79.

We lived on Maui, Austin. The East Bay of San Francisco.San Antonio, Bozeman MT twice, and Sarasota Florida.

One day, about 8 months before 9/11.we decided to go to a new, very popular bar called Aero Squadron 44..a bar overlooking a private aviation airport in Venice Florida.

No one was there but the bartender and two Arabs sitting in a booth which overlooked the runway. Sylvia and I sat at a table 15 feet from these two Arabs. Turns out they were pilots in training

Almost immediately, one of the two Arabs started angrily glaring at us. I immediately got upset and took very good notice of everything about them. How they were dressed..Kmart style..and what they were drinking..a red cocktail off some sort.

It was Mohammad Atta and Sylvia’s brother-in -law..Ernie Willcher..died in the Pentagon. They named a new wing in the Pentagon after poor Ernie.
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