I did not write or say that Trump is better than DeSantis. However, he has a proven track record as President. While he is a proven leader who can turn the country in a positive direction, he also has a thin skin and an enormous ego
If a proven record was determinative, we'd always favour incumbents. That may be wise at times, but Trump's record is mixed. It ranges from excellent (judicial nominations) to good (the border and foreign policy) to mediocre (social issues) to bad (Covid and general competence) to terrible (fiscal policy and inflation). We don't have to accept that in the primary, and we shouldn't..
If Trump does not attend the debate on the 23rd, I will PROBABLY move to the DeSantis camp.
Not sure why Trump is wavering on the debate. As a kid, I never backed down from a fist fight and only lost one. Not a tough guy, but I don't like being pushed. In politics, you will be pushed, and Trump knows that. Didn't seek out fights and generally could talk my way out from the idiots who were looking for a fight. Saved my life once. Long story.
I would prefer that he debate, but from a political strategy perspective, I understand why he's hesitant. He's leading in the polls (at least for now), and at least much of his support is solid (won't change much). If he debates, he will get clocked by Desantis where he's vulnerable (Covid, the budget, and social issues), and he'll get shamed for not promising to back the nominee. And on Covid, he's pretty much defenseless. He has no good answer (not even a BS answer). He's far more likely to lose support by debating than by not debating.
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