Trafalgar has senate race in Washington as +2 Dem. If things continue this way, could be a 55-45 GOP senate.Though I'd vote for all four of them in the general election, Oz, Walker, Masters, and Boulduc are crap candidates, though I'll admit that Walker has gotten better and is the closest to shedding the crap label. To the extent that any of them win, it will be because the opposition sucked worse and that the current political environment is very favorable to the GOP.
Loefler was also a crap candidate, whose success was attributable only to her banging and marrying some rich old guy she worked for. McSally was a mediocre candidate - not good but not as bad as the others. However, both were running in much tougher political climates than any Republican in 2022 is, and McSally was up against opponents who were certainly stronger than Warnock and especially Fetterman. Mediocrity wasn't going to cut it. If she was running now instead of in '18 and '20, she'd almost surely win - not because she's very good but because in the current political environment, anything better than crap should win.