Trafalgar has GOP Senate in WI going from -2 to +2 since August (4 point move).
NH may be dems only hope for a win.
Ron Johnson always polls behind in the garbage media polls. Then he wins anyway. He's running against some out and out Commie, so I'm not worried about this one.
Warnock rock can't win unless his opponent was appointed because her husband bought her that position via large donations to the Ga GOP. Gov Kemp had a wide selection of elected officials who'd had experience in winning races in GA. And he picked the wife of the dude who gave the GOP lots of money. Great choice - for the Democrats.
Remember, she lots to Warnock twice - once on election night or morning or whenever it was that they counted up the votes from Atlanta that went 101% to him (after they conveniently chased all the monitors out of the counting facility via the lie of a busted water main, which turned out, I kid you not, to have been a broken urinal. Cleanest election in the history of the world and your a crazy conspiracy theorist if you say otherwise).
But since the commie didn't get to 50% due to 3rd party candidates, GA had a stupid runoff in January, which he also won. Her two losses, along with AZ's McSally's two losses in 18 and 20 is 3 flushed Senate seats, all courtesy of GOP Inc. who appointed those two scrubs. I don't want to hear a peep about "crap candidates" from the establishment this cycle, not with those losses still stinking the place up.
Vance is a done deal in OH, as is the NC race, not that either was really in doubt. NV is looking good and will probably be a pickup, so as above, that's 51 GOP even if NH AZ PA go against the Republicans. I think Oz wins in PA - the Zombie Eggplant he's running against is possibly the worst candidate this cycle save for the SC Democrat who got caught on tape saying she hates white people.
Zombie is a trust fund leach who sponged off his rich parents until his late 30's, was a tax deadbeat for years on one of his houses (that his folks bought him), and chased down some random jogger and pointed a shotgun at him, thinking some fireworks were gunshots. If a Republican had done any of those things he'd be finished about 8 times over. Plus he's brain dead and can't speak in complete sentences in public.
In AZ, I think the worthless Kelly can get the sympathy vote via his brain dead wife to, get enough honkey women to shed a tear for him and give him their vote. It's what his wife out want, if she knew what year it was. But I hope I'm wrong. In the governors race, Lake is pulling away from the horrid Hobbs and maybe she can pull Masters along with her.
NH should have an incumbent Ayylote (sp) defending her seat - she only "lost" by 500 votes, and there were at least that many votes her opponent got via college students voting in NH though they were not residents.