2020 Recruiting - Football

How do you know that Mack Brown,DKR ,CDC or any past president of the U.S. didn’t give the double bird to someone in a joking or a non joking manner like TH did just as probably 100% of people here have done?

He is a FOOTBALL coach, not a Baptist minister (although I imagine EVERYONE of them do the same thing at times).
How do you know that Mack Brown,DKR ,CDC or any past president of the U.S. didn’t give the double bird to someone in a joking or a non joking manner like TH did just as probably 100% of people here have done?
I hear you but the difference is that we now live in an age of cameras and instant social media, so things like this will be distributed, talked about, misinterpreted, and criticized.

Being in a leadership position today means having some awareness of these things and behaving in a way to avoid bringing that kind of negative attention on yourself and the organization you lead. In my opinion.
I hear you but the difference is that we now live in an age of cameras and instant social media, so things like this will be distributed, talked about, misinterpreted, and criticized.

Being in a leadership position today means having some awareness of these things and behaving in a way to avoid bringing that kind of negative attention on yourself and the organization you lead. In my opinion.
Scenario #1
A seventh grade kid thinks it would be funny to flip off the school camera crew filming something to show parents.

Scenario #2
A very high level senior executive with a $6 million salary of a multi million dollar corporation flips off a camera crew filming for his employer.

Does the 7th grader suffer consequences? I think so.
What about the executive? :popcorn:

This kind of shenanigan is funny to a seventh grader, but to a grown man?
How do you know that Mack Brown,DKR ,CDC or any past president of the U.S. didn’t give the double bird to someone in a joking or a non joking manner like TH did just as probably 100% of people here have done?

He is a FOOTBALL coach, not a Baptist minister (although I imagine EVERYONE of them do the same thing at times).
Well, we did name an entire school at The University for President LBJ. He wasn't exactly the most refined gentleman on the planet.
NOT a joke if others can take this and play it repeatedly with their own narrative....just say'n….

conduct one self as if everyone is watching....especially when you are being paid $6 MILLION AMERICAN DOLLARS a year to do so....your family's happiness might be in the balance....
The $$$$ you are paid makes no difference. The important matter is that you are THE LEADER of the University of Texas Football Program ...... There is a degree of professionalism you should be required to display to the public. You are supposed to be an example, and a builder of character..... Is what we saw part of the culture Herman is instilling ? Anxious to hear the questions from Bohls , etc at the next news conference... LOL
I don't know what the official consequences are for Herman on the double bird, but unofficially there have been some and will be more. It's a PR hit for a man acutely aware of how he is perceived. I hope it is no big deal. I think Baylor, OU and TCU will show that to guys they are trying to flip. I don't know how much a high schooler would care. Since it doesn't bother me much at 60, I think it would have bothered me none at all when I was 17. But we've got people who are not happy unless they are outraged and hey, this can make them happy for a while.
I hear you but the difference is that we now live in an age of cameras and instant social media, so things like this will be distributed, talked about, misinterpreted, and criticized.

I'm so happy social media and all access wasnt a thing when I was a kid because I and many others would probably be labeled as bad kids or troublemakers. I couldn't be a kid or Tom Herman today.
I'm so happy social media and all access wasnt a thing when I was a kid because I and many others would probably be labeled as bad kids or troublemakers. I couldn't be a kid or Tom Herman today.

Name an adult coach you think would do this when you were a kid? i'm betting i wouldn't like them.
Name an adult coach you think would do this when you were a kid? i'm betting i wouldn't like them.

If I had a way to go back in time and see everything all my favorite coaches did I would bet I would hate a lot of their habits and behaviors which is why I'm glad I dont know. My comment about Herman above was a sideswipe at him for not being mature enough to understand a camera is always watching. It sucks for him, but he has to be better.
If I had a way to go back in time and see everything all my favorite coaches did I would bet I would hate a lot of their habits and behaviors which is why I'm glad I dont know. My comment about Herman above was a sideswipe at him for not being mature enough to understand a camera is always watching. It sucks for him, but he has to be better.

I'm not on a high horse. You[re right that no one is perfect. I have many of my own behaviors I wouldn't want caught on social media.

But good leaders know how to conduct themselves in public. This isn't some schmuck with a cell phone from the corner of an alley at 2am. He did it AT cameras.
Jeez guys, let’s maintain this thread as a recruiting thread. If y’all want to get in a b—ch fight over TH and a double bird start a new line elsewhere.

Did anybody else have that split second heart stop when you first glanced at the Red and Gold "SC" image behind Bijan, and thought: "Oh crap, did he just sign with USC?!?"
So I’m thinking that when TH takes us to the promised land in the next 3 years (which he will) everybody will think it’s funny as hell that he did that.

And number one....who gives a **** if he did that, what a joke.
So I’m thinking that when TH takes us to the promised land in the next 3 years (which he will) everybody will think it’s funny as hell that he did that.

And number one....who gives a **** if he did that, what a joke.
He said he was telling a story of his first Texas/ ou game and each side was telling the other they were number one. In context it looks better.

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