2021 Transfer Season

Two experienced players have entered the transfer portal, with the one from WMU being a grad-transfer. SMU transfer not happy with Travis Mays from what I recall.

Two experienced players have entered the transfer portal, with the one from WMU being a grad-transfer. SMU transfer not happy with Travis Mays from what I recall.

Cash is a great player. I watched a game of hers once I heard she didn't return to campus and she is very skilled with great footwork and can get to the rim with ease.
I hope she decides to make the move! Is she going to be a grad transfer?
Not a grad-transfer. One year of eligibility remaining. I'm sure she'd petition for a waiver, and could get it as her reasons of safety concerns at SMU have been publicized prior to her entering the transfer portal.
Just curious... is there a date when the ncaa has to decide if a player gets a waiver or not? Is it in August or September or could it last up until the season starts?
McDaniel with 1 year of eligibility? Well that works well into our scholarship numbers. I think the NCAA office that approves waivers have really relaxed their approvals.
We have one scholarship available so I think it might be used on Johnasia cash but if she elects not to come to Texas than Mcdaniel would be an absolute great get for this team. Although it seems she wants to be closer to her family and hometown which is Michigan. I would be fine with either one of them just as long as we get one.
No doubt the transfer market is competitive.

It has to be tough for different coaching staffs to know which transfers to pursue since you don't know which ones (other than grad-transfers) will be eligible immediately, and which ones will have to sit out a year.

For Texas, I would say that for the 2020-21 season, PF Johnasia Cash would be more of a need than SG Kamaria McDaniel (since we have Celeste). But, if they have to sit out one season, that could be different. Still, who wouldn't want a 20 ppg senior guard as part of your roster?

Unless we see something out on social media connecting any of our coaches to McDaniel, I won't start getting my hopes up.
We would all hope so, be we know the NCAA is all over the place with these waivers.
The actual group that approves/disapproves petitions had indicated they really wanted the NCAA to allow a one-time transfer without having to petition. I think the group that reviews petitions got tired of having to "split the baby". But when the committee met, they in typical NCAA fashion, kicked the can way down to 2021. I think the waiver approval group is just saying, "Fine. We'll just rubberstamp everyone who petitions".

Just my guess.
If she was given one then Lauren Ebo for sure deserves one
Well, I have no idea who "deserves" immediate eligibility and who doesn't; and, as fans, we'll probably rarely ever know what type of reasons someone submits in their waiver petition.

But, it gives me hope that maybe Lauren Ebo will be granted immediate eligibility; and, if we can land Johnasia Cash, her chances might be equally good, as well.
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