2020 Senate & House

With the 10 House flips, I think there are still another 9 races outstanding
Rs currently lead in 8 of them, and they think they will win all 9 races

Their chances in NY18 and NY19 are really slim. Looking like 221-214. Still really good gains for the GOP.
You could argue Trump pushed the Dem party further left in terms of perception. While some voted Trump and voted Dem down ballot, many voted GOP across the board due to Dem activist left.
About a 15-seat pickup, over-performed in Senate races, and lost the presidency. But of course, that has nothing to do with Trump.
Whence you sweated SCOTUS, House, Senate, and POTUS. I sweated none. I was 3/4 while you were arguably 0/4 in perception.
Pelosi is starting to lose support. Link. If the GOP truly ends up with 215 votes, Pelosi is probably screwed, because it won't be hard to pick off three a Democrats. That doesn't mean McCarthy becomes speaker (unless she's dumb enough to force a vote), but it does mean she probably won't be speaker.
Whence you sweated SCOTUS, House, Senate, and POTUS. I sweated none. I was 3/4 while you were arguably 0/4 in perception.

The logical twists and tangles you're willing to make to stand by Trump are pretty remarkable. It's like trying to rationalize Aggies into being smart.
The logical twists and tangles you're willing to make to stand by Trump are pretty remarkable. It's like trying to rationalize Aggies into being smart.

You voted libertarian in 2016. If it was up to you we'd have Clinton picking 3 members of the SCOTUS instead of Trump. The leaps of logic you've made about Trump are funny. He didn't come close to destroying the party although you said he would.
You voted libertarian in 2016. If it was up to you we'd have Clinton picking 3 members of the SCOTUS instead of Trump. The leaps of logic you've made about Trump are funny. He didn't come close to destroying the party although you said he would.

I'll readily admit that he didn't destroy the party. It is more resilient than I expected.
I'll readily admit that he didn't destroy the party. It is more resilient than I expected.

No, most people just don't give a damn about what he said on Twitter as you did. The media found an opening on blaming him for Covid and the recession and it was done. Perhaps he'll get lucky and win in court and stay. Who knows?
No, most people just don't give a damn about what he said on Twitter as you did. The media found an opening on blaming him for Covid and the recession and it was done. Perhaps he'll get lucky and win in court and stay. Who knows?

It's funny how that same media gave congressional Republicans a pass.
No, most people just don't give a damn about what he said on Twitter as you did. The media found an opening on blaming him for Covid and the recession and it was done. Perhaps he'll get lucky and win in court and stay. Who knows?
He's 0-12 the last I checked in court. Had he steered into the curve and handled COVID like a leader concerned for something other than the stock market he would have won in a landslide (more than 306 electoral votes).
He's 0-12 the last I checked in court. Had he steered into the curve and handled COVID like a leader concerned for something other than the stock market he would have won in a landslide (more than 306 electoral votes).

This has hardly even started. Many more will probably be knocked down. Let's wait until the cases that have affidavits start being looked at. Bubba, your MSM narrative grows old. It really does. Fauci has said the exact opposite about Trump on many occasions.
It's funny how that same media gave congressional Republicans a pass.

They did get a pass because they have no power to affect how the Covid situation is handled. All they can do is pass bills. Are you going to keep giving me TDS logic or are you going to start making sense soon?
They did get a pass because they have no power to affect how the Covid situation is handled. All they can do is pass bills. Are you going to keep giving me TDS logic or are you going to start making sense soon?

You do see that I'm defending Trump in another thread, right? Hardly TDS.
You do see that I'm defending Trump in another thread, right? Hardly TDS.

Yes, and I commend you for that but on the other hand you'll try to blame Trump for **** he had nothing to do with. Hell, you tried to blame Trump for the Louisiana governor race a few years ago that was won by a democrat (his reelection in fact) when the democrat had won the first election before Trump even stepped on the stage. You have a history of this ****.
Yes, and I commend you for that but on the other hand you'll try to blame Trump for **** he had nothing to do with. Hell, you tried to blame Trump for the Louisiana governor race a few years ago that was won by a democrat (his reelection in fact) when the democrat had won the first election before Trump even stepped on the stage. You have a history of this ****.

When you're the head of the party and make major changes to it, you're going to get called on when your candidates lose what should be winnable races. It doesn't mean every loss is entirely Trump's fault, but he certainly makes an impact.
When you're the head of the party and make major changes to it, you're going to get called on when your candidates lose what should be winnable races. It doesn't mean every loss is entirely Trump's fault, but he certainly makes an impact.

How is that a winnable race when by all counts even republicans seem to be happy with the democrat?
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Deez has been a harsh critic of Trump when warranted, but also complimented him when warranted as well. My opinion of course.

No doubt he has been fair to Trump on occasion but he also invents a lot of **** in his head as well. I don't mind the criticism of Trump where it's deserved but Deez talked about how we'll win the two senate races in Georgia because Trump won't be on the ticket despite all what's happening in this election. I can't help but laugh at his silliness. Then he comes in here talking smack about Trump losing this election when he voted for a libertarian in 2016. Luckily his one vote didn't cost us but that kind of short-sightedness could have cost us 3 SCOTUS seats. His constant irrational thought burns my ***.
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The party is in good shape Barry, well positioned to be the working class party of America, now that the Democrat party has abandoned that segment, in favor of its welfare / millionaire mix.

Toxic chumps like Mittens and Jeb have been banished from a national role, with their outsouce manufacturing jobs / insource via illegal immigration service job plan for the American worker.

Slow Joe, if he survives till January, will be the first President since GH Bush not to go into office with control of both houses of Congress. So almost nothing from him will get passed. It’ll be like the last two boring years of the Obama term. Would be a hoot if another leftist croaks in 2024 and Cocaine Mitch holds up the confirmation till the election, again!

A 221-214 split in the House, with redistricting and reapporciament coming up will make keeping control of the House very difficult for the Democrats after the next election, plus the usual mid term losses. The Democrats are in far more tenuous shape than the Republicans.
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The logical twists and tangles you're willing to make to stand by Trump are pretty remarkable. It's like trying to rationalize Aggies into being smart.
I made more money in 4 years under Trump than 8 years under Obama. Money talks and bullshít like yours walks.

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