2023 Texas Rangers

What a bottom of the 8th and what a top of the 9th. LeClerc with two huge outs that included the massive strikeout to get out of the inning with the bases loaded and then Garcia with the stake in the heart grand slam to put this one to bed. After Friday I expected a 9-2 type game but the Rangers on the wrong end.

I have to admit that while I desperately hope the Rangers win tomorrow and if they lose it will hurt a lot, I never in my most wild optimistic moment back in March thought that the Rangers could be playing a game seven with the Astros for a World Series spot by the end of they year. This Ranger team has put together a season and a playoff run that has just been so much fun and the fact that we will still be watching them play tomorrow night is just incredible.

Scherzer has a chance to atone for his game three struggles and the Rangers have a chance to stay undefeated on the road in this playoff run. One more for the Pennant.

LETS GO RANGERS!:texasflag:
Some random comments:

Dusty has never won a game 7

Bochy has never lost a game 7.

Javier pitches for Astros - he was tough on us last week - also very low ERA!

Max was a bit rusty game 3. Suspect he will be better Game 7.... regardless Bochy will have him on a short leash.

Astros struggle at home and it is in their heads... however, their back will be against the wall.

LETS GO RANGERS !!! :texas-flag:
(Rolling eyes at this ****)
Oh yeah, facing elimination Evo throws at the easiest out in the lineup in a close game...

Happy now?

Sorry, I was thinking that you had supported the Abreu ejection, which would imply that his HBP was obviously intentional. But you had said that his ejection was wrong, so your position on the Evo/Maldonado HBP is consistent. And honestly, I think you are right on both counts -- neither HBP was obviously intentional, and thus neither player should have been ejected.

My question should have been addressed to @WorsterMan, who took the position that Abreu was obviously throwing at Garcia.
Things that need to be stated tho

1, the ejection of abreau was made after the umpire crew met for a few minutes. It wasn't an emotional in the moment call. If the crew, on the field, thought it was intentional then there might be something to it.

Personally I think the umps should have done nothing. After the dust up everything had calmed down. Just resume the game. But the umps saw differently and unfortunately for us all we'll never know the detailed thinking behind the ruling

2, Maldonado did a great Ron Hunt impersonation (king of kings of hbp). He didn't move, his elbow "got in the way". Oldest trick in the book for poor hitters that don't mind taking one for the team

The more I see Maldonado the more I think of him as a player. Tries to get under the skin of opponents, will do anything to win. But to opposing teams he's aj pierzinski. ******* personified
My question should have been addressed to @WorsterMan, who took the position that Abreu was obviously throwing at Garcia.

Abreau intentionally hit the batter period.

Your statement is not going to change my opinion or the decision of 6 F' umpires after a long consultation calling the game made. If Garcia thought is was non-intended hit, I suspect he would have taken first base without a great deal of drama.

I admit Garcia "celebrated" perhaps a bit much for MLB after his HR for a 2 run lead. Let's agree in baseball, especially in a really important game, the other team "feels" disrespect after a "celebration" and believe they must make the other guy pay in some way.

THAT is exactly why Dusty and the pitching coach called for the hit batter next time Garcia was up at bat.... after all the pitcher didn't hit any other batters prior to that.
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They didn't want it to affect the outcome, and I can understand that. But it would be a helluva lot better 'for the good of the game' to either make him serve as directed, or waive it altogether and declare it an unintentional hbp. This ruling is weak in every aspect
Friday showed how cruel baseball can be, the last two nights are why it can be such an incredible ride. Rangers in the World Series, BELIEVE IT!

Morning after and I am still riding a Ranger high. This team has over achieved in every way imaginable and now we dare to dream.

2011 is and has been for 12 years my worst sports memory and until they win the whole thing game six of that series will continue to haunt any real fan the Rangers. They have a chance to exorcise that demon.

LETS GO RANGERS!:texasflag:
I find this especially satisfying since the Astro GM and Bregman dissed on the Rangers for celebrating making the playoffs in the first place. Dog piling on their field was poetic justice.

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