2025 Recruiting - Football

'Old age is not for sissies. I'm proud to say that age eighty I have deceptive speed - I'm even slower than I look. :)'

oh so true for many of us ol' boys that once were considered burners!
But I would still be able to get my Horn up.

alert GIF
This trend just reminds me of the saying “misery loves company “ because it warms my heart hearing others sharing my distress. Getting old truly sucks and don’t give me that ‘it beats the alternative’.

I had a good friend, who was the world's greatest trauma surgeon, as well as one of the funniest people I've ever known. I went to see him about some "ailments and complaints"

He looked at me and said (best Texas drawl), "Son, it's called getting old. There's a remedy for that, but as your friend, I gotta tell ya, you ain't Spiritually ready for that one yet."

He was an Aggie, but he's buried over in the State Cemetery along I-35. Last time I was there, I looked at the grave and said, "Jim, I got you a great view of the State's finest football stadium so you would have a good view of a winning football team, something you Aggies wouldn't know anything about."
Great story, truly sounds like he was a good guy as well as a great surgeon. Once upon a time when I was a young medical technologist I got the assignment to draw blood on an elderly gentleman. I say elderly because he was old to me then but frankly he most like wasn’t older that I am now. As we were chit chatting before the stick he commented “ ya know, getting old wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t for the aches and pains”. When he said it I just thought yeh whatever but today I know exactly what he meant.

I had a good friend, who was the world's greatest trauma surgeon, as well as one of the funniest people I've ever known. I went to see him about some "ailments and complaints"

He looked at me and said (best Texas drawl), "Son, it's called getting old. There's a remedy for that, but as your friend, I gotta tell ya, you ain't Spiritually ready for that one yet."

He was an Aggie, but he's buried over in the State Cemetery along I-35. Last time I was there, I looked at the grave and said, "Jim, I got you a great view of the State's finest football stadium so you would have a good view of a winning football team, something you Aggies wouldn't know anything about."
"From the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, I'm Dr. Red Duke."

The G.O.A.T. purveyor of medical antidotes in the history of medical antidotes...and in the history of G.O.A.T.s.
Thanks. Speed, speed, and more speed.

Getting beat deep by a MSU WR was embarrassing. Fortunately, their QBs canon arm is more like a popgun.
Getting beat? The receiver was closely double covered and made a miraculous circus catch. Six hands could have touched the ball, four of them ours. I dont see that as getting beat. Unless you refer to the incompletion that was badly thrown and our DB stumbled.
The deep pass down about the 10 in the Southeast part of the field. He had 2+ steps on our DB but had to wait on the ball. One of our cheerleaders down there had a better shot than our DB.
Boy, if we get mr pettyjohn i'll do cartwheels down the street in my scivvies.
I had high hopes early on for him coming to Texas so this is at least intriguing. We have an absolute stud lb already committed so adding him would just be a tremendous get for Sark. Sure wish he could come with a dominating DT.

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