2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

If his election is confirmed, Biden will have his hands full with this economy. There's 2.8 million borrowers in forebearance and 157 million sq ft of office space available. Ending fracking and pushing the new green deal will kill the US manufacturing resurgence and will help push us into a real depression. But at least China will like us again.
If his election is confirmed, Biden will have his hands full with this economy. There's 2.8 million borrowers in forebearance and 157 million sq ft of office space available. Ending fracking and pushing the new green deal will kill the US manufacturing resurgence and will help push us into a real depression. But at least China will like us again.

Can he put a lid on the White House?
Donald Trump pooped in my front yard.

That's an unquestionable fact and that's what I put in my police report.

What I need now is evidence. Anything to suggest that President Donald Trump could have pooped in my front yard, or better yet, prove that he did.

I'll give you money for it. But first, I want you to give me money. And of course, for you to prove the accusations that I'm making.

Thank you, and God bless.

I'll be holding a press conference at the Waldorf Auto Body.
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You really know how to beclown yourself

You don't like the analogy? I thought many people liked poop on the West Mall making the analogy appropriate.

Did you miss the Nevada Boris Epstien Press Conference where before he went on someone came out on a loud speaker asking the crowd for anyone with any knowledge of any voter fraud to meet me over in this corner?
You don't like the analogy? I thought many people liked poop on the West Mall making the analogy appropriate.

Did you miss the Nevada Boris Epstien Press Conference where before he went on someone came out on a loud speaker asking the crowd for anyone with any knowledge of any voter fraud to meet me over in this corner?
Link that isn’t liberal? I question all conservative claims too. Lot's of BS on both sides.
And I’d like the resident liberals and never Trumpsters to rate the following:

1) There was absolutely no voter fraud
2) There was fraud, but not enough to matter
3) There was fraud, let’s make sure every vote counts.

I will hang up and listen.
Just ignore Scissors Boy. He was too much of a coward to come on here before the election, but now wants to post? He's like a little boy who had the covers up over his eyes during the scary parts of the movie.

Personally, I'm not that worried about Slow Joe being installed as president. Dude is as senile as your average nursing home resident, and was an idiot even back when he didn't drool on himself.

With Mitch running the senate, and a 5-7 seat bare majority in the House after the disastrous performance by the Democrats, it'll be like the 2015 and 2016 years of the King Obama administration. He'll do a surrender deal with the Iranians again, but most of the rest of the middle east has solidified against the mullas, and they've blow throw all the bribe money Obama paid them to be good.

Slow Joe can only stay awake for 3-4 hours a day, so his wife will have to run the show for him, a la W Wilson's wife after he had a stroke.

After a strong showing this year in the state legislatures, the Republicans will draw new districts in their favor, and no amount of huffing and puffing will get the courts to re-draw them after the SC's ruling about it last year, getting the courts out of it for good. Expect a transfer of seats away from dying hell holes like NY and ILL and into Texas and FLA, where those seats will be drawn to fit.

If things follow usual form, 2022 will be a terrible election for them, changing the House to R control, and another seat or two in the Senate, plus the opportunity to toss out terrible Democrat governors in the Midwest.

So, we're back to the last two years of the Obama administration, which accomplished squat for them, and set things up nicely for the next election.
I see Biden has already started on his Americans Last policy by wanting to loosen immigration laws for mostly low skilled workers.
And I’d like the resident liberals and never Trumpsters to rate the following:

1) There was absolutely no voter fraud
2) There was fraud, but not enough to matter
3) There was fraud, let’s make sure every vote counts.

I will hang up and listen.
I guess I will answer. Not a liberal but not a fan of Trump either.
I would not rate any of them. If there is fraud show proof. You can't just say that there is fraud like Trump has and it is true. During the legal process if there is any fraud it should be prosecuted and fixed. Let the legal process work its way. I know that Trumpers will not accept it. They will say it is still unfair due to liberal judges or some other argument. Again, let the legal process work and we will see if there was any fraud. Proof is in the pudding.
Trump was able to keep Texas red
A big part of that was inroads with Hispanics.
The numbers Ive seen show Trump got ~41% of the in-state Latino vote, while holding ~66% of white voters
Whites at 60+ will hold Texas since Hispanics are not the same monolithic bloc like black voters tend to be (just statistics, not intentionally rude)
The TX vote breaks down somewhat like FL, but Texas is more reliably red
Trump was able to keep Texas red
A big part of that was inroads with Hispanics.
The numbers Ive seen show Trump got ~41% of the in-state Latino vote, while holding ~66% of white voters
Whites at 60+ will hold Texas since Hispanics are not the same monolithic bloc like black voters tend to be (just statistics, not intentionally rude)
The TX vote breaks down somewhat like FL, but Texas is more reliably red
Dems doing their best to alienate Hispanics.
Dems doing their best to alienate Hispanics.

Abortion was a part of that
The economy generally too
I dont really know which of those two is more important to the RGV Latino crowd (it might even largely break down by gender)
And the third issue has to be immigration/border
Also plans to send vaccines overseas while some Americans won't be able to get the them.
Is that true? The story I have heard is that Pfizer has a direct deal with the EU not or government. From what I have seen the EU has been in contact with many drug manufacturers here. Now Biden's administration may have said some crap about it but I believe that as a private business Pfizer has the right to do business as they see fit (although I wish we get all the vaccine first)
Serious question.

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