Couple things:
Iapoko is the type of player that you know has to play but just needs to go. Just no situational awareness. Also an extreme delusion of talents.
Simpson had some bright spots but has to throw more strikes.
We need an actual defensive coach.
Also can someone tell them just bc its a hitters count doesn't mean they have to swing. (iapoko)
Yup, yup, yup.
I didn't attend the Thursday game, but when I saw the replay of Mary picking off the OU player stealing second and Mary starting again on Friday, I sighed.
First, Mike wants the experienced veteran behind the plate for the most important set of games of the year. Unfortunately, the most experienced player is the most reckless player. Once she picked off the OU player Thursday, I knew she would try some heroic pickoffs on Friday. You could tell that after that Mike told her, "No more". Mary's the one where semi-covering my eyes and grumbling that she's always going for the HR hero ball and then suddenly she smacks the HR hero ball just when we need it.
I don't know how Simpson can go from throwing a short, sweet gem in the first inning to being totally tentative and scared in the second inning. What happened? Did someone threaten her family?
I've been thinking that one of the two assistant coaches will be "moving on" after this year. And it's not going to be Singleton, even though he has the responsibility for the IF defense. His hitting instruction can not be terminated. So, it's going to be the other one.
As I was leaving the game I was grumbling/mumbling to myself, "Bases loaded, one out. Only hitting into a double-play could end this. Mary, Mary, Mary"