Don't know what it all means as far as transfers for this coming season:
DI Board of Directors and Presidential Forum discuss future of division
The groups also received an update from the Transfer Waiver Working Group. That group, appointed by the board last fall, was charged with studying potential changes to the waiver process. Waiver guidelines can be changed at any time, and that group has recommended that waiver guidelines allow the opportunity for a one-time transfer waiver for student-athletes in the five sports not legislatively allowed to transfer and compete immediately: men’s basketball, women’s basketball, baseball, men’s ice hockey and football. The waiver criteria would mirror the legislative opportunity for student-athletes in other sports. The Division I Council could vote on the guideline changes as early as its May meeting.
The waiver working group also recommended the board lift the moratorium on transfer legislation to allow the membership to consider proposals that could provide permanent access to the one-time transfer opportunity for all Division I student-athletes.
The board agreed to lift the moratorium on transfer legislation for the 2020-21 legislative cycle but recommended to the Council that changes to the waiver process as suggested by the working group are not appropriate at this time.
Board members recommended the waiver process be sensitive to student-athlete well-being, especially those impacted by COVID-19 in the interim period.