2024 GOP Primary

There are groups/orgs that are uncovering mail in ballot fraud. This is one. True the Vote is another. These are the discoveries by this group StopBogusBallots .com
"The RNC and Trump Campaign will spend millions of dollars to stop in-person voting fraud – which is far less than 5% of the 2024 fraud.
The RNC and Trumpsters will spend $0 to thwart the 95% of election fraud – mail-in ballot fraud from ineligible addresses – collected by NGOs and voted against Trump and every Republican senate candidate."

Here is their web site. Looks legit?? Breaks down bogus ballots by state.
You may wonder why I focus on registration. Well, in Florida, the shift to reliably voting GOP at governor, senate, and president level was preceded by shifts in voter registration to GOP.
Iowa is another example where changes in registration lead to big GOP gains at the ballot box. The data below is compared against 2020, but it would be more dramatic if compared to 2016 or 2012.

Thanks SN
The use of the term "early voting" seems misleading. Virginia like Texas is an open registration state
Maybe they are cross referencing turned in ballots with which party ballot a voter took in the Primary?

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